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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/19 in all areas

  1. Registration runs from February 14th through February 21st 2019. Battles will run from February 22nd through February 24th. All entrants who play 3 or more matches will get a Shiny Tapu Bulu which will be distributed some time in March. Source: Serebii.net Edit: Can't wait to get Tapu Fini too. HA Tapus will probably distributed later via Pokebank.
    1 point
  2. @ThePunish3D Diglett: Fixed in latest commit, ty: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/d03ff3014039dcc94fe0dba8aadade6869eac65b Gyarados: See:
    1 point
  3. Version 2.6 Alpha


    This program was developed for those who wish to convert their save files offline, rather than having to go to the online one. It uses a similar interface, and supports conversion between the following save types: Save File Formats Action Replay DSi Action Replay Media Edition Action Replay MAX Acekard 2 Acekard RPG AKAIO EZ Flash V RAW Format CycloDS EGDE M3 Simply NinjaDS R4 Supercard CF Supercard DSONE Supercard SD Top Toy DS M3 DS Real G6 DS Real DeSmuMe System Requirements: -.Net Framwork 2.0 or 4.0 -Windows (Vista or 7 prefered, XP may or may not work)
    1 point
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