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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/21 in all areas

  1. well I was initially planning that if the worst scenario occurs, I'll just stitch the data together with a playable save, and hopefully that'll work.
    2 points
  2. ExtData is used store Battle Videos and downloaded rulesets for wireless battles.
    1 point
  3. Can be done, but won't be legal. All events will require a certain combination of SID/TID/OT Name, usually found on the wondercards.
    1 point
  4. @theSLAYEReven if the RAM doesn’t yield a playable game it seems that in gen 3 RAM all Pokémon are loaded in at all times. So if all else fails there is a high chance of recovering the Pokémon.
    1 point
  5. @ajxpk nice work! Thank you very much! Ok, forget what I wrote previously. Only the first two chunks are static they contain the information about the other chunks. Save Info Chunk (512 bytes) 0x000-0x00B PKR-059 a00 0x00C seed 0x010 CRC16 over the next 492 bytes 0x014 time stamp 0x018 time stamp (see https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/45846-pokemon-ranger-save-file-encryption/?tab=comments#comment-265265) 0x01C always 0x000000A0 0x020-0x1FF chunk info entries Chunk Info Entry (48 bytes) 0x00 file name 0x1E number of copies 0x20 offset 0x24 data size 0x28 reserved space Each of the other chunks has a 24 byte header. Chunk 0x00 seed 0x04 CRC16 over the chunk data starting at 0x18 0x08 unknown 0x0C unknown 0x10 save counter 0x14 always 0x00000001 0x18-0x?? chunk data A small tool to decrypt/encrypt and fix checksums for Ranger saves (use with caution!): https://github.com/Bl4ckSh4rk/rangercrypt/releases/latest
    1 point
  6. Gen 1 cannot transfer to Gen 3. Gen 1 goes one way directly to Gen 7. Gen 3 can go to Gen 7, and cannot be transferred to Gen 1. Basically, you're limited to either Gen 1 exclusive or Gen 3 exclusive. (You gotta choose one). Additionally, it looks like you wanna convert Hidden Ability to regular Abilities. There's presently no way to do that. In other words, it appears that what you're requesting is an impossible combination. (all these are addressed with the official method connotation, to result in a legal combination) edit: Haven't I answered you before regarding something similar to this? The answer won't change you know.. there's a very specific path that Pokemon transfer takes.
    1 point
  7. That's really humbling to hear! Back then it was a grey area in terms of legality (I guess it still is), but I loved Pokemon so much and the idea of being able to play on a computer (it was the pioneer age of emulation), I compiled roms and emulators on my site, and also made sure there were no viruses (back then antivirus technology wasn't quite developed).
    1 point
  8. i was playing and i suddenly got teleported to "mystery zone" and got a softlock it happens all the time when you exit the tunnel from cerulean to vermilion at the vermilon endpoint and re-enter the tunnel inmediatly you enter the tunnel to go from vermilion to cerulean at anypoint
    1 point
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