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    It's that time of year. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon datamining has begun. To start, @SciresM has extracted the following resources:

    This article will be updated as new information is found. The link below contains the research done so far:

    Warning: SPOILERS ahead (Only Links given right now to avoid lagging spoiler tags from accidentally revealing itself).

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    Island Scans Data
    (note: Time and location data are not yet discovered)

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    Posted (edited)

    Also, is Houndoom's mega stone in Sun while Manectric's mega stone is in Moon? I really hope they don't pull that X/Y version exclusive mega stone mixup crap on us again. I'm planning on using Mega Houndoom on my Ultra Sun team. 

    Edited by CanzetYote

    Posted (edited)

      On 11/9/2017 at 5:55 PM, CureLovelyWarrior said:

    I'm now seeing a rumor that apricorn balls can be BOUGHT in Game Freak's building. Can you please post poke-mart/shop data to confirm if this is true? 


    Would you please upload USUM zapdos pk 7?

    Edited by .ninja


    More screenshots, also you don't need to use silly motion controls to ultra warp, change from motion controls to circle pad in the Gamefreak Building at Heahea City.

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      On 11/11/2017 at 7:04 AM, ReignOfComputer said:

    More screenshots, also you don't need to use silly motion controls to ultra warp, change from motion controls to circle pad in the Gamefreak Building at Heahea City.

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    Yeah someone told me!
    Got Articuno, Registeel, Yveltal, Mewtwo!

    Also, for non-legends, the Pokemon's shininess is predetermined the moment you land in the ultra space.
    So you can SR for a different nature and it'll still be shiny! (only if you save before the battle commences, of course)

    I encountered a Shiny Magcargo pretty easily, and the wormhole wasn't even flashy XD



    Do we know if there are any conditions for encountering specific legendaries (e.g. time/day/counterpart in party)? Are there only a set few every day or are all the legendaries out there all at once?



      On 11/11/2017 at 8:47 AM, ReignOfComputer said:

    Do we know if there are any conditions for encountering specific legendaries (e.g. time/day/counterpart in party)? Are there only a set few every day or are all the legendaries out there all at once?


    I think the trailers or japanese site mentioned you'll need Zekrom and Reshiram for Kyurem.

    Invader TAK

    Posted (edited)

      On 11/11/2017 at 8:47 AM, ReignOfComputer said:

    Do we know if there are any conditions for encountering specific legendaries (e.g. time/day/counterpart in party)? Are there only a set few every day or are all the legendaries out there all at once?


    Only that four legendaries need both their version exclusive counterparts in the party.

    For Suicune, Entei and Raikou.
    For Giratina, Dialga and Palkia.
    For Kyurem, Reshiram and Zekrom.
    For Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus.

    Edited by Invader TAK
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    What's the mechanic to catch the legendaries anyway? Like how do the ultra wormholes work? 



      On 11/11/2017 at 10:33 AM, MichiS97 said:

    What's the mechanic to catch the legendaries anyway? Like how do the ultra wormholes work? 


    Ultra Wormhole minigame, fly through wormholes and there's a chance the wormhole you fly in has a legendary in it.


      On 11/10/2017 at 10:40 AM, theSLAYER said:

    Spoilers ahead:
    Z Crystals

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    Last screenshots dump (x39, major spoilers):

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      On 11/11/2017 at 8:36 AM, theSLAYER said:

    Yeah someone told me!
    Got Articuno, Registeel, Yveltal, Mewtwo!

    Also, for non-legends, the Pokemon's shininess is predetermined the moment you land in the ultra space.
    So you can SR for a different nature and it'll still be shiny! (only if you save before the battle commences, of course)

    I encountered a Shiny Magcargo pretty easily, and the wormhole wasn't even flashy XD



    Are the legendaries SR able for shininess? Also are how do you know normals are shiny or not?



      On 11/11/2017 at 11:58 AM, Cecillia said:


    Are the legendaries SR able for shininess? Also are how do you know normals are shiny or not?


    I've got a patch on. Patch enables Pokemon that is not shiny locked to appear shiny.
    Based on my experience, Legends can be SR'd.
    Normals in the wormhole, appeared to use a different routine, cause under the patch, they've been mostly not shiny.
    I've encountered one that was shiny (even after SR and with patch off)



    How big is the code.bin and how do I patch it for no lines?



    Z Crystals Round-up

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    Posted (edited)

    do we have tm locations yet? (specifically im looking for thunder wave)

    also, i have a pk7 of a legit shiny poipole if anyone wants :^)

    Edited by jaderocc


    Thanks for all of the information.

