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From what I hear, the VS Recorder that allows you to record and upload video of your pokemon battles checks the legitimacy of your pokemon and your opponent's and if this is something out of place, it will state an error in either your party or their's.

Now, I haven't used Platinum or anything of the sort, but I was wondering how efficient is this VS Recorder.

Meaning, does everything have to be authentically made in order to pass through?

I was hoping if someone could check by doing battles with a clearly hacked pokemon (IVs are to the extreme, EVs, etc.)

A pokemon with generated PID/IV values and origins are all in-place, but no hex values AT ALL!

And a perfectly legit pokemon.

Thanks D:

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I'm working on it. I'm slow about beating platinum and I don't feel like hacking through it. I've already transferred quite a few hacked pokes from my acekard, and intend to run vs recorder tests soon.

Will be testing with:

Legal Event Pokemon

Hacked Event Pokemon

Legit Pokemon

Hacked Pokemon

Obviously Hacked Pokemon

Bad-Egg-Into-PBR Pokemon

Hacked Stats Pokemon

In order. ~


Haha, al'right. If you need help, just tell me.

I was about to do the PID/IV generator for my pokemon, but I hear the VS Recorder isn't too efficient. So I wouldn't bother with hex values.

  Gold88 said:
Guess the problem is over. I've done a battle with my legal pokemons today against a surely bad hacked pokemon but with legal stats i assume, and the VS recorded has done its job easily :). So don't worry dude ;)

I cheked this with a battle as i've already said in the previous topic. I've used my legal pokemon against the clearly hacked pokemon of my enemy,. Btw i think they had legal stats (since 31 ivs too it's legal), he used an HP Fire Shaymin too, so xD.


You never made it clear about what happened.

And I'm looking to see if I need to have valid PID/IV Generator/ Shiny algorithms or valid hex values in order to bypass it.

Confirmation would be terrific nonetheless.


If anyone wants to do tests, they could do the following:

Make sure, one of the teams you battle are perfectly legit, caught in-game, etc.

  • Use Legit in-game pokemon
  • Use pokemon with legal stats (31 IVs, 255 Ev in one stat, etc.)
  • Event Pokemon
  • Mimicked hacked-event pokemon
  • Pokemon without any hex values
  • Pokemon with modified IVs without using the PID/IV Generator
  • Pokemon with shininess (manually modiifed via Pokesav)
  • Legendary Pokemon (Via Pal-Park and/or in-game Legendaries)

That's all that comes to mind right now


Sorry for the double-post.

But I have a friend who tells me that the VS Recorder only checks Hex Values (How lame).

As he transferred his team from Pearl to Platinum

To quote:

Oh yeah, they were in-game dudes that were being tested on Platinum. But I changed the SID and ID of my character, and I'm guessing it was an invalid combo.

This is interesting, I haven't heard of the VS Recorder checking the legality of Pokémon. Then again, I haven't been playing Platinum much. I wonder why they would implement it into the recorder though...

  Zafur said:
This is interesting, I haven't heard of the VS Recorder checking the legality of Pokémon. Then again, I haven't been playing Platinum much. I wonder why they would implement it into the recorder though...

Well it looks awfully bad for Nintendo to have the top videos uploaded via wifi showing off obviously hacked pokemon, like a wondertomb with 999 stats.

I'm not entirely sure why this wasn't implemented for the GTS and PBR (or maybe it is and I just don't know), perhaps what they added was not reverse-compatible with DP so the decided to improve the checking process in Pt.

  Torte de Lini said:
From what I hear, anyone with a flash card can't upload videos as it will give them an error with or without legitimate pokemon.
I heard that too, but I honestly don't think it would stop us from doing it, I'll check in a 'lil bit. I really highly doubt that it would stop us, that would be saying stopping us from the GTS but it doesn't.
  Poryhack said:
Well it looks awfully bad for Nintendo to have the top videos uploaded via wifi showing off obviously hacked pokemon, like a wondertomb with 999 stats.

I'm not entirely sure why this wasn't implemented for the GTS and PBR (or maybe it is and I just don't know), perhaps what they added was not reverse-compatible with DP so the decided to improve the checking process in Pt.

Oops. Sorry. I thought of that later, after I posted. Seems kinda obvious now lol. Are you guys working on extracting the data? I remember that being mentioned earlier on the old forum.

I got that error trying to upload something for the first time. English ROM. Might've been the Pokémon though, since it was against another random trainer.


Yeah, once this thing is figured out it'l be GREATLY appreciated.

I've uploaded 1 or 2 battles successfully on the JAP plat ROM. And NONE so far with the ENG plat ROM. My Pokemon are all legal as well, it's quite frustrating.


Are there different error messages? The only one I've seen on the ENG ROM is "There's a problem with YOUR party Pokemon"

Has anyone seen something about, your OPPONENTS party Pokemon?


This topic is really interesting to me.

I know for sure it strictly checks movesets.

My Smeargle couldn't make it through knowing Judgement, (I'm assuming because Arceus isn't released yet) but when I changed Judgement to Extremespeed it went through.

This also got me wondering... I sketched Judgement from an Arceus, and I can see why Nintendo would block this, but isn't it possible to sketch Judgement from Metronome too? I sketched Aeroblast from a Trainer (North of Solaceon town) who had a Clefable with Metronome once before.

So if you sketched Judgement from a Metronome, according to the Vs. Recorder, your Smeargle is hacked. That's not fair :P

  Syberia said:
Sketch would either copy Metronome or fail, it would not copy Judgment.

No, Sketch copies the move Metronome uses. For example, Togepi used Metronome, Togepi used Tackle. Smeargle uses Sketch and learns Tackle. I've done this myself so I know that's how it works.


Lol @ loopholes.

All I know is the following:

  • CycloDS and/or Flash Card users cannot access GTS (Locks-up as soon as you past the doors)
  • Uploading Boxes/ Contest pokemon does not cause a problem (sometimes you might lock-up)
  • Uploading Pokemon videos with correct Hex Values (Mine were correct, I believe), but illegit IVs/Nature/Shininess will cause the video to give the following error: "here's a problem with YOUR party Pokemon"

Not confirmed if it's only because of the flash card or lack of legal IVs/Nature/Shininess or another factor that remains untested

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