jojo12100 Posted September 5, 2017 Author Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) On 9/5/2017 at 6:51 AM, HaxAras said: 1 in 600 for the level 25. And I get the damn level 26. I've captured every one that didn't flee. If I catch the entire level range outside of 25, I'll give up. Fishing is terrible. So painfully slow in these games. I have 11 Japanese Sapphire. Expand So lucky I have only seen 2 lv28 for the moment. It's so painfull to get this. If you got it first I thought to share most of my gen5 collection. Edit: I saw it in my Emerald Cartrigde and it fled even with Pokeblock glitch I'm so salty !!!!!! Edited September 5, 2017 by jojo12100
Johnwraight Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 ok so just a few more from gen 2 for today route 22 fearow - 022 - FEAROW - 9FE2.pk2 route 24 gloom (including both evolutions) - 044 - GLOOM - 20BA.pk2 045 - VILEPLUME - E3EC.pk2 182 - BELLOSSOM - 5619.pk2 route 27 dodrio - 085 - DODRIO - 5F96.pk2 route 30 poliwhirl (including both evolutions) - 061 - POLIWHIRL - 2EA0.pk2 062 - POLIWRATH - 406F.pk2 186 - POLITOED - B884.pk2 newbark town tentacrule - 073 - TENTACRUEL - 2C8E.pk2 trade evolution hanuter gengar (from @Poke J's contribution) - 094 - GENGAR - 929C.pk2 1
theSLAYER Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 10:39 AM, Johnwraight said: @HaxAras @theSLAYER is there a clearer way to view the new spreadsheet? I can only see half of it on the main page and would like to fill in a huge chunk of gen2 later today. My worry is I waste my time/ someone else's time catching something for the archive that has already been submitted as I can't see if it has been contributed or not. Thanks Expand I've expanded the spreadsheet in first post (made it longer)
wrathsoffire76 Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 1:23 PM, theSLAYER said: I've expanded the spreadsheet in first post (made it longer) Expand I think it's a bit too long actually I have to keep scrolling up and down to switch tabs
theSLAYER Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 3:35 PM, wrathsoffire76 said: I think it's a bit too long actually I have to keep scrolling up and down to switch tabs Expand reduced it slightly 1
HaxAras Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 8:09 AM, HaxAras said: I was hoping to do this without clones if possible. So I'll be keeping an eye out for another gen 2 Gengar. Expand
Johnwraight Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 4:18 PM, HaxAras said: Expand I'm In the process of catching the 3 required in the rock tunnel for gen2 so I will have a lv 15 haunter from there shortly 1
Flametix Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) I have another dump request, this time for Gen 6. I have the Level 30 Forretress, Bronzong, and Galvantula in my X game. If anyone can trade and tradeback that would be great. Edited September 5, 2017 by Flametix clarification
Johnwraight Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 ok so here is my second contribution to gen2 collection. @HaxAras you should probably give me permission to edit the spreadsheets as tbh I'm just going to keep going and collect as many as I can on the other generations as I will have finished what is listed as a requirement from gen2 soon enough. burnt tower weezing - 110 - WEEZING - B391.pk2 celadon city muk - 089 - MUK - 3F73.pk2 digletts cave dugtrio (lv 16 from crystal) -051 - DUGTRIO - C501.pk2 rock tunnel machoke and trade evolved machamp - 067 - MACHOKE - 095E.pk2068 - MACHAMP - 43DF.pk2 rock tunnel haunter (lv 17 from crystal) and trade evolved gengar - 093 - HAUNTER - E431.pk2094 - GENGAR - 41E1.pk2 rock tunnel marowak - 105 - MAROWAK - 8905.pk2 victory road rhydon - 112 - RHYDON - BAC9.pk2 I'm just messing about the permissions you can do what ever you like but I will be uploading a lot of pokemon and I'm here to assist where I can 1
HaxAras Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) On 9/5/2017 at 6:20 PM, Flametix said: I have another dump request, this time for Gen 6. I have the Level 30 Forretress, Bronzong, and Galvantula in my X game. If anyone can trade and tradeback that would be great. Expand I can trade you after work if nobody else has. Can anyone find the HG/SS "Special tree" in the Illex Forest for the under-leveled Noctowl/Butterfree? It requires headbutt. I also added the surfing golduck encounter, 10% encounter rate for it , 90% for Psyduck. On 9/5/2017 at 6:24 PM, Johnwraight said: I'm just messing about the permissions you can do what ever you like but I will be uploading a lot of pokemon and I'm here to assist where I can Expand If I can find out after work, I can add you. I'd prefer the list to match the master file on my PC so I just need to make sure I know when you edit the files/ I download your contributions so they match. Edited September 5, 2017 by HaxAras
Flametix Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) I did some more research and found some other underleveled examples. Some other underlevelled pokemon include: Gen 6: Garbodor/Swanna/Sawsbuck L30 (Friend Safari) Gen 7: Electabuzz l26-29 Blush Mountain/Route 12 (SOS), Magmar l16-19 (Wela Volcano Park SOS), Garbodor l24-27 (Malie City SOS), Seaking l14-27 (Brooklet Hill/Malie Garden SOS), Wailord l10-39 (wailmer Poni Island fishing SOS), Pangoro l24-27 (Route 10/11 SOS) EDIT: It seems like some corrections on earlier pages have some of these. Edited September 5, 2017 by Flametix Corrections to my post 1
HaxAras Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 9:21 PM, Flametix said: I did some more research and found some other underleveled examples. Some other underlevelled pokemon include: Gen 6: Garbodor/Swanna/Pyroar/Sawsbuck L30 (Friend Safari) Gen 7: Electabuzz l26-29 Blush Mountain/Route 12 (SOS), Magmar l16-19 (Wela Volcano Park SOS), Garbodor l24-27 (Malie City SOS), Seaking l14-27 (Brooklet Hill/Malie Garden SOS), Wailord l10-39 (wailmer Poni Island fishing SOS), Pangoro l24-27 (Route 10 SOS) Expand I already caught both gender Pyroar. did we look into the gen 1-2 Magmar/Electabuzz and for that matter, gen 3? I know we already have the gen 4 Burned tower Magmar thanks to JoJo.
