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Everything posted by ERNESTO JG

  1. Information here https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Ribbons_in_the_games
  2. It's not a SAV but it's all Purified Pokemon and shadow
  3. Here you have Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (Rev 1).sav
  4. Here you have 0481 ★ - MESPRIT - C6D7F9426F72.pk4 0481 ★ - MESPRIT - C6D77942EF72.pk4 0488 ★ - CRESSELIA - 4F5B5845FC7E.pk4
  5. If your Pokemon Ruby cartridge is original you should not have any problems restoring your .sav. Upload photos of your cartridge If it is a Copy/Bootleg, the .sav is saved in ROM
  6. Here you have semiperfects 0150 ★ - MEWTWO - 9A0E3F6A3D8A.pk3 0150 ★ - MEWTWO - 9A5E67A6D16E.pk3
  7. It's the JIRACHI CHANNEL by @Gridelin
  8. try this Pokemon Black 2 Editar.mp4
  9. Here you have 005 Pokemon Leaf Green.sav
  10. Better use this Tutorial https://projectpokemon.org/home/tutorials/save-editing/managing-nds-saves/
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