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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/20 in all areas

  1. It is in fact possible to do this - download PkmGCSaveEditor, open your Colo/XD save file and click "Strategy Memo". This will show you the PID of each Pokemon when that Pokemon was first generated in your game. Unfortunately this also includes non-Shadow Pokemon, and so if there is a case where you first encounter a non-Shadow version of a Pokemon before engaging in it's actual Shadow encounter, the game will record the PID of the non-Shadow one. However, these cases are pretty rare, so chances are you should be fine. Let me know if you need any additional info / help!
    1 point
  2. Since its of interest to some people, I removed the forced gym uniforms by returning 1 (E0 03 00 32 C0 03 5F D6) from the function at .text + 0x13AD310 Theres a few tables in .data containing string + function pointer pairs used by the LUA interface i believe, which makes things easy fwiw. Alternatively just replace the function pointer with the CommandNOP function GF already made at .text + 0x13B0130
    1 point
  3. You have to set the memories. I think this is one of the main problems causing the bans. In this case, OT is the same that notOT because I use the same name in 6 gen and 7 gen games.
    1 point
  4. This homebrew manages data, ie allow you to import and export save data. If you accidentally deleted save data from cartridge, but kept a backup, then you can safely restore it. If you had no backup, and accidentally deleted the cartridge data, then you're screwed. In order words, the existence of this homebrew doesn't keep you safe. You are in-charge of keeping you safe :3 AFAIK, this homebrew doesn't "dump the entire game". Probably just a different option that leads to the same result, ie the save being dumped. No clue I think most Pokémon games don't outright use this? Maybe it is related to battle videos? I don't recall if Battle Videos were stored here (I don't remember how I extracted Zeraora pk file from the video data, nor how I got the data). There might be other games that use it that may have compatibility with this feature, I don't know. Keep the JKSM folder safe on your computer, then delete it from your SD card. The JKSM folder may contain saves that will be useful in the future. Beyond that, sure, follow the steps in the future
    0 points
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