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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. huh. it just crashes on load... Anyway, if I could suggest: For the base experience (given) % modifier - would it be possible to allow values greater than 100%? I edited a bunch of stuff, then accidentally entered 2% instead of 25%... I had to start editing the Pokemon from scratch, as there was not a way to multiply the error away.
  2. I'm pretty sure I'm doing that right (I can see your edits to it in Pok3ds), but the reverse process to make the .code, I must be doing something wrong - I tried renaming .code.bin to <name>.code, but that results in my abovementioned crash....
  3. Out of curiosity, what method did you use to generate the code.bin? I've been trying to do it for myself, and I seem to be doing something wrong (freezes halfway through the loading command-line stuff)
  4. I'm interested in finding out how the game recognizes moves for use in field (HMs, dig, teleport, etc. (and their effects), for XY/ORAS - has anyone done that already, or have pointers for me to try myself?
  5. How do I apply the stuff under "ExeFS editing tools", then? Is it supposed to be automatically included by romFSbuilder? I edited some TMs for X, but the changes didn't show up after I built the romFS and loaded the game...
  6. How do I include exeFS edits when I build the romFS?
  7. I'd like to know what the bitflags are. On another subject, is it possible to reassign HM effects? Like make Petal Blizzard replace (or have the same effect as) Cut, for example?
  8. Is there a database with what the flag 1, flag 2, and effect values from the move editor correspond to?
  9. The intent of this is to make a number of Pokemon more viable for use for the entire game, intended for the Neo XY & RR/SS mods. The only changes are to stats & abilities, so the Pokemon can easily be loaded as regular legal mons (all else being equal) simply by loading the game without Hans (using an Ability capsule). The distribution will be the files for stats & moves. The RR/SS patch will begin with the RR/SS hold item changes. The current set of changes are as follows: [b]Move Changes:[/b] [list=1] [*]name: Mystical Fire; Power: 80; PP: 10; other changes: Heal 50% damage dealt (fire destroys & creates (Phoenix force FTW)) [*]name: Noble Roar; 80: 90; PP: 10; other changes: Physical Sound Move. 10% chance of increasing each SA, Att, Speed (separately). 27.1% of at least one [*]name: Tri Attack; 90: 27; : 3; other changes: 8% per hit. 22.1312% 'total'. [/list] [b]Pokemon Changes:[/b] [list=1] [*]name: Arbok; Ability2: Strong Jaw; Type2: Dark; Att: 105; Def: 79; SA: 95; Spd: 115; BST: 533; Or. BST: 438 [*]name: Delphox; Ability1: Magician; Ability2: Trace; Def: 80; Spd: 120; BST: 558; Or. BST: 534 [*]name: Electivire; Ability2: Sheer Force; Type2: Fighting; Def: 75; BST: 552; Or. BST: 540 [*]name: Florges; Type2: Grass [*]name: Magmortar; Ability1: Flash Fire; Ability2: Trace; Type2: Psychic; Att: 72; Def: 95; Spd: 90; BST: 552; Or. BST: 540 [*]name: Mega-Camerupt; Ability1: Desolate Land; Ability2: Desolate Land [*]name: Meganium; Ability1: Pixilate; Ability2: Pixilate; Type2: Fairy [*]name: Mega-Steelix; Ability1: Magic Bounce; Ability2: Magic Bounce; Def: 200; SA: 95; Spd: 20; BST: 610; Or. BST: 610 [*]name: Mega-Tyranitar; Ability1: Solid Rock; Ability2: Sheer Force [*]name: Porygon Z; Type2: Ghost; HP: 105; Att: 60; Def: 100; SA: 125; SD: 105; Spd: 80; BST: 575; Or. BST: 535 [*]name: Pyroar; Ability1: Fur Coat; Ability2: Serene Grace; Att: 109; SD: 72; BST: 554; Or. BST: 507 [*]name: Tyranitar; Ability2: Solid Rock [*]name: Weezing; Type2: Fire; SA: 115; SD: 80; BST: 530; Or. BST: 490; Notes: Poison/Dark also makes sense, but… [/list] If you have any suggestions for any changes, please post. EDIT: You can view the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CK-FvFG0qj5oF4hn7kEpvb3y3mOWDS3XCRyGwmbUeGE/edit?usp=sharing It seems this forum doesn't support the Google spreadsheet [gs] embedding...
