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Another question. When I load a Japanese Pokemon in, the nickname turns into all these different values, which I'm assuming are the trash bytes. If I were to export that Pokemon's code, would the name display in Japanese, or that wacky stuff?

  Aarux said:
Another question. When I load a Japanese Pokemon in, the nickname turns into all these different values, which I'm assuming are the trash bytes. If I were to export that Pokemon's code, would the name display in Japanese, or that wacky stuff?

The "wacky stuff" is the hexadecimal representation of the characters. \xxxx allows you to specifically set each value to what you want. To answer your question, yes, it'll display as exactly what was in the file you loaded.

The next version (which may be done tomorrow, but I won't promise that) will have more improved handling for nicknames as well. At the moment, it limits you to 10 of the 11 characters for nicknames, as it automatically puts in FFFF for the last character. You'll be able to set all 11 characters manually with the update.

  Patchworks said:
Interesting implementation of sav editing. I like it, i'll run through this with a comb and see if i can find anything that is buggy for you

I'd call it more awkward than interesting. It really needs to be completely redesigned to accomodate it more intuitively, but I wasn't prepared to do that yet. And thanks for the testing.


I agree with making it more intuitive. It's semi confusing and could possibly use it's own tab or upscale the program and refit the components to make it less cluttered. but that's my two cents

  Patchworks said:
It's semi confusing and could possibly use it's own tab or upscale the program and refit the components to make it less cluttered. but that's my two cents

I'm specifically trying not to make the dialog gigantic again, not that it'd necessarily need to be "gigantic" in this case. I prefer everything to be as compacted as possible, rather than wasting huge amounts of space on nothing like Pokesav, as an example. I don't really have any ideas for a redesign at the moment, as I haven't given it much thought. I'm definitely interested in more opinions/suggestions though. (Could this post have more "I"s in it than it already does? ...)


I've discovered an issue that's causes corruption on presumably the part of the save file that's being changed. It doesn't show up until the game is saved. I'm not sure of the cause at the moment, but I'll upload a fix when I can. I would suggest not using it for save file modification until then.

  Codr said:
I've discovered an issue that's causes corruption on presumably the part of the save file that's being changed. It doesn't show up until the game is saved. I'm not sure of the cause at the moment, but I'll upload a fix when I can. I would suggest not using it for save file modification until then.

Hi Codr I've noticed that whenever I try to save new EV values of a given Pokemon, the old ones stay no matter how many times I save. If you have time to look into it that would be really appreciated. (:

  Guardna said:
Hi Codr I've noticed that whenever I try to save new EV values of a given Pokemon, the old ones stay no matter how many times I save. If you have time to look into it that would be really appreciated. (:

I've found this issue (thanks to you pointing it out) and fixed it, but I'm still trying to determine what's causing the save corruption. I'll upload a new version whenever I can get it (corruption) resolved.

Edit: There was also a similar problem with IVs, but the problem isn't that they wouldn't save at all, it's that the speed/special stats were being written to the wrong places. If yours weren't updating at all, keep in mind that after editing stats in the tabs, you need to click the "Save" button to update that Pokemon slot's data before saving the file.


Hey, Codr, I finally figured out what was wrong with that Gyarados I was having trouble with. I made an interesting discovery; though it's not directly related to the topic at hand, I thought perhaps it might somehow be useful to you in helping to improve PokeGen, so I've decided to share it.

I had used Smogon's SID calculator (accessible via http://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/deducing_secret_id and then clicking on the corresponding link) to calculate the secret ID from my SoulSilver save file. Thhat program specifies that you need to use a normal (non-chained) shiny Pokemon from which to calculate the secret ID number. Not having one, I instead experimented with a non-shiny Pokemon. Smogon's SID calculater spit out a SID that my SS save file DID accept as valid, even up to the point of allowing me to change the name of any Pokemon to which I assigned that SID and my normal TID from that file.

However, recently I obtained an NDS Adapter Plus, which is a USB device that interfaces directly with retail NDS carts and can upload and download save files between the cart and a PC. I used this device to rip my save file to my computer, and upon opening it in Pokesav (didn't realize you already finished adding save file support to PokeGen, GEEZ you work fast), I discovered that my -real- Secret ID was totally different from the one the SID calculator had given me.

So in the end, it seems the original results I received from the SID calculator WERE still somehow valid, and deceived me as a result. (Then again, I suppose it was my own fault for not following Smogon's instructions xD) The interesting piece of all this is that apparently it's possible for there to be more than one Secret ID that legitimately matches a given Trainer ID, but there's only one Secret ID that *COMPLETELY* matches it. When I entered the secret ID I obtained from my gamerip and edited my Gyarados' .pkm file accordingly, it now shows up correctly as "Met at..." and not "Apparently met."

I hope that's helpful in some way.

  Jimera said:

You can get your secret ID from any Pokemon from your save (or by the location it's actually stored at in the save file) rather easily. There's no magic to it. You have one secret ID per save file. There are no partial matches, there are no alternatives, just one. If you don't have it right, you'll always get "Apparently". Please don't take this as insulting somehow, I'm just letting you know it's nowhere near as complicated as you made it sound.


Naw, no offense taken. It's just that I originally got my information on SID calculations from smogon, and they make it sound WAAAAY complicated. So yeah... xD Anyway, it's water over the dam now.

I DO have a suggestion for PokeGen though. You should add an option to choose whether to save a pkm file in 136-byte format or 236-byte. For some reason whenever I open my pkm files in PokeGen 2.21 and then save over them after editing them, it always seems to convert them to 236-byte format. I tried opening those 236-byte files and re-saving them as new files, but they still seem to have been saved in their 236-byte format. It'd be very convenient if PokeGen had a feature to manually counteract this (or perhaps if PokeGen simply saved them in 136-byte format by default whether they're being overwritten or not).