jojo12100 Posted September 5, 2017 Author Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) I found 2 Red Gyarados in less than 5 minutes searching for lv20 DP Whiscash. Is it good luck? After my 2 Safari fails that made me cry. Edit: Found lv22 Toxicroak I'm the luckiest guy in the world today ^^ Edited September 5, 2017 by jojo12100 1 1
Flametix Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 (edited) I went through my boxes/caught stuff, and I made this full list of my underleveled Pokemon that I have in X/Moon that need to be traded. X: L30 Galvantula, L30 Forretress, L30 Camerupt, L30 Sawsbuck, L30 Bronzong (Friend Safaris) Gen 7: L3 Metapod (Route 1) , L19 Sharpedo (poni breaker coast), L16 Slowbro (Kalae Bay), L16 Magmar (wela volcano park), L17 Gyarados (Melemele Sea), L11 Seaking (Malie Garden), L27 Garbodor (Malie City) Edited September 5, 2017 by Flametix info
HaxAras Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 On 9/5/2017 at 10:56 PM, Flametix said: I went through my boxes/caught stuff, and I made this full list of my underleveled Pokemon that I have in X/Moon that need to be traded. X: L30 Galvantula, L30 Forretress, L30 Camerupt, L30 Sawsbuck, L30 Bronzong (Friend Safaris) Gen 7: L3 Metapod (Route 1) , L19 Sharpedo (poni breaker coast), L16 Slowbro (Kalae Bay), L16 Magmar (wela volcano park), L17 Gyarados (Melemele Sea), L11 Seaking (Malie Garden), L27 Garbodor (Malie City) Expand I think we have done a PM. Message me when you want to trade (Or post here) Another thing. I have the level 7 viridian forest Pidgeotto from gen 4 in gen 7. How should we go about under-leveled Pokemon that have been migrated? With the New Mauville Magneton that I evolved in gen 4. I added it to the gen 3 section but made a note that it's with the PK4 files.
HaxAras Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) Gen 6 - 7 contributions from @Flametix. Updated the zip with the new additions. I'm going to start working on the Illex forest "Special headbutt tree" under-leveled Pidgeotto and Noctowl. Updated the spreadsheet with new Viridian forest and Route 2 encounters. 437 - Bron - D80958EDC152.pk6Fetching info... 569 - Longtemps - B9E67505AE45.pk7Fetching info... 586 - Buck - E8608360A61F.pk6Fetching info... 596 - VELC - DF2911D3D334.pk6Fetching info... 011 - Angry birds - B84DA888CF92.pk7Fetching info... 080 - Slowbrother - DA0AC6D8A760.pk7Fetching info... 119 - Royalle - 92075EDBCF40.pk7Fetching info... 126 - Scorch - 02F680766B22.pk7Fetching info... 130 - DOS - BCFD665ECA8A.pk7Fetching info... 205 - Feorre - 0500ABB13D6B.pk6Fetching info... 319 - Sharky - 39D40C5462EB.pk7Fetching info... 323 - HeadCamel - C18A4F5D6D44.pk6Fetching info... Under Leveled.7zFetching info... EDIT!: I will reply or update later with more gits! I found the Illex forest level 6 Noctowl. It took forever. Reveal hidden contents Took so damn long, I started catching the Butterfree until I had male and female of all but level 7. Edit: I found a slightly under-leveled Seaking and a level 35 Medicham in my Japanese Pearl. I just caught 2 Weepinbel, Raticate, Kadabra and Persian in gen 2. The list has been updated but I haven't dumped my Silver save or added them to the collection yet. Edited September 6, 2017 by HaxAras 1
jojo12100 Posted September 6, 2017 Author Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) Who got another shiny today hunting for lv15 Slowbro in SM? It's me ^^ I got a shiny Slowpoke with 5IV all except Speed. Caught in a LoveBall of course! I have a bad news unfortunately apparently Elektek lv26 is exclusive to Pokemon Moon that's why I don't have it yet. @HaxAras I don't understand why you changed the lowest level in gen7. I mean for example lv10 Gyarados is easy to find. Edited September 6, 2017 by jojo12100 1
jojo12100 Posted September 6, 2017 Author Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) A little fun stats about the Underleved I'm looking for: -East Gastrodon lv20 Platinum 1/233 -Seaking lv25 Safari RSE 1/600 ⚠️ Can flee, do it on emulator in order to not cry -Wailrein lv35 BW Winter 1/720 Edited September 7, 2017 by jojo12100
