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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/20 in all areas

  1. It's there for Alcremie (topping), and Furfrou/Hoopa forms (days remaining until revert). The value is used in different ways for different species, hence the ambiguous lack of a label. It's still related to form.
    1 point
  2. Really? On what other mons have you seen the number editor? So far, I was only able to identify on Runerigus. @theSLAYER thank you for experimenting this with me.
    1 point
  3. You can't "make that a save", because save has other data that the screen you show don't have. If you wanna import the mon into an existing save: 1. Create a folder on your PC 2. Use Tools>Data>Dump Boxes on PKHeX to dump those mons into said folder 3. Drag an actual save into PKHeX 4. Use Tools>Data>Load Boxes to import the mons in said folder into your save 5. Use PKHeX's Export SAV edit: This post is responding to a post that was hidden. Keeping this post up, as it contains information others may find useful.
    1 point
  4. Because it is not really a save? Load a save file first. Also, regarding how perform a screenshot: 1. There's a program called Snipping Tool. should come installed on your computer; it has been that way since Windows Vista. 2. You can use the Print Screen button on your keyboard (might be spelled as Prt Sc). That button saves a screenshot in your clipboard. You can paste the image straight to your image editing tool. (Paint, Paint.net, Photoshop etc)
    1 point
  5. There won't be a way to have those Pokémon be legal until the future. Unovan Darmanitan, while in SWSH right now, is unobtainable without HOME releasing in February 2020. Nidoran♂ is not available in SWSH and will be a part of the patch that'll release come the time The Crown Tundra DLC releases in Fall 2020. PKHeX correctly flags these two as illegal since, as of now, they're unobtainable without cheating.
    1 point
  6. I've downloaded the latest version of Pkhex and a file data of a Pikachu from the forum and it's now working. I don't know why, but the Pokemons I had create are not in the boxes. I'll have to be more careful with the websites I download the files. Thank you for your patience theSLAYER, you have been very helpful. The problem is solved. I'll let you know if I have more problems creating Pokémons from PKhex.
    1 point
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