  Jimera said:
I DO have a suggestion for PokeGen though. You should add an option to choose whether to save a pkm file in 136-byte format or 236-byte. For some reason whenever I open my pkm files in PokeGen 2.21 and then save over them after editing them, it always seems to convert them to 236-byte format. I tried opening those 236-byte files and re-saving them as new files, but they still seem to have been saved in their 236-byte format. It'd be very convenient if PokeGen had a feature to manually counteract this (or perhaps if PokeGen simply saved them in 136-byte format by default whether they're being overwritten or not).

Take a look at the save dialog a little more closely. It's there.

Also, for anyone who might want to help, I could use some suggestions on how to better handle Pokemon selection. I think everyone would agree that it's pretty cumbersome/confusing/awkward at the moment.


Sorry haven't tried the program yet but I'm excited to. I gotta go in a bit. LOL.

My questions are, will this pokegen aid us the trouble of finding and inputting the hidden hex values and PID numbers that we normally do in PokeSav in order to save our generated Pokemon from "illegality"? And do I just have to load a .pkm file created by the program to PokeSav? Thanks a lot! Bye for now :D

  drakevin said:
My questions are, will this pokegen aid us the trouble of finding and inputting the hidden hex values and PID numbers that we normally do in PokeSav in order to save our generated Pokemon from "illegality"?

The usual hidden values you have to manually set in Pokesav are automatically handled for you in this program. You just select the locations/ball/encounter type from a list. For PIDs, there's a completely thorough PID finder. Unlike Pokesav, you don't need to find the exact set of IVs needed to get a match. The PID finder will adjust the IVs for you as needed to find what you're looking for. It also includes searching for shiny PIDs.

And do I just have to load a .pkm file created by the program to PokeSav?

There's no reason at all to use Pokesav for Pokemon editing when you have PokeGen. (Well, maybe with the exception of no XML generation, but I'll be adding that soon.) You can generate codes and modify save files without Pokesav.


i have a problem well maybe its not a problem i dont know ...

when i change the extra bytes option to any number different of 0

and i generate the ar code when i use the code it generates a bad egg ¿why do this happen? (only with the 0 value it generates me a shiny pokemon)

  lucky13 said:
i have a problem well maybe its not a problem i dont know ...

when i change the extra bytes option to any number different of 0

and i generate the ar code when i use the code it generates a bad egg ¿why do this happen? (only with the 0 value it generates me a shiny pokemon)

Which byte index? It's possible that it's bugged. I'll check.

Also note that I've seen no indication in any Pokemon that any of those bytes need to be modified.

Edit: There's definitely some sort of problem with code generation that's more significant than just the extra bytes. I'm fixing it now.

Edit2: Fixed, 2.211 is available.

Take a look at the save dialog a little more closely. It's there.

OK, yeah, I found it, many thanks. Turns out I had my formats backwards and I was trying to save it as a 136-byte file when I should have been saving it as a 236-byte file. *Sigh*... very like me. xD

Also, for anyone who might want to help, I could use some suggestions on how to better handle Pokemon selection.

You know those menu tabs that say "Main," Met," "Stats," "Sttacks" and "OT/Misc?" One possibility is that you could add another tab for Pokemon selection and then configure the window to allow for selection from the current party or a storage box.

Alternately, you could do something more like Pokesav, where there's a separate window for loading Pokemon to/from party or storage slots, with each party/box slot and the Pokemon occupying it displayed in a list format with "Save" and "Load" buttons next to them. I know you're trying to avoid making the PokeGen window unnecessarily large, but due to the large capacities of the storage boxes, the best way to keep things more condensed is probably to stay with something similar to what you've got now with the drop menus. Maybe you could add a "Select Pokemon" tab to the main PokeGen window and have that tab contain drop menu windows for the party and each box...? Hope that helps somehow.

  Jimera said:
You know those menu tabs that say "Main," Met," "Stats," "Sttacks" and "OT/Misc?" One possibility is that you could add another tab for Pokemon selection and then configure the window to allow for selection from the current party or a storage box.

Alternately, you could do something more like Pokesav, where there's a separate window for loading Pokemon to/from party or storage slots, with each party/box slot and the Pokemon occupying it displayed in a list format with "Save" and "Load" buttons next to them. I know you're trying to avoid making the PokeGen window unnecessarily large, but due to the large capacities of the storage boxes, the best way to keep things more condensed is probably to stay with something similar to what you've got now with the drop menus. Maybe you could add a "Select Pokemon" tab to the main PokeGen window and have that tab contain drop menu windows for the party and each box...? Hope that helps somehow.

I appreciate you taking the time to make suggestions. The reason I didn't add another tab is that the tabs are currently only for Pokemon information. Selection didn't really fit with that scheme for a tab.

Anyway, I had already started on something else that I didn't anticipate doing this soon. Let's just say it's very, very much improved upon what currently exists. It may be done later today.


Haha, okay, sounds awesome, I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve.

Also, I found something that you might want to fix. After doing some basic tests to confirm it, I noted that when editing a Pokemon's EV data, there's an issue with the Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed windows. It seems that EVs entered into the Special Attack box somehow wind up getting applied to the Speed stat instead; those entered into the Special Defense box end up applied to Special Attack; and those entered into Speed get applied to Special Defense. Hope that helps, and good luck with whatever surprise it is you're working on, heh.

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