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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/19 in all areas

  1. Keep in mind that this guide is for the 'main' Pokémon save type, regardless if it's played on emulator or imported using save manager. This applies to both 3DS and Switch. In the images below, Citra was used simply as a convenient way to show screenshots, do not be misled by it! Scenario 1: (can be retail or emulator, I'm just using Citra as an example) You load the game and it tells you it's corrupted, however PKHeX is able to load the save. Example What you should do: 1. Check the folder you import the save from. Your file in the folder MUST be named main (Look at the screenshot of the file folder above. Notice how my file is called main1? That's the mistake: it was incorrectly named.) 2. The files in the folder has to be exact. For 3DS: main MUST be the only file in that folder. For Switch: main MUST be in that folder. backup and poke_trade can be there, but isn't necessary. There cannot be other files in the same folder you import from, such as main.bak etc. 3. (Citra only) Also do not rename the folders that contain the main. The wonky numbers generated by Citra are the correct folder names. Changing them will screw it up. Scenario 2: Game says save is corrupted, and PKHeX is unable to load the save. Chances are, your dumped save file is indeed corrupted. Maybe there was an error with dumping the save -> redump the save, provided that you’re able to continue the game and it launches on your console. Perhaps there was an error when transferring save to PC via FTP -> if you were using FileZilla, change the setting to use binary transfer mode instead of ascii. If the steps above were not able to resolve the problem, load up an older copy of your save. Also make sure you're using latest version of PKHeX. Oh, ALWAYS keep a safe backup of your save in a completely differently folder, especially before any edits or transfers etc, so that if any corruptions occur, you always have a backup to revert to. PKHeX requires you to save in-game Note: IF you played on Citra, and used the Emulation > Save state (example below) You need to properly save the game, using the in-game menu. Open this spoiler for steps. Note - If the FTP transfer process indeed screwed up your save: For 3DS - Try using this. For Switch - There's no solution. The save is dead. The Switch encrypts the save, so missing a byte is fatal. Instances of people mucking up Notable case studies: Filezilla needing Binary Transfer Mode instead Game displays save as corrupted, cause it wasn't named correctly PKHeX won't read the save, as it is empty Changing names of Citra Folders messed up the save recognition User using emulation > save state View full tutorial
    2 points
  2. Looking for an Ultra Sun file (not ultra moon) that is past the champion, hasn't been touched by pkhex (modified in any way) and hasn't synced to Game Sync yet. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Your build of the program is severely out of date. Please update to the latest build by following the instructions in the original post before saying the program doesn't work. Current main GUI looks vastly different from the one in your video:
    1 point
  4. Where's the 'ExtractedRomFS' and 'ExtractedExeFS' folders at? Did you dump the ROM via Cart (.cia/.3ds) or Digital Copy (.cxi)? Edit: if your dumping via cart, make sure you encrypt the .CIA file before you continue onwards.
    1 point
  5. Recover my Pokémon game and my progress, I only have a backup with the checkpoint, but I'm not so sure of trying to change my game again after this, in all the ways thank you very much for answering, this was the only one help that I found that worked for me ___________ In an earlier version of pkhex I received this error, we recommend someone to update pkhex, so I did, and the beginning if it was opened in the current version of pkhex, but as you say, my files may be registered ... I guess the game I have now is solved and that is that that generates that error in the pkhex when I modified it, and as I did not find a correct save between my files because accidentally, the game that I have the use now is the one that I only have All my friends and I have no problems or mistakes when starting the game ... Here is an image of the main file that I open, and if I modify it, I gave myself an error and I will have to restore it again. and this new one is the main file of my pokemon game and I'm sorry if these images are too big, I do not know how to edit them so they look smaller director de escuela //-----merged-----// I was going to edit this response, and upload another part and leave the first one, but you said not to upload one after another, I think you would not have read this edit, if I left it that way. In the end I solved the problem with a little help, I had to delete JKSM because it only served to give me problems (literal). I'll tell you what I did for future tutorials: I had to use cheakpoint (save a copy of the game in case of doubt) then modify my game with pkhex, then save the main file in the cheakpoint saves, and restore the file that I modified and ready Ultraluna opened me without problems.
    1 point
  6. Gen2 cannot transfer to Gen3. PKHeX emulates all transfer methods that the games allow. If you want backwards or disallowed conversion methods, you'd just be faking the data.
    1 point
  7. Update your Windows. Windows 7 (service pack 1) can install net 4.6 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130
    1 point
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