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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/18 in all areas

  1. In general, pokémon that would normally require a trade to evolve, evolve at level 40 instead in this hack. It is worth mentioning though that this is a generation 3 game so magneton is unable to evolve.
    1 point
  2. Seems useful, at least organization, I think it will help what I'm trying to complete, at least on organizing my pokemon or .pk files? Not sure, however seems cool. Edit-I missed the pk files part cool. Hopefully now I can get some help with event pokemon, getting all of them legal up to .pk7 or the highest gen possible isn't easy, I found not mnay sources og event pokemon, wonder trade and special event, like VGC worlds and stuff. One day it'll be done, and up to date on a daily basis.
    1 point
  3. Also note that whoever handling the servers, don't always allow events to be traded on event launch (they're slow with updating the whitelist), tho in this case, it's probably already active and likely an error on your part ?
    1 point
  4. Ohhhh, i see. Thanks a bunch!
    1 point
  5. It's a Sun/Ultra Sun only event. if the origin game is set to the wrong game (which is implied from your comment), it won't trade. Try editing the origin game, to match it to the correct event, and be wary of game exclusive events next time The limited games it can be received on is in the summary screen in the description above (titled "Games"):
    1 point
  6. They definitely generated a 426th Mew. We may never find it. We know exactly how they filled it and in what order. Even that they filled it vertically and swapped two of them out of place. I think we did pretty well. Thanks @ajxpk!
    1 point
  7. I see ok. The Bulbapedia article is not wrong, just incomplete. I'll update it when I get time. Thanks @ajxpk!
    1 point
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