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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/20 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    this celebi was caught during the event in crystal and has been transferred up to sword and shield and now I'm dumping it here for anyone who is confused about making one from scratch.
    2 points
  2. Introduced in the middle of February 2020, Pokémon HOME allows for importing from Bank and Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee, and bi-directional connectivity to Sword & Shield & future titles. When a Pokémon is transferred from Bank or Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee or their games of origin into HOME, it is assigned a unique 64 bit number to differentiate it from other uploads stored on the cloud server. Pokémon that have not yet visited HOME do not yet have a HOME tracker. Pokémon that are traded in-game (online/local trades) do not get assigned a tracker. Pokémon that must travel thru HOME to reach the game it resides on must have a HOME tracker (origin->current). Pokémon that are uploaded in the same batch are not guaranteed to have a similar tracker (sometimes incremental). Pokémon that are missing a HOME tracker that should have one, or have a fake one, are rejected for upload (error 10015). Trackers are only a concern in PK8+ formats. Pokémon that aren't yet in the PK8+ (2019) do not have a field for this data. What exactly is this value be used for? Storing data for each game visited outside of HOME (ex. SW/SH, PLA, BD/SP, S/V...) Tracking how Pokémon are traded between users. Detecting if a Pokémon has been modified/cloned from the original upload. Detecting if a Pokémon is newly entered into the HOME system (having a value of zero). HOME trackers will be changed each upload, so a tracker value is not a permanent value. Only HOME can determine if a tracker value is valid. Best practice is to let the server assign you a tracker, rather than assigning a blatantly wrong tracker. For local/online gameplay, GameFreak does not check this metadata, so having arbitrary/lacking tracker values does not matter. Validating a HOME tracker requires API access to HOME, and is not something the hacking community will ever have access to. GameFreak does not validate HOME trackers for online play, but for officially sanctioned VGC events, they do -- you shouldn't be using hacked Pokémon in tournaments anyway (against our rules). Due to the described behavior, here are our recommendations: When creating new Pokémon that are from generations prior to Sword & Shield, transfer into HOME via Bank first. When creating new Pokémon that reside in their game of origin, leave the tracker blank. When creating new Pokémon that reside in a game different from their origin set, generate them in their game of origin then transfer. When modifying any (that have already visited HOME) immutable values (PID, IVs, etc), zero out the tracker then transfer starting from their origin games. Why not create a random tracker value? Again, only HOME can determine if a tracker value is valid. HOME will check tracker values to see if the details match the original upload (modified data). HOME will check tracker values to see if the details are on another user's account (cloned data). HOME will disallow uploads if the tracker doesn't match the data on their server (error code 10015). Uploading to HOME without a tracker value will automatically assign a new one (note: only when entering from their native games). You can receive Pokémon that lack a tracker value from other players via trade (in addition to a game's natives). Using an invalid tracker may fool checking tools (like PKHeX) that do not have access to HOME's API, but can still be checked by trying to upload to HOME manually. Do not be deceitful. PKHeX's default settings are to require tracker values (should be on every non-Gen8 origin Pokémon that is residing in Gen8+, etc), but has a toggle setting to opt-out of strict checking. This is to allow users to create the most-legal data without forging an INVALID tracker value, for in-game play.
    1 point
  3. Version ᅟᅟᅟ


    This Shiny Jirachi was distributed to HKTW players with Pokemon XYORAS, to celebrate Christmas 2015. Only English wonder card, via EU and JP units. Species Jirachi Nickname (default, save lang) OT Nintendo HK TID 12015 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Dec 12, 2015 to Jan 31, 2016 PID Shiny PID Games EU & JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 25 Nature Random Ability Serene Grace (1) Item Star Piece Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Wish Confusion Swift Happy Hour WC ID 145: 「Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi"」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi" Receive a shiny Jirachi equipped with a special move "Happy Hour"! Wish you a Merry Christmas !
    1 point
  4. Version .


