Some of that @Kirzi part was me telling her privately. I am the one that noticed the wrong cards cause I pushed the wrong ones to the Events Gallery lol.
You should list what you want. Also if it's just a matter of not being able to inject it yourself then you can use pkhex to make it and upload it here for others to trade to you.
Older versions (back 8~ months ago) cleared OT affection when it shouldn't have; but maybe you hacked in the ribbon, idk
Sure, ignore the wordfilter. It's just a warning I guess.
I'm at it again. Does anyone have animated sprites for DPP and HGSS? I was going page by page through Bulbapedia and converting their apng to gif, but they don't have animated sprites for all the pokemon in the gen 4 games. I haven't been able to find any other site that has animated sprites for gen 4, most just have the frame 1 and frame 2 png.
I'm attaching some examples for reference. They aren't just the two frames together to make a gif.
1) gen6 contests set +20 to OT affection. Not having valid OT affection with the ribbon = flagged; working as intended.
2) will have to add edge case handling, wasn't aware of this
3) the 3ds word filter is active for all generations as a general use precaution.
They've announced that Let's Go will only have Kanto Pokemon + the Alolan Variants.
Additionally, no transfer mechanic for existing main series games announced.
(only transfer announced was for Pokemon Go)
All evidence presently points towards Let's Go being a Gen 7 game, not Gen 8.