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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/21 in all areas

  1. The required .NET Framework version hasn't changed since 2017, so a download from 2018/9 won't really do you any good
    1 point
  2. The Dance moves in Gen XY are: Feather Dance, Fiery Dance, Dragon Dance, Lunar Dance, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance, & Teeter Dance - there aren't many Pokemon that even learn two of them, even more so when you ignore the Feather Dance... I'd recommend doing some combination of the following: Edit Feather Dance to have a more useful effect Edit an existing Mega to have a Type/Ability combination that makes sense with some combination of these moves Make an existing Forme Change into a Mega Evolution (for example, you can use the Mega Evolution editor to make Cherrim Mega Evolve into its Sunshine Forme when holding the Venusaurite, and then edit Cherrim Sunshine Forme's stats & Ability to match that). Cherrim is a particularly tempting choice because you could make Cherrim Sunshine into a Grass/Fire Type (and still make sense), and have it be able to learn Fiery Fance, Petal Dance, and Quiver Dance as a decent moveset. You'd probably want to give Cherrim Sunshine a different Ability, though (what I usually do for things like this is only edit the Hidden Ability, and then for the trainers who I give the Mega to, I make sure to set that Pokemon to its Hidden Ability). For Tierno - Medicham, Mawile, Alakazam, Gengar. Alakazam is the most obvious. Alternately, you could make Zen Mode Darmanitan into a Mega (since it's basically all head).
    1 point
  3. Already reported and fixed, will be fine in the next release. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/7ee60d9e98ea6902733e40435c78de1f9e5da876#diff-5f2545732600db97b50b7bc2a2214cbc60c4689ce5a887f144930dae611e52d4
    1 point
  4. I generated a Polteageist to have flawless stats with curry mark and it showed up as legal. I used an ability patch in game to get its hidden ability and now it's showing up as illegal. Why is this? When I revert its ability to its standard ability on PKHeX it shows up as legal again. 855-01 - Polteageist - 3D8B933B5F35.pk8
    1 point
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