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Just a note that the latest updates will be posted to GitHub over at https://github.com/ReignOfComputer/RoCs-PC


Update: We continue into 2019 and beyond!

Little project I'm working on to go through all the Pokémon games and establish a library in 2016-2018. Yes, some people have done so before me - but this is more of a personal goal to well... Complete the PokeDex.

Though my Pokémon journey started in ~1998, it never really took off until 2006 with the release of Diamond/Pearl. With the GTS and the going online, meeting many like-minded people from communities such as PokemonGTS, ProjectPokemon, and Secure, I can see how peaking behind the curtain got me to where I am today.

Still here? Cool. In this thread you can find my collection, amassed since 2006 through my own game-play, The Global Terminal, friends, and more. This includes quite a number of 3rd Gen events (pre-PalParked, see 13 - Gen IV - Gen III Pal Park, rough file list here). I'm still digging through my archive folders so there's probably a lot more, but with the sheer amount of files this will take some time. Also as a disclaimer, it's been so long that I can't tell if any of the events are hacked (especially those GCEA, WISH, etc). I wouldn't assume everything is legit.

I'm working on creating updated 2016-2018 versions of every game's PokeDex since I'm playing through everything from Gen I to VII (#completionist), but you can find my old 2011/2013 5/6th Gen files in zArchive.

Lots of files belonging to other people, if I didn't credit you, let me know.


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That's a very huge and ambitious project, I really hope you finish it.

Specially the gen 3 event pokemons, contributin so many of them is like a dream for gen3 lovers since most are probably lost forever.

About gen 3, I noticed the huge amount of MSTRY mews, might you happen to have some of those distribution carts?

Also, I saw navel rock's lugia and ho-ho: do you happen to own a savegame with the mystyc ticket wondercard?

Congratulations on the project and keep it going!

Edit: I missinterpreted, I though the list was for gen 3 and it's for pal-parked gen 4, so I guess the mews are the ones from sabresite.

  • Like 1

Man, this collection is so perfect! Only missing stuff are Pokémon Present From Stadium and Stadium 2, but as i am unable to export and import data between pc and game boy cart, i only have as legit pkm, the Baton Pass Farfetch'd and the Earthquake Gligar. The Majority of the Other Pokémon in Stadium was obtained by Cheating. :( So if you don't mind contributing these pokémon at least without cheating on Pokémon Stadium Rom and Project 64 emulator...


Updated: 20160519 -> 20160525

File count: 13,324 -> 15,944

8 - Gen IV - DPPt Collection (25 views)

9 - Gen IV - HGSS Collection (28 views)

11 - Gen IV - Events (44 views)

19 - Gen VI - XY Collection (32 views)

Going to work on Black and X simultaneously, probably won't be sorting the event/RNG'd/shiny files until I'm done with all the main series.

In 1 or 2 releases time I'll probably move everything to GitHub so it's easier to track changes and allow people to contribute. That's probably when I'll merge in other projects and contributions like Sabresite, lvlann, HaxAras, InsaneNutter, etc. Getting a headache looking at my "To Sort" folder :/

Maddaren, I'll look into Pokémon Stadium after the main series is complete :)

  ReignOfComputer said:
Updated: 20160519 -> 20160525

Getting a headache looking at my "To Sort" folder :/

The perpetual "To do list". I know it all too well. I'm always trying to give myself multiple long and complicated goals to give myself a reason to play.

Because for some reason living Pokedexes caught entirely in Pokeballs in every language in every gen with the OT HaxAras seemed like a good idea at the time.

  HaxAras said:
Because for some reason living Pokedexes caught entirely in Pokeballs in every language in every gen with the OT HaxAras seemed like a good idea at the time.

LOL yeah! I tried to do this when BW came out (you can see the 2011 progress in zArchive, I got through all of JPN, most of ENG and was starting with FRA). Too tedious to finish :P

  ReignOfComputer said:
LOL yeah! I tried to do this when BW came out (you can see the 2011 progress in zArchive, I got through all of JPN, most of ENG and was starting with FRA). Too tedious to finish :P

I'm allergic to the concept of being in a hurry. Every time I complete something, I'm not left with a sense of satisfaction or happiness. I'm left with an empty feeling and the question "What do I do now?". The way I see it, So long as I always have goals, I'll always have a reason to play.

I recently got French copies of Ruby and Sapphire and a Spanish Ruby. I'm also going to be working on the Japanese saves so I can contribute any and all static Pokemon as well as in-game trades from these languages.

I've been playing PMD: Red Rescue Team since 2007. In 2010, I decided to 100% the game. I recruited all the legendaries in 2010 and then every other Pokemon in 2013. Technically, I only have 2 entries left. Spotted Munchlax and every Pokemon was made leader. I refuse to let Munchlax be my last entry. I still haven't played Etrian Mystery Dungeon, or the 2 new Pokemon ones. Despite the Mystery Dungeon games being my favorites of all time.

I played through Pokemon Emerald for the millionth time so I could upload my save for a project. I beat about a third of Leaf Green and xD: for the in-game trades. I still haven't really played everything after Platinum. I may get to the games someday. Until then, I'll always have something new left to play.

  ReignOfComputer said:
Updated: 20160519 -> 20160525

File count: 13,324 -> 15,944

8 - Gen IV - DPPt Collection (25 views)

9 - Gen IV - HGSS Collection (28 views)

11 - Gen IV - Events (44 views)

19 - Gen VI - XY Collection (32 views)

Going to work on Black and X simultaneously, probably won't be sorting the event/RNG'd/shiny files until I'm done with all the main series.

