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  chargers said:
help suicune not at bills found him everywhere else dont know y he isnt at bills

Did you encounter Suicune on the Route 14? And I dunno if it really has anything to do with it, but did you complete everything in Cerulean with Misty at the cape?

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See, I solved the Rocket-Power Plant issue after talking to Misty out by Bills house, beat the gym, then went to find Suicune at Route 14 to send him running to Bills house, , so I don't really know what to say. I dunno if it has to be done in that order, or what.

  Aarux said:
There's a Pikachu that Lt. Surge trades you, right? For a Viridian Forest one?

Do any of you guys know what level it's supposed to be at?

Like most in-game trades that I can recall, I'm fairly certain it'll be at the same level as the Pikachu you give him.


I have two small questions, i heard that the japanese version of HG/SS is compatible with a US DS system. is this true? If so then has a Pokesav come out for the japanese version/will come out?

  SwitzaHouse said:
I have two small questions, i heard that the japanese version of HG/SS is compatible with a US DS system. is this true? If so then has a Pokesav come out for the japanese version/will come out?

Um,... yeah. The DS has always been a region free system... the DSi is region free for games, but limited to the region you bought it for the shop.

Kinda, there is one out, but its very basic right this second and really only allows minor editing.


Small Questions!

Does the female character from FrLg make an appearance?

Does playing as female make Green be the ultimate trainer instead of Red?

What happened to the last Johto starter? If the male/female counterpart took it, will you get to fight him/her eventually?


thanks a lot i never new the DS was region free i feel like a fool, there are a few japanese games ive wanted to play, and about the pokesav, what do you by minor