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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/20 in all areas

  1. Action Replay will get you nowhere. However, Gen 4 Hall of Fame does store the most important unique data (PID). You need either a hacked DSi or 3DS to extract the save (if you don't know how to do it, I can help you, but it will take a while), or a physical NDS cart save dumper (I don't know if they even make those anymore). That Feraligatr can then be recreated as faithfully as reasonably possible by starting a new Heart Gold save (maybe even on an emulator), picking Totodile, then using PKHeX to edit that Totodile with the relevant info from Feraligatr's Hall of Fame Entry: OT, ID and PID (which determines IVs, Nature, Shininess, Gender and Ability slot — all of which are possible to figure out with RNG manipulation tools). As far as I know, it's impossible to recover Ribbon data, so you'll just have to give it whatever Ribbons it would be logical for it to have. Moves and EVs are obviously never set in stone. Met date will be wrong, but it will be reset upon transfer to newer games anyway. This will obviously not be exactly the same thing as restoring an old copy of that Feraligatr, but it will be close (we should be able to figure out everything that is unique to that Feraligatr, with only non-fixed data that can always be changed anyway being left undiscovered).
    1 point
  2. @Noodleboiby what you posted isn't an event contribution. Also, there's no such event. List of Solgaleo OTs: moving your thread.
    1 point
  3. Credits:Knox,Serkan WARNING:I won't continue this project anymore.I actally found some new codes like:Icon codes,custom keyboard,gts pokemon codes. Here is the new better Plugin: But thanks for over 70 downloads and your support! Hey,I decided to make a PSS Online working Cheat Plugin for Pokemon ORAS because i diddnt found a PSS cheats based Plugin.If you have any feedback,make sure to comment it down bellow. -------------------------------- How to install (Full Guide) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ works with O3ds,N3ds,O2ds,N2ds/XL You will need Cfw! 1.Open your FBI 2.Select TitleDb 3.Scroll to Ntr Cfw Selector and install it. (Click on Install and delete cia) Now a app should be added to your home menu.Open it and select 3.6 or 3.3 Done?Okay now you are ready to install the plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Use? 1.Put your sdcard out of your device,and put it into your PC. 2.If you already started and installed ntr (What u should have do),then there will be a folder called "Plugin"In the root of your sdcard. 3.Now,when you downloaded the Plugins.zip select the game you have (OR/AS) In the AS folder will be another folder called:000400000011C500 Copy the WHOLE folder into the Plugin folder of the sdcard. In OR there will be a folder called:000400000011C400 Just do the same like in AS. 4.Now put in your sdcard back to your 3ds/2ds and start ntr selector.It will load up the plugin.Enjoy! Now youre done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots -------------------------------------------------- Quick Infos: 1.Remember that you can only have 1 plugin in the folder.So if you have another ORAS plugin in the "plugin" folder of your sd card,then they can make a bit trouble. 2.When your 3ds turns off then you have to start Ntr again.It will automaticly load the plugin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you have a list of the Cheats that are aviable right now. Cheats: Unlimeted Nices \working / Unlimeted Cangratulations \working / Unlimeted battle wins,link trades \working / Unlimeted passerbys met \working / Unlimeted money \working / Unlimeted PokeAmi Headball Score .might crash. Unlimeted Combos (PokeAmi) .might crash. Unlimeted Pokemiles \working / Unlimeted GP \working / Set favourites to 1 Set favourites to 100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe upcomming cheats: Custom Keyboard with hacked symbols PSS Icons (Troy,May,Pkcentre,Gift etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: -1.0: -Release -1.1: -Added Pokeami Headball Cheat codes -Added 50.000 Nices/Birthday wishes -Added Unlimeted Pm -Added Unlimeted GP -Added Unlimeted favourites --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Better Plugin: K&S PSS Oras Plugin v1.0.zip K&S PSS Oras Plugin v1.1.7z Plugins v1.1.7z
    1 point
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