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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/18 in all areas

  1. Version 24.11.11


    Pokémon core series save editor, programmed in C#. Supports the following files: Save files ("main", *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci) GameCube Memory Card files (.raw, .bin) containing GC Pokémon savegames. Individual Pokémon entity files (.pk*) Mystery Gift files (.pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc*) including conversion to .pk* Importing teams from Battle Videos Transferring from one generation to another, converting formats along the way. Data is displayed in a view which can be edited and saved. The interface can be translated with resource/external text files so that different languages can be supported. Pokémon Showdown sets and QR codes can be imported/exported to assist in sharing. We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Do not use significantly hacked Pokémon in battle or in trades with those who are unaware hacked Pokémon are in use. FAQ Support Forum <-- Post here if you have questions or found bugs
    1 point
  2. Version .


    Species Weavile Nickname (default, save lang) OT アカギ TID 09286 Distribution Local Wireless Location a Pokémon Center Dates Oct 01 to Nov 11, 2016 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: ORAS Lv. 48 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item Sitrus Berry Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Night Slash Ice Punch Brick Break X-Scissor WC ID 180: 「ギンガだんアカギの マニューラ」's receiving text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game. Classic ギンガだんアカギの マニューラ ポケモンセンターせんきょけいかく への さんか ごくろう わたしから ほうびとして マニューラを あたえよう かんぜんな せかいを めざすのは わたしたち ギンガだん である Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180411_1643
    1 point
  3. They fixed the checksum sometime between wishmaker and GCEA. IIRC, the seed is the xor of every section in the save including the secondary save. Shinies are rerolled.
    1 point
  4. previously reported and fixed https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/14fc71a5d25574c4ecb378f0b65ddc584fb55bf7 will be available in the next release.
    1 point
  5. Direct Gen 7 -> Gen 7 trades (Quick Link Trade, Link Trade, Wonder Trade and GTS) do not add memories or residence data. Pokemon Bank does add some data though: Gen 6 -> Bank -> Gen 7 = OT Memories retained; Residence history removed. VC -> Bank -> Gen 7 = Residence updated (Latest added). In both cases, notOT Memories = when it arrived via Link Trade at... somewhere. The Pokemon remembers {random feeling}. Subsequent direct Gen7 -> Gen 7 trades will reset this to the default (seems to have a good memory, but it doesn't seem to be able to remember...). Based on personal testing, I believe Gen 7 -> Bank -> Gen 7 will update notOT Memories and Residence only if the Latest (notOT) Handler is different to that of the receiving game. I tested the following using my copies of Y, Sun, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Sun (self-caught) -> Bank -> Ultra Sun = notOT Memories added; Residence updated (Latest added). Ultra Sun (self-caught) -> Bank -> Sun = notOT Memories added; Residence updated (Latest added). Ultra Sun (self-caught) -> Sun (via Quick Link Trade) -> Bank -> Ultra Sun (notOT Handler did not change) = no memories or residence data. GTS (origin: Ultra Moon) -> Ultra Sun -> Bank -> Ultra Sun (notOT Handler did not change) = no memories or residence data. VC Red -> Bank -> Ultra Sun = notOT Memories added; Residence updated (Latest added). ^ -> Bank -> Sun = notOT Memories updated (new notOT Handler); Residence updated (Latest updated and Past 1 added) Y (heavily traded Xerneas with full Residence history) -> Bank -> Ultra Sun = OT Memories retained; notOT Memories added; Residence history removed. ^ -> Bank -> Sun = OT Memories retained; notOT Memories updated (new notOT Handler); Residence updated (Latest added). As pk7 files do not contain the TID/SID of the Latest (notOT) Handler, I'm not sure if Pokemon Bank can detect whether the receiving handler is actually different if the trainer happens to have the same name as the current notOT Handler.
    1 point
  6. We already have all the Dialga and Palkia, thanks!
    1 point
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