    How do you obtain Roto Powers? Does Roto Bargain stack with the Thrify Megamart discount so you can get infinite money? (Activate Bargain, buy 999 Strange Souvenirs for 25% of the original price and sell them for 50% of the original price, repeat.) 



      On 11/12/2017 at 2:33 PM, ReignOfComputer said:

    This... This is evil.



    Just saw it linked on IRC. GameFreak sure knows how to annoy people.



    You know what I wish that gamefreak did, that they probably didn't, butwould make them smarter and avoid spoiling the whole game with datamining? I wish that they hid stuff like new alola forms, new Z crystals, and stuff for event only thingsin folders that if a data miner tried to access would either given them false data or delete itself, don't get me wrong, I love this datamine forum, but it would add more mystery to the game, you know what I mean?



      On 11/12/2017 at 3:31 PM, IceFireKyurem said:

    You know what I wish that gamefreak did, that they probably didn't, butwould make them smarter and avoid spoiling the whole game with datamining? I wish that they hid stuff like new alola forms, new Z crystals, and stuff for event only thingsin folders that if a data miner tried to access would either given them false data or delete itself, don't get me wrong, I love this datamine forum, but it would add more mystery to the game, you know what I mean?


    That's technically impossible, as data doesn't work that way.



      On 11/12/2017 at 3:31 PM, IceFireKyurem said:

    You know what I wish that gamefreak did, that they probably didn't, butwould make them smarter and avoid spoiling the whole game with datamining? I wish that they hid stuff like new alola forms, new Z crystals, and stuff for event only thingsin folders that if a data miner tried to access would either given them false data or delete itself, don't get me wrong, I love this datamine forum, but it would add more mystery to the game, you know what I mean?


    What are you talking about? Lol.

    I can understand if you're talking about a demo.
    they did a bad job with SM demo, ie. they didn't delete all the files not used by the demo.
    Why have a sprite of Marshadow in the demo, when it isn't used by the demo?

    But if you're talking about the main game, then you must be really confused.
    The game needs to have the resources in the data, in order to be able to access it on demand.
    (Sprite of Marshadow needs to be there, cause at some point it'll be distributed)

    The only way they can truly "hide something", is if it didn't exist.
    That would mean, in order to receive marshadow, you'll need to download the patch to the game.
    But that'll be kinda unfair to people who don't have the internet.
    Downloading a wonder card at public wifi, probably fast. downloading an entire patch, that'll probably get disconnected multiple times.
    (assuming the public wifi point has slow network that DCs alot)

    In any case, what @Cecillia said. data doesn't work that way...
    plus our dataminers are usually viewing raw data, and interpreting the results...
    It's not like all the data are in plain view. They simply name the files plainly now, in multiple folders that are also named plainly.


    <also what I find funny: self deleting data. that is simply insane. how does it differentiate if the 3DS is reading the data, or someone is accessing it externally? what if a glitch crops up and delete it (like gateway's malicious bricking code being activated by a glitch).>



    I just realized something. I found Onix on Tuesday on MeleMele so maybe they're all in order. So Charmander would be Sunday, Squirtle Monday, Horsea Wednesday, Scatterbug Thursday, Bulbasaur Friday, and Litwick Saturday. Could someone try testing this?

    • Like 1


    Could someone make a list of the legendary pokemon and their locations? please :)



      On 11/12/2017 at 4:31 PM, theSLAYER said:

    What are you talking about? Lol.

    I can understand if you're talking about a demo.
    they did a bad job with SM demo, ie. they didn't delete all the files not used by the demo.
    Why have a sprite of Marshadow in the demo, when it isn't used by the demo?

    But if you're talking about the main game, then you must be really confused.
    The game needs to have the resources in the data, in order to be able to access it on demand.
    (Sprite of Marshadow needs to be there, cause at some point it'll be distributed)

    The only way they can truly "hide something", is if it didn't exist.
    That would mean, in order to receive marshadow, you'll need to download the patch to the game.
    But that'll be kinda unfair to people who don't have the internet.
    Downloading a wonder card at public wifi, probably fast. downloading an entire patch, that'll probably get disconnected multiple times.
    (assuming the public wifi point has slow network that DCs alot)

    In any case, what @Cecillia said. data doesn't work that way...
    plus our dataminers are usually viewing raw data, and interpreting the results...
    It's not like all the data are in plain view. They simply name the files plainly now, in multiple folders that are also named plainly.


    <also what I find funny: self deleting data. that is simply insane. how does it differentiate if the 3DS is reading the data, or someone is accessing it externally? what if a glitch crops up and delete it (like gateway's malicious bricking code being activated by a glitch).>


    I was talking about a demo, cuz that way, we can get more demos, and not ruin the whole game 

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