It's that time of year. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon datamining has begun. To start, @SciresM has extracted the following resources:
This article will be updated as new information is found. The link below contains the research done so far:
Warning: SPOILERS ahead (Only Links given right now to avoid lagging spoiler tags from accidentally revealing itself).
New models of UBs, a new Mythical, and three forms of Necrozma. Necrozma forms are also leaked.
Datamined Resources (Models)
Ultranecrozium Z is a Z-crystal that transforms Necrozma fused with Solgaleo or Lunala into a new form.
Ultra Necrozma is Psychic/Dragon type with a base stat total of 754 with this stat spread: 97/167/97/167/97/129
Light that Burns the Sky, the signature move associated with Ultra Necrozma, comes with the following flavour text:
"This attack inflicts Attack or Sp. Atk damage, whichever stat is higher for the user, Necrozma. This move ignores the target's Ability." It is triggered using Ultranecrozium Z with the move "Photon Geyser".
There are no new Alolan forms discovered.
UB: Adhesive is named Poipole. When it learns Dragon Pulse, it evolves into Naganadel, which is Poison/Dragon type. Poipole's BST is 420 and has a stat spread of 67/73/67/73/67/73. Nagandel's BST is 540 and has a stat spread of 73/73/73/127/73/121.
UB: Assembly is named Stakataka, It has 570 BST and has the following stat spread: 61/131/211/53/101/13
UB: Burst is named Blacephalon, It has 570 BST and has the following stat spread: 53/127/53/151/79/107
A new mythical Electric type Pokemon named Zeraora is also in the game data. It has 600 BST and has a stat spread of 88/112/75/102/80/143.
Marowak, Araquanid, Togedemaru, Ribombee are new totems
None of the UBs are shiny locked. Necrozma, Solgaleo, Lunala, and the Tapus are still shiny locked, however.
Cosmog, Magearna, Totems, Zygarde, Cap Pikachu are shiny locked gifts, all others are not locked.
National Dex is not available in this game. The full Alola dex picture is uploaded here. (Warning: ~15 MB!)
Island Scans Data
(note: Time and location data are not yet discovered)
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