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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/20 in all areas

  1. That Mr. Mime is definitely legal (that is, entirely within the limits of what is legitimately possible). However, in order for it to be entirely legitimate (that is, not modified at all, obtained entirely through normal gameplay), a chain of unlikely (but still possible) things would have had to happen: Someone playing a Gen 2 game with the OT "Ash" (unlikely because people usually use all caps in those games) and ID 31121 (just as likely as any other ID, just the case at hand) "Ash" catches or breeds a Mr. Mime and nicknames it a censored word (unlikely unless it's on purpose) They train it up to Lv. 50 They trade it to a Red Version (why would they?) They Transport it into Bank from said Red Version The lowercase OT and the censored word nickname, while possible, are extremely unlikely, especially the latter. So, while that Pokémon is entirely possible (and, as such, legal), it's too "unlikely", so I would suspect a legal hack. Question: it has no HOME tracker. Did you zero it out yourself?
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    During the early wave of GO->Home transfers, a bug was found that involved Pokémon that were Regional Variants of species that existed in LGPE. These regional variants, when transferred from GO, had their LGPE moveset instead of their own moveset. Pokémon HOME has since fixed this bug, and they've also put out a statement saying they will retroactively fix the bugged Pokémon. Thus, these Pokémon were sent to SWSH and dumped, for archival purposes. -mons missing from SWSH removed until further notice-
    1 point
  3. It's a long shot, but it's technically possible to have this Mr. Mime. You need to catch/breed it in a Gen 2 game with the OT ASH and ID 31121, nickname it something that will trigger the in-game Gen 7/8 censored words blacklist, trade it to a Red Version game through the Time Capsule, train it up to Lv. 50, then make it go through Poké Transporter.
    1 point
  4. Its pretty easy just press the windows logo and the and the "R"button and you will see a searchbar now type"%appdata%" you will be led to many folders.Now if you are using yuzu or citra always remeber to save game in-game,then go to the emulator(folder of your emulator) you are using and then go threw a abunch of files and you will see two options between 2 folders now chose"title" and then stop once you reach main(if you dont know which game you are choosing then see the last time you played the game the folder should show you the time it was last updated),now open PHKex and drag main(I mean the main file which i led you to) file to there and all your pokemon should be in your box or go to the pokemon box,pokemon which you are using should be there(sorry if this is confusing:))Choose whichever pokemon you want but remeber to put valid moves(moves which the pokemon can do).And evrything else i think you should be capable of doing byyourself. If you need any help just send me a message. Sorry i couldnt attach on file but it worked
    1 point
  5. I suggest to use Visual Studio. Install it with the Xamarin extension. Clone the repo and open the .sln. Take your smartphone and activate the debug settings in the developer settings, then plug it in the PC and allow the USB debug. Your phone will be displayed in the run option. Select PKHeX.Android, build and run the project.
    1 point
  6. Although legal, it's most likely hacked, though. While it's entirely possible that it was Rare Candied to exactly Lv. 50, and a Gen 2 tradeback is most certainly possible as well, I highly doubt anyone would have nicknamed it a bad word just to get the standard species name in Transporter. Unnicknamed Mr. Mime are, along with Farfetch'd, victims of a programming quirk that recognizes their default names in English Gen 1/2 as nicknames, and so they are rendered as MR-MIME or FARFETCH D on transfer, whereas this Mr. Mime is, well, "Mr. Mime". The only way to get these from the VC games with their default names is by triggering the censor. The same happens frequently in French names that were rendered without diacritics or ligatures in earlier games and now have them. Also, OT names are usually all caps in Gen 1/2, I doubt someone went out of their way to use "Ash", which is this Pokémon's OT, and not "ASH".
    0 points
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