    This gift was programmed in the game to be shiny locked. However, due to a programming oversight, it is possible to receive the Partner Cap Pikachu as shiny (standard odds), if your Trainer Shiny Value (TSV) is not 1009. This is the only Pikachu Cap Variant that can be received shiny. (Note: Still available shiny, up to update Version 1.2) How the game mechanic worked, was that the game would generate a PID that is not shiny compared to your TID/SID. After that generation, the game will proceed to overwrite the Pikachu's TID/SID with Ash's. Hence, there is a chance that the PID generated for the Pikachu will be shiny against TID/SID of Ash, as the game doesn't check for that. This was discovered by @wwwwwwzx when reviewing the game's code, who then went ahead to test and prove it with RNG. A few other users also corroborated the data with their own findings. The data below refers to the file itself, not the encounter as a whole. Species Pikachu (Partner Cap) Nickname (default, in ) OT Ash TID 170715 Distribution In-Game Gift Location 2017 Pokémon Movie Dates (various dates) PID Shiny PID Games Ultra Moon (and Ultra Sun) Lv. 21 Nature Hardy Ability Static (1) Item Pretty Wing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Quick Attack Thunder Iron Tail Wishing Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180207_2340
    1 point
  5. There aren't any entered-character sanity checks, so cross-language incompatibility isn't checked.
    1 point
  6. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/15121c294594bd0e5d53a3e6e7f308406b41cb36
    1 point
  7. This is different. What TC wants is a gen 7 Vulpix that learns Toxic as a TM, a gen 8 Vulpix with Memento as an egg move (Memento was only added to Vulpix's egg move in gen 8, and Toxic was removed from Vulpix's moveset), and breed them together in gen 8. There's an exploit in SwSh where one parent will learn an egg move from the other parent without having it bred onto it.
    1 point
  8. Awesome, thanks! Leaving it blank did in fact work; it was unchecking modify PKM and removing the brackets that did the trick One more small issue - they're now all flagged as invalid because the "Latest (not OT) Handler" box is still highlighted, shown here: I can manually change it to OT for each one, but is there a command to change this in the batch editor? Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it by accident I found a few Pokemon that had the OT gender as female instead of male. Using the batch editor to check and make them male by using the "OT_Gender" command seemed to fix things. Thanks for your help!
    1 point
  9. yeah, however I'm assuming people who are concerned with the HOME tracker, as well as people asking for HOME transferred pk8 files, do not have paid HOME subscription itself. So granted the general advice to everyone would be to wipe the tracker value. For the case that people have the paid HOME subscription, cloning in gen 7 then transferring it to HOME works fine.
    1 point
  10. Yes. I tried, so I know. but that only applies to Totems that can be sent to Bank. (some cannot be deposited)
    1 point
  11. Version .


    With the release of Pokémon Crystal to 3DS's Virtual Console, it became possible for players to encounter the Mythical Pokémon Celebi and transfer it up to Generation VII. Similar to the Mew event distributed to Virtual Console of Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, the Celebi will have a minimum of 5 perfect IVs. As a result, this limits the type of Hidden Power it can have, to namely Dark, Dragon, Electric, Steel or Ice. As Pokémon Crystal was not released to the Korean 3DS, it is not possible for a legal Korean-language Celebi of Virtual Console origin to exist. (Though important to note, as of present, PokeTransporter allows it to be transported up) The details below relate to the encounter, not the file itself. Note: As per any Virtual Console transfer, the origin game of the Pokémon is set to the game it was transferred from, not the game it was caught in. Species Celebi Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution In-Game Encounter Location the Johto region Dates (Various) PID Chance of Shiny Games VC Crystal Lv. 30 Nature Random Ability Natural Cure (1) Item None Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Heal Bell Safeguard Ancient Power Future Sight Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180126_2313
    1 point
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Distribution Title So, this is my power... Wondercard ID 586 PID Shiny PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates July - Aug 21, 2016 Species Mewtwo Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Unnerve (HA) OT Play! 2016 TID 7266 Location a lovely place Ribbon Event , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Mewtwonite Y Moves Psystrike Psychic Recover Aura Sphere Relearn Moves Psystrike Psychic Recover Aura Sphere Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text And now you know Mewtwo's purpose... which is helping you become a Pokémon Champion!
    1 point
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