In 1 or 2 releases time I'll probably move everything to GitHub so it's easier to track changes and allow people to contribute. That's probably when I'll merge in other projects and contributions like Sabresite, lvlann, HaxAras, InsaneNutter, etc. Getting a headache looking at my "To Sort" folder :/

Maddaren, I'll look into Pokémon Stadium after the main series is complete :)


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I loved D/P, especially the post-game areas. And Platinum improved so much on everything.

Now I wouldn't be able to return to D/P, because after having played Platinum, all the flaws from D/P are way more noticeable and borderline unbearable.

In D/P I had so many training spots for various types of Pokémon that really made levelling to 100 a breeze. Good times. Could never do that in B/W, aside from maybe Audino farming, which is really boring imo.


Totally, playing Platinum and then D+P for the purpose of this collection reminded me of all the major changes, like Distortion World and getting the starters.

DPPt were definitely the best for me in terms of music (I love the piano focus). Favorites being the

, and
(which hasn't changed since).
did a good job with a Sinnoh orchestra.

After finishing DPPt and HGSS, and playing XY simultaneously, going onto BW/B2W2 (of which the music is just a mess to me) feels a little weird, heh. Especially with the terrible and completely unnecessary rivals Bianca and Cheren. Nevertheless, still exciting to go through all the generations and relive memories :D

(That being said, box management was a nightmare without the touchscreen on DPPt and I'm so glad that was a feature in HGSS and beyond)


Yeah I had a lot of good memories from D/P because of the GTS too.

First time I've ever been able to obtain event Pokémon. Got my hands on Gen. 3 event Mew, Celebi and Jirachi, and some more, that I would have never been able to obtain if it wasn't for Wi-Fi trading.

Now I have access to several ways to backup and restore save files from my retail cartridges, from Gen. 3 and up, and I can get pretty much any event Pokémon I want any time in any game.

Will never get the same feeling again, but it was fun while it lasted. It was still really fun for a while the first time I was able to really get my own events with the help of AR codes for adding Wondercards to my game. :P

  ReignOfComputer said:
As a quick note, I've started Pokémon Black now, and it's reminded me why I lost interest in Pokémon from 2010-2013. Worst animation, music, rivals and overall feel IMO. Sinnoh to me still has the most class :P

I couldn't agree more. I hated Heart Gold and Soul Silver so much I stopped playing Pokemon. I came back at the end of gen 5 and it's the worst thing ever. Everything that's terrible in gen 6, started in Black and White.


Black and White to me were kinda ok when they first came out. But since B2/W2, which improved -so much- on the original B/W... I can't stand the original B/W anymore. They definitely rank at the very bottom of my list.

Can't wait for Diamond/Pearl remakes :3 probably skip Gen. V remakes if it ever comes to that though tbh. Will have to see how they turn out.

  Ammako said:
Black and White to me were kinda ok when they first came out. But since B2/W2, which improved -so much- on the original B/W... I can't stand the original B/W anymore. They definitely rank at the very bottom of my list.

Can't wait for Diamond/Pearl remakes :3 probably skip Gen. V remakes if it ever comes to that though tbh. Will have to see how they turn out.

I didn't even notice all these replies at first. I loved the music and PC system in DPP. Hoenn will always be my favorite but I couldn't agree more about Platinum being so good, that it made Diamond and Pearl harder to go back to at first. They're also really slow. I was playing Platinum a few months ago and Pearl on the side and it wasn't too bad after a while. But back in 2007-2009, I'd put over 400 hours into my Pearl save and then another 400 into Platinum so the changes were very noticeable. I used to use the VS seeker to re-battle the trainers north of Orbergh and train in the resort in Platinum. The biggest thing that annoyed me about HG/SS was the lack of a VS seeker or decent way to re-battle trainers.

Gen 6 has a lot of problems for me as well. The insufferable rivals, the characters gigantic heads, the camera angles always changing. I don't like what they did with the trainer cards or the hall of fame either. The removal of the Pokeballs pocket, just making the items pocket more cluttered and the berries pocket not showing you berry count until you hover over them.

I'm definitely going to try my best to enjoy all of the games as I play through them all again myself. I want to get my own collection of static Pokemon, living dexes and in-game trades at the lowest legal level. I'll contribute anything I can as well.

  Sabresite said:
I haven't looked at your files, but I have a complete collection of GCEA (Japan) and WISH (shiny hatched eggs, including Chansey). Let me know if you need any of them!

You still have all those files i sent you from 2011? Wow. I dont have any of that stuff any more. Sent my whole collection to someone and then deleted. Good stuff. If i still had my stuff i would attach. Good going and keep the foght.


Going through the list of files to sort it looks like I lost a lot of 4th Gen events, no idea where the files went. Oh well.

Also found the Pokémon Secure website (no harm in talking about it, inactive for 2+ years), unfortunately my access to their file sections got revoked lol. Anyone still remember them though? #throwbackthursday :P

  ReignOfComputer said:
Going through the list of files to sort it looks like I lost a lot of 4th Gen events, no idea where the files went. Oh well.

Also found the Pokémon Secure website (no harm in talking about it, inactive for 2+ years), unfortunately my access to their file sections got revoked lol. Anyone still remember them though? #throwbackthursday :P

yes i do......

assholes took my goruchans spread them all around and banned after i was the one who drove 2 hours to san diego to get weavile and the goruchans for them.

by the way i still have all my gen 4 event files that were legit checked by my old trading partner DannyBo1 (not sure if you know that name) if you want them. i think i have around like 3000 though, used to do some wonder card farming.

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