Utopia Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 wraith89 said: Psychic? Use Zen Headbutt instead if you want to actually do damage :-/Psychic runs off his pathetic base Special Attack of 65 Mhm... interesting, I didn't see Snorlax could learn Zen headbutt. Less precision if my right but in terms of damage it's worth!
Dimi Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 I made a set that worked a good 2-3 times. I like to call it: Walled by Sleep Clause Gengar @ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 108 Hp / 252 Def / 52 SpD / 96 Spe Bold Nature Substitute Hypnosis Dream Eater Nightmare 108 Hp give it a leftovers number(i think), 252 Def and Bold make not very bulky. 96 Spe evs outran max speed Adamant Lucario, which mean you can Hypnosis before it crunches you, and 52 SpD evs are leftovers.
Toffeuy Posted July 3, 2009 Posted July 3, 2009 Illithian said: Novelty? Why not.Absol @ Choice Scarf Super Luck Adamant 4 Def 252 Atk 252 Spe -Night Slash -Psycho Cut -Pursuit -Stone Edge? Scarfed at 374 speed, it'l outspeed anything up to base 120 speed. Switch into any psychic attack with impunity and Pursuit on the switch; Night Slash if you predict otherwise. Psycho Cut allows for a nice countermeasure to fighting types and since scarfed it outspeeds all of them, its worthwhile. Stone Edge is mostly a filler. Any suggestions? Give it Razor Claw instead of Choice Scarf, that way, Stone Edge, Psycho Cut and Night Slash will all have a 75% (around that number) Critical Hit Ratio.
Doc Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 ok heres one ive actually been trying to get via trade, first you need a dodrio that has been purified in (i dont even know what that means) Poke: Dodrio Ability: Early Bird Nature: Jolly or Timid EV's: 252 spd 252 hp 6 def or spdef Hold Item: Brightpowder Moves: Double Team, Acupressure, Roost, Baton Pass OK well this is an illegal set but its unique i guess, the idea here is to avoid as much damage as possible, roosting to restore, and once you have double teamed 6 times you can acupressure your way to maximum and then baton pass to... i dont know... lets say Garchomp. NICE! p.s just realized the distant land collection project is now finished so i will now get this poke.
memjee Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 I think this is original by me, correct me if I'm wrong Lvl 1 Smeargle lead Trick Room Spore Endeavor Dragon Rage/Beatup First is to trick room unless theres hindering weather or a priority attack (If thats the case spore) Second is spore Third is endeavor, I'm not sure why, but when in trick room, it would do as much damage as if smeargle had low health (even when it's full) If smeargle is almost dead it still gives the desired effect fourth is to finish with dragon rage or beat up, dragon rage is the solid choice for a finisher, beat up works but it shows all of your pokemon (Nicknames can solve this) It also does 25% to a standard gengar in case it tries subbing on you. With this set I once got 3 faints on an unexpected oppenent. If predicted properly, you should at least get a sleep or bring an opponent to low health.
wraith89 Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 I saw Studpuff run a similar set... IIRC I even have that whole battle warstoried.
memjee Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 Heres my own original snorlax sets, it's the staple pokemon to one of my teams Snorlax - Leftovers Curse Rest Sleep Talk Outrage Regular Cursetalker set with a twist of outrage, if you sleep talk outrage the trapping effects don't occur. A lot of times when I use this set people have no idea snorlax has outrage
Shay Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Same you can do with Swampert. But the problem is that Outrage is not a STAB....
randomspot555 Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 memjee said: Heres my own original snorlax sets, it's the staple pokemon to one of my teamsSnorlax - Leftovers Curse Rest Sleep Talk Outrage Regular Cursetalker set with a twist of outrage, if you sleep talk outrage the trapping effects don't occur. A lot of times when I use this set people have no idea snorlax has outrage That's really not a unique set. It's use a Curse-Rest Talk with a different move (and a rather crappy one at that).
memjee Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 well dude thanks for the constructive critism. Next time just time me it's unoriginal, instead of flaming me that it's unoriginal.
randomspot555 Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 memjee said: well dude thanks for the constructive critism.Next time just time me it's unoriginal, instead of flaming me that it's unoriginal. There's not much to critique. It's literally a one move difference on a standard set, without even EVs posted. And I didn't flame you. Sometimes critiques of sets can be harsh. Can't handle it? Er...don't post? For a decent original set, see the Amnesia Snorlax a few posts up. Making a minor move-set change does not make it a unique set.
