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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/20 in all areas

  1. PKHeX now supports gen 3 sav editing! https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?36986-PKHeX-Gen-3-6-SAV-PKM-Editor After many years of on and (mosty)off work, I am ready to release A-Save, a 3rd Generation Save Editor. It supports R/S/FR/LG/E, all regions! A-Save includes a trainer editor, item editor, pokedex editor, party editor, box editor, and a pokemon editor. Please make backup of save file before testing this program. Download v1.27 A-Save.rar
    1 point
  2. Sysbot is a bot (connected to CFW Switches) that can trade you a mon, in Gen 8. Basically, you can upload a mon to the discord channel that has sysbot, then it'll being you a trade code, and when you connect, it'll trade you the mon. (You're effectively using someone elses CFW Switch to inject a mon, then trade it to you) Here is a list of them: https://disboard.org/servers/tag/sysbot Sysbot can be really easy to use. Send the command in the Discord chat, upload the PK8, and the Sysbot will trade it to your game via Locked trade. :3 Reminder: We are not affiliated to these servers. For best results, generate a legal PK8, then get the sysbot to trade it to you. Do know that new events (at the time of you trying), may not be tradable to you. Do not ask us about the issues on said servers. As said, we are not affiliated to them. Happy trading! :3
    1 point
  3. As @theSLAYER said, the vulnerability used in non-patched Switch is an hardware vulnerability, that Nintendo corrected on patched, Mariko and Lite units. Main Atmosphere developer is working to bring Atmosphere CFW on Mariko Switch, but it will need likewise an hardmod. Probably Mariko will never have a softmod.
    1 point
  4. This may come off as a bit demeaning, but it has to be said. I can't do anything if one were to misunderstand my tone. Do you really think it's that simple? You're saying it as tho no-one else has thought of it. Hint: you're not the first The popular version of CFW installation that works on ANY firmware (on unpatched Switches) is possible due to a hardware vulnerability. So a firmware downgrade (hint: software downgrade) will not work, since it's the hardware vulnerability that was patched. (And besides that, even if that were the case, one can't downgrade the firmware anyway. There probably are exceptions, but chances are it won't apply to you. There's no need to discuss that, since you can't even get CFW.) maybe one day a software vuln for patched Switches will be found, but until then... You can't even install CFW, so you can't use any of those things you mentioned. And also, before you suggest "why can't I find the save in my SD card then use that etc etc", game saves are console encrypted, so finding them in your SD card won't help you. Without CFW, you probably won't be able to dump decrypted saves, nor dump the keys to perform the decryption on your PC (which at that point, might as well dump the saves, that's easier). PKHeX deals with console decrypted saves. If I recall correctly, console encrypting saves only became a thing after the 3DS did it. In any case, without unpatched Switch, no CFW. There was a hardmod that worked for patched Switches, but that's from SX OS, and they've been arrested, so good luck getting the necessary software updates from them. (and that's assuming you can install solder said chip onto your Switch, and the chip isn't faulty). A software vuln may come, but if you want Pokemon hacking now, you gotta wait. (Unless all you want is mons, then use a sysbot)
    1 point
  5. Check if your Switch is patched. Can only install CFW if it isn't patched. https://ismyswitchpatched.com/ Personal Opinion: If you bought your Switch (not Switch Lite) recently, check if it's a HAC-001-(01) [Model number, at the bottom back of the unit]. Only older models of HAC-001 can install CFW. Chances are, I would think you have a patched model: either newer version of HAC-001, or HAC-001-(01). Running your serial code into the website would give you a better clue.
    1 point
  6. Save files are always stored in the internal memory of your Switch. In order to extract them you have to install CFW on your Nintendo Switch and use tools like Checkpoint. You can install CFW only on first generation console, following the guide linked by @SkyLink98 . Do this at your own risk.
    1 point
  7. You need an hacked switch https://nh-server.github.io/switch-guide/
    1 point
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