wrathsoffire76 Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 On 9/6/2017 at 9:39 AM, jojo12100 said: Elektek lv26 is exclusive to Pokemon Moon that's why I don't have it yet. Expand Oh, perfect. I have Moon so I shall try to look for this
Johnwraight Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 so here is todays upload, not as many as usual but its still something. if anyone has a gen 2 save (before team rocket hq) avalilable so I could get the lv 23 electrode it would really help as I'm not prepared to replay the whole game just to get that one pokemon (maybe once gold and silver has been released to virtual console) but not any time soon! mt.motar golbat (+ high friendship lv14 crobat) -042 - GOLBAT - EC7C.pk2 169 - CROBAT - 5211.pk2 mt.silver -pupitar - 247 - PUPITAR - 929C.pk2 ruins of alph quagsier (lv20) - 195 - QUAGSIRE - 4AB5.pk2 slowpoke well slowbro - 080 - SLOWBRO - C5A6.pk2 whirl island sedra (+ dragonscale trade kingdra) - 117 - SEADRA - 34B1.pk2 230 - KINGDRA - A83E.pk2
Johnwraight Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 ok I had a little more than I planned so here are a few more (All from Crystal Version) route 7 raticate - 020 - RATICATE - BDB9.pk2 route 8 haunter (+ trade evolved gengar) - 093 - HAUNTER - D0B9.pk2 094 - GENGAR - E955.pk2 dark cave ursaring - 217 - URSARING - 5420.pk2 that should be everything from the spreadsheet (so far) for crystal so I shall move over to gold and silver next to collect the rest 2
jojo12100 Posted September 6, 2017 Author Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) Found the lv15 Gyarados and lv35 Wailord in DP today. Plus, saw a lv21 Whiscash, so close.... Edit: Caught lv20 Whiscash and saw a lv21 Seaking. @HaxAras In gen 7 Gyarados, Sharpedo, Wailord and Seaking can be found at lv10, Slowbro at lv 15, Garbodor at lv24, Elektek in Moon at lv26. Edited September 6, 2017 by jojo12100
HaxAras Posted September 6, 2017 Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) On 9/6/2017 at 5:18 PM, Johnwraight said: so here is todays upload, not as many as usual but its still something. if anyone has a gen 2 save (before team rocket hq) avalilable so I could get the lv 23 electrode it would really help as I'm not prepared to replay the whole game just to get that one pokemon (maybe once gold and silver has been released to virtual console) but not any time soon! mt.motar golbat (+ high friendship lv14 crobat) -042 - GOLBAT - EC7C.pk2 169 - CROBAT - 5211.pk2 mt.silver -pupitar - 247 - PUPITAR - 929C.pk2 ruins of alph quagsier (lv20) - 195 - QUAGSIRE - 4AB5.pk2 slowpoke well slowbro - 080 - SLOWBRO - C5A6.pk2 whirl island sedra (+ dragonscale trade kingdra) - 117 - SEADRA - 34B1.pk2 230 - KINGDRA - A83E.pk2 Expand I might re-start my silver save after I dump the file/Pokemon in a little bit. I'll work on beating it here and there until I get to that point. 020 - RATICATE - 8045.pk2Fetching info... 053 - PERSIAN - 71B3.pk2Fetching info... 065 - ALAKAZAM - D6F8.pk2Fetching info... 070 - WEEPINBELL - 45FD.pk2Fetching info... 071 - VICTREEBEL - B2FC.pk2Fetching info... Edit: Adding under-leveled, Burned Tower Magmar and I added a GSC, under-leveled Burned Tower Raticate encounter. 126 - MAGMAR - A2A2.pk2 Edited September 6, 2017 by HaxAras
jojo12100 Posted September 7, 2017 Author Posted September 7, 2017 (edited) Find the lv20 Seaking finally and the lv20 Tentacruel (first try), now I'm searching for the Pelipper. Edit: Found the Pelipper. Now let's hunt the Golduck. Edit2: Got it. Don't want to do the RSE Safari Seaking . Edited September 7, 2017 by jojo12100
jojo12100 Posted September 7, 2017 Author Posted September 7, 2017 Ok here's most of the missing ones from gen4 (except 2/3 from HGSS I can't share and 1 in DP I don't have yet). I was thinking of release most of my gen5 collection as prize for lv25 RSE Safari Seaking and most of my gen7 collection as prize for BW lv35 Walrein. They are hard to find (1/600 and 1/720) but not impossible. Good luck ^^ Pporg.rar 1
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