memjee Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 well it's not a matter if I can "handle" it, I just get this rather weird feeling you don't like me much btw we never finished are battles, last time I would have won (Even though I see you as the better pokemon player) I don't leave my matches until they are done (also sorry for getting off-topic)
wraith89 Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 The Gliscor everyone in our Shoddy Battle hates... Shogun, bob, and I have been using it for quite a while: [sprite]472[/sprite] Gliscor@Leftovers Jolly 244 HP/12 Atk/60 Def/72 SpDef/120 Speed - Earthquake - Taunt - Roost - Toxic 244 HP gives maximal leftovers recovery. Shogun originally went with 48 SpDef, but 72 SpDef seems better since it survives a 219 SpA Swampert's Ice Beam. With these EVs, defensive Zapdos will only 3HKO with Hidden Power Ice while Gliscor can easily outstall it with Toxic and Roost and Taunt it so that they won't Roost. 12 Attack EVs ensure Gliscor to OHKO Electivire, 120 with + nature hits 281 speed to outpace those gazillion stuff that put 279/280 speed and the remaining EVs went to defense... which conveniently hit 301 Defense, which is plenty. Quote "I'm never using this Gliscor again."~ bobtheedibleone after it got destroyed by a Milotic Yeah... you really shouldn't be using this against bulky waters anyhow, but at least cripple them with Toxic or something and switch to an appropriate counter. Bob currently uses the Gliscor in his main team though.
novaspectre Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 Here's my shot at an original pokemon set... This is the blissey I use in my main team: Blissey@Leftovers Modest Serene Grace 100HP/252Def/158SpA - Calm Mind - Softboiled - Thunder - Water Pulse The whole point here is to abuse serene grace to it's fullest: Thunder has a 60% chance of paralysis and Water Pulse brings a 40% chance to confuse to the table. Once the parafuse is set up, start boosting with CM then sweep and softboiled as needed to stay healthy. It wouldn't stand a chance setting this up without those Def EVs and I set up the rest to maximize survivability and damage potential. It may seem gimmicky but I've caught a few people off guard with this set and having blissey take it to the enemy for a change is priceless if you ask me :biggrin:
randomspot555 Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 novaspectre said: Blissey@Leftovers Modest Serene Grace 100HP/252Def/158SpA - Calm Mind - Aromatherapy - Thunder - Water Pulse You're going to be kicking yourself once Blissey gets statused. Use this instead.
cinch.ONE Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 (edited) Umbreon@BrightPowder Calm 252HP/252Sp.Def/4Spe - Yawn - Protect - Moonlight/dark pulse - Nightmare My own personal offensive creation, given that nintendo were not too kind to umbreon both stat and movepool wise. The stacked EVs in Sp.Def and HP make it a massive tank, capable of taking huge hits. Yawn first and then protect, thereby allowing the effects of yawn to take place. With the enemy successfully incapacitated, nightmare 1/4 of their hp away each turn. On top of this, you could opt for hyper beam, dealing further punishment, OR moonlight to replinish heath. This is crucial if you intend on sweeping a vast majority of the opposing teams pokes. Enjoy, :grog: Ben Edited September 28, 2009 by cinch.ONE
wraith89 Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Yawn encourages switching... so if you want an evil set, try to stick Mean Look in there, then Yawn, then Protect, then Nightmare. Oh whoops, that is all four moveslots, so there is no room for Moonlight. Pretty cool, although I usually use Toxic instead, but that fails against the many Steel Pokemon out there as opposed to the Insomniacs. My Onix set for 150: [sprite]095[/sprite] Onix@Leftovers Jolly 252 HP/64 Atk/192 Speed Rock Head (not helping but whatever) - Substitute - Torment - Toxic - Rock Slide Onix, for a giant rock snake, is pathetic. Gloat over that base 160 Defense will you? Then stare at its magnificent base Attack of 45 which makes Geodude with its base Attack of 80 look strong and its even more beautiful HP of 35 (Geodude has 40) and now you are looking at a giant rock... with no substance. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of that one thing it CAN claim over the other Rock/Grounds: its base speed of 70. Once Onix evolves, it turns to Steelix, which loses all that speed but gains all the other stats it needs, so you are better off with using that thing. However, this thing has a strategy. With neutral nature and 0 EVs, Onix still has 356 Defense, which is not too bad. However, maxing out its HP is a must... which hits 274, so yeah (without investment it hits 211). 192 Speed EVs with Jolly hits 246, which is crucial for outpacing those things that sit at 245 (most notably defensive Zapdos). The rest of the EVs are put into its attack... and it still hits only 142 Attack o_o See that Zapdos? Start Substituting to scout what it will do (you are naturally faster than the defensive variants). Yay it used Hidden Power... is it Grass or Ice? No matter because both will kill you anyways. Now Torment it so it cannot use it anymore. Then it will start alternating between Thunderbolt and HP Grass/Ice or Heat Wave... and so start Subbing and when you get the chance, intoxicate it. Rock Slide is just there for STAB and Flinch chance but it still does measly damage to anything... even to something as weak as Pikachu. But eventually, this Onix will come out on top against defensive Zapdos (unless they pack Roar) and other slower stuff. Yeah... that is pretty much the best I can come up with with this giant snake... and every defensive Zapdos that came up to this thing fell against it... or just switched out. Try Taunt if you want to prevent something like Roost... and move some of the Attack EVs to speed (16 extra ones) to outpace base 75 speeders like Absol... which tend to go neutral on speed anyways.