  10. um, I've been making a patch for myself on this, just tweaking a bunch of some pokemon, mainly following Smogon theorymon stuff - I'm only modifying some basestats & a handful typings & abilities, without touching movesets (so you can load w/o hans, and at worst use ability capsules to flip to legal abilities, and then transfer out your completely legal pokemon). I therefore am not touching Hidden abilities (as those would not be changeable to normal using Ability capsules) - once I'm done with it for me, would anyone else be interested in it? I'd make a generic thread for it, I guess.
  11. I don't understand the problem - the very first item on her list is the amulet coin - it has the very same money-doubling effect.
  12. you can buy amulet coins (either in the market, or in the slateport mart, forget which)
  13. found it in his documentation: Trainer battles: 0/3/8, 0/4/0 Wild encounters: 0/1/2 Plot: 0/8/2 (Game text: 0/7/4) Updated stats and Typings: 2/1/8 Updated Mega ball evos: 2/1/6 Updated level up moves: 2/1/4 Updated items: 2/2/0 Updated evolutions: 2/1/5 basically, just do the same thing with Pokemon NeoXY1.33\Installation hub\data\Full\romfs that you did for RRSS, and just delete those folders with unwanted changes for your build before you copy it over.
  14. for Neo X/Y you could apply the patch, except for pokemon location & pokemon level-up moves files (you can look up which files are which)...
  15. If you google that email (jason.allen@noa.nintendo.com), it seems that that is a non-actual claim - other mediafire claims from that alleged source were successfully counter-claimed, on the basis that that person was last employed by nintendo in '08... (see said googling for full info there)
  16. I noticed that you also improved the Pickup table - but I didn't see it in your list of edits? I'm curious if it's worth it to hold onto a Linoone in my party for it...
  17. Is it possible to (relatively simply) restore an AS save file to an OR cartridge, presumably after changing some hex values? Or do they store everything scrambled (with respect to each-other)?
  18. Still haven't found a solution... is the Rutile Ruby - Distribution/exe file supposed to be used for any [optional] purpose? is there some other way to run the patch that I could try? I MIGHT HAVE FOUND IT: After applying the Rutile Ruby patch, I snooped around it using pk3ds - the title screen it applied is for Star Sapphire!! Could you check that the latest RRuby patch uploaded is the correct one (not the SSapphire one)? I will dump my sapphire and see if it works with its 1.3 patch, and report back (in about 2 hours, based on how long all that will take..) EDIT: Eureka! Halleluyah! Following the exact same steps, Star Sapphire works, while Rutile Ruby does not. Whatever the problem is, it seems to lie with the 1.3 Rutile Ruby Patch, as noted above in this post.
  19. Running through all the steps from the top - noticed that when I use "ctrtool -p --exefs=exefs.bin --romfs=romfs.bin 000400000011c400.cxi" via command line to get fsrom.bin, the last lines it returns in that window are: Saving ExeFS... Saving RomFS... Error, exheader hash mismatch. Wrong key? could that be causing any issue down the line? I looked around using pk3ds, and all the stuff seems to be there, (including the patched stuff, after I paste it in)...
  20. If it might help anyone, I saw a thread on GBAtemp, someone claimed that their problem with this was fixed by using a non-SanDisk memory card (mine's a samsung SDHC Class 4, 4 GB, so it's not my problem).
  21. hmmm - so when I launch through the included Rutile Ruby icon by various hans settings: Code on/romfs both on : freeze with colored snow on left of screen code off/romfs on: freeze with colored snow on left of screen code on/romfs off: Loads, but without patch applied. Also - is there anything I should have installed that I would not have from smealum's homebrew starter zip? Am I supposed to have done something with the 'exe' folder in the download?
  22. My rruby.romfs is 1,886,932,992 bytes (1.75 GB) - is that the correct size?
  23. the internet is full of people who had this problem, then say "ah - fixed it" without ever stating the (probably obvious) thing that they fixed... as always, there exists a relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/979/
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