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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/20 in all areas

  1. IsNicknamed isn't a stored property; it's derived to help the user edit things (and for legality checks). I've revised the logic so that it uses the Language value; shows up as legal now: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/1ee459a46c4d1cc8c61a7691dc277dbcf8fbbdad Back 3+ years ago the PK3.Language field wasn't documented, hence the use of the vague "any language" check like was done for Gen1/2.
    2 points
  2. A repository for random distribution devices used across the years. Quick rundown of the images that we have presently Gen 1 (VC) UK VC Mew Redemption (and Save Restore screen on the distribution device!) JP VC Mew Redemption Gen 1 & 2 (Retail) Toys R Us security sealed Mew Cartridge and Gameboy Mew and Celebi Machine (and article) Spaceworld Mew screen (has different sprite than standard Mew) Gen 3 Pokémon Day 2004, Germany - Multilingual selection screen (Eon Ticket?) Aura Mew Distribution Device 10ANNIV/10 ANIV Distribution Device (Groudon GBA SP and Yellow GBA SP) Pokémon Festa 2005, Japan - Festa Metang Device and Redemption Mystic Ticket Distribution, Japan European Shiny Zigzagoon Old Sea Chart Redemption (device can't be seen) Gen 4 Crown Entei (Slot 2) Regigigas Redemption Video (Slot 2) Battle Festa, Diamond - Magmar (Slot 2) 10TH Deoxys (Slot 2) Misc. Distribution carts (User YoshiMoshi's collection photograph) Gen 5 Misc. Distribution carts (User YoshiMoshi's collection photograph) Gen 6 & 7 Various distribution 3DSes: Movie 18, Korea PC Birthday 2017, Japan Pop-up Store Charizard, Korea WCS Mew, Korea Eevee Friends, Korea Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko, Korea Worlds18 Meloetta distribution relay
    1 point
  3. So I guess this error was due to the fact that the nickname used is the same as the German name for Cleffa. Glad it got resolved. :3
    1 point
  4. I was hoping someone could help me with this. I've been playing through the pokemon games in order of release trying to go for 100% completion of the game while still enjoying the experience. In Generation II, I went as far as to breed every species of pokemon possible so that they'd have things like my OT and better-rounded stats overall. I've continued this trend into the Generation III games but I've run into something that just doesn't make sense to me. On my Pokemon Ruby save I've hatched a Cleffa and nicknamed it "PII", the romanization of Cleffa's japanese name. I'm prompted with this error: I'm able to untick Nickname on PKHeX and revert the name to "CLEFFA" and it appears as legal. I've even tried inputting the nickname as "Pii" and it appears legal, but for some reason I get the error when I use "PII" instead. I nicknamed Cleffa in-game so my initial thought that "PII" might be censored was dismissed. I'm partly hoping that maybe this is a bug with PKHeX, but if it isn't, is there some way to get this Cleffa to appear as legal with "PII" for a nickname. I know a logical solution would be to use "Pii" instead, but seeing as how the names in this generation of games is in all caps, I was hoping to keep my Pokemon names' format uniform. Here's the pk3: 173 - PII - 1F7E1E048AFD.pk3 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
    1 point
  5. I wasn't just referring to that thread, I was referring to this post too. I removed the other post, cause this one already exists. No need to have the same post everywhere. Anyhow, let me breed up some mons in game first. @Kaphotics not sure if it's the oddity of the game, but Pichu maintains nickname flag, but Cleffa doesn't. For clarification, I bred these and nicknamed them in-game. The only modification was what I did prior to them hatching, to change the hatch counter to 1.
    1 point
  6. @Funsparce I think the problem may be that you're running the wrong IOS, here's a guide to installing the right one on your wii https://wii.guide/cios.html And as theSLAYER said, leaving a question in a review generally isn't a good idea as it both makes the average rating go lower because of a problem that doesn't have anything to do with the thing you're reviewing itself, and it makes it much harder for other people to answer.
    1 point
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