Fantome Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Lead Uxie set I made. :0 Uxie @ Choice Scarf Nature: Impish EV's: 252 HP / 104 Def / 152 Spe - Trick - Stealth Rock - Imprison - Psychic / U-turn 152 speed EV's give you a speed of 396 with choice scarf, which allows you to out speed the majority of leads. Trick slower leads like Tyranitar to make them utterly useless. Imprison makes leads unable to use stealth rock and u-turn and trick. CS leads predict a normal uxie so they usually trick which is completely pointless, allowing you to set up SR. Psychic kills Infernape and hurts Heracross a bit (change the nature to bold if you use this). However U-turn is good for scouting.
memjee Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 (edited) Someone posted a Lead Dugtrio a while back, heres my take on it Dugtrio - Focus Sash Adamant 252 Attack 252 Speed Earthquake Sucker Punch Stealth Rock Reversal Info: Stealth Rock ussually unless Earthquake can score a good hit on the opposing lead. It does take much for it to get to 1% by focus Sash, that's where Reversal Comes along, Sucker Punch for the finisher. I ussually run jolly for my dugtrios to outspeed Infernape but without a cb it does too little damage. HG SS Dragonite Dragonite (F) @ White Herb Ability: Inner Focus EVs: 176 Atk/252 Spd/82 SAtk Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Draco Meteor - Extremespeed - Superpower - Flamethower Info: Doubt this is original, but yea. White Herb is really helpful here. I have yet to use roost, any good replacement? EDIT ADDED FLAMTHOWER Edited October 21, 2009 by memjee
wraith89 Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Fire Blast or Thunderbolt should be used there to hit steels like Skarmory... Mixnites tend to use Life orbs though but to preserve its longeivity I don't see why not. Try using Naive over Hasty to better survive those annoying Bullet Punches from a certain Crimson Flash. Now I do not know if 252 Speed is actually worth using... the max it will hit is 284... you might want more Special Attack to make Draco Meteor scary.
HottSushiz Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Not sure if this is unique though it's just fun using Jolteon@Focus Band (Not sure why though i may get lucky) Timid 252 Sp.atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP -Thundebolt -HP Ice -Attract -Yawn Um if you can't OHKO a Pokemon then attract then, it has only 50% chance to hit, if it fails then your practically dead. :biggrin: Though when they are immobilized, Yawn them, and either switch, or strike them with a Boltbeamish typed moves. Just saying this move set is just for fun, and quite fun to use, especially if you know if your opponent is gonna switch to Electivire, just Yawn at switch then HP Ice away.
wraith89 Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 (edited) WARNING WARNING The following sets involve an NU Pokemon. Every student of Lord Koffing must avoid their eyes from such blasphemy! The following Pokemon Pidgeot IS outclassed by: [sprite]441[/sprite] [shinysprite]441[/shinysprite] Pidgeot @ Liechi Berry Naughty Nature Tangled Feet 36 HP/252 Atk/40 SpA/180 Speed - Agility - Substitute - Heat Wave - Frustration Yes, it's a Pidgeot. Yes, it's weak. And yes, it is trying to sweep. This hits 263 Speed, which after an Agility hits 526, outpacing Choice Scarf Gengars. Then max out Attack, and those HP EVs hit 316 HP to have maximum HP recovery via Leftovers... but since that number is so even, it will fail to Stealth Rocks. Then Sub up until Liechi Berry's effect kicks in and then... start attacking with STAB Frustrations. Why Frustration? Because Pidgeot is mad at Gamefreak for obvious reasons. Heat Wave is there so that Pidgeot is not walled by Steels and to hit those Scizors... but even then, 186 SpA will not OHKO any of them =/ A special attacking variation of this Pidgeot: Pidgeot @ Petaya Berry Modest Nature Tangled Feet 72 HP/252 SpA/4 SpDef/180 Speed - Agility - Substitute - Heat Wave/HP Ground - Air Slash Forget about maximal HP recovery... just set the HP at odd so that SR doesn't eat you up. Obviously max Special Attack... because 70 SpA isn't THAT bad right? Sub up, Agility and everything to outpace Timid Scarf Gengar, then proceed to sub until Petaya kicks in, keep Air Slashing and hope for opponents not named Dragonite and things with Inner Focus to be flinch-haxed to death. Or... start Heat Waving steels but unlike the previous set it will actually do more damage... but still probably not enough to OHKO, especially not Empoleon. Since Heat Wave and Air Slash is redundant in coverage, HP Ground could be used to deal with troublesome Magnezones and Heatrans. Heat Wave is mostly for Scizor... as long as you are behind a Sub you will take it down without a problem. Choose your poison. Yeah, I actually use those sets... and believe me, I wish I could find some room for Roost >.< Edited October 16, 2009 by wraith89
bear831 Posted October 19, 2009 Posted October 19, 2009 wraith89 said: WARNING WARNING The following sets involve an NU Pokemon. Every student of Lord Koffing must avoid their eyes from such blasphemy! The following Pokemon Pidgeot IS outclassed by: [sprite]441[/sprite] [shinysprite]441[/shinysprite] Pidgeot @ Liechi Berry Naughty Nature Tangled Feet 36 HP/252 Atk/40 SpA/180 Speed - Agility - Substitute - Heat Wave - Frustration Yes, it's a Pidgeot. Yes, it's weak. And yes, it is trying to sweep. This hits 263 Speed, which after an Agility hits 526, outpacing Choice Scarf Gengars. Then max out Attack, and those HP EVs hit 316 HP to have maximum HP recovery via Leftovers... but since that number is so even, it will fail to Stealth Rocks. Then Sub up until Liechi Berry's effect kicks in and then... start attacking with STAB Frustrations. Why Frustration? Because Pidgeot is mad at Gamefreak for obvious reasons. Heat Wave is there so that Pidgeot is not walled by Steels and to hit those Scizors... but even then, 186 SpA will not OHKO any of them =/ A special attacking variation of this Pidgeot: Pidgeot @ Petaya Berry Modest Nature Tangled Feet 72 HP/252 SpA/4 SpDef/180 Speed - Agility - Substitute - Heat Wave/HP Ground - Air Slash Forget about maximal HP recovery... just set the HP at odd so that SR doesn't eat you up. Obviously max Special Attack... because 70 SpA isn't THAT bad right? Sub up, Agility and everything to outpace Timid Scarf Gengar, then proceed to sub until Petaya kicks in, keep Air Slashing and hope for opponents not named Dragonite and things with Inner Focus to be flinch-haxed to death. Or... start Heat Waving steels but unlike the previous set it will actually do more damage... but still probably not enough to OHKO, especially not Empoleon. Since Heat Wave and Air Slash is redundant in coverage, HP Ground could be used to deal with troublesome Magnezones and Heatrans. Heat Wave is mostly for Scizor... as long as you are behind a Sub you will take it down without a problem. Choose your poison. Yeah, I actually use those sets... and believe me, I wish I could find some room for Roost >.< Ahhhhhhhhhh the horror!!! :kikkoman: I like it a lot. 526 from a NU Pokemon awesome never seen anything like this. the absence of roost is sad. I like this set but I would never use it.
Cygnus Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I was thinking about this for awhile, but i think its possible... Nature: Adamant IVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd Item: Focus Sash (or belt, whichever guarantees an extra turn if it has full health) Attacks: Flare Blitz Thunder Punch Earthquake Howl Obviously, howl once or twice or more if you have full health, then smash away with flare blitz, earthquake, or thunder punch. Each move is physical, and a physical typhlosion is unexpected, right? Thunder Punch is prefered because of the power over water types, and earthquake stops all fire types cold. Flare Blitz is a nice STAB with massive power as well. All comments are appreciated!
Sirius Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Cygnus said: I was thinking about this for awhile, but i think its possible... Nature: Adamant IVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd Item: Focus Sash (or belt, whichever guarantees an extra turn if it has full health) Attacks: Flare Blitz Thunder Punch Earthquake Howl Obviously, howl once or twice or more if you have full health, then smash away with flare blitz, earthquake, or thunder punch. Each move is physical, and a physical typhlosion is unexpected, right? Thunder Punch is prefered because of the power over water types, and earthquake stops all fire types cold. Flare Blitz is a nice STAB with massive power as well. All comments are appreciated! That set looks nice but wouldn't Flare Blitz defeat the whole purpose of using Focus Sash because Flare Blitz gives recoil damage? I think Expert Belt or perhaps Petaya Berry or Salac Berry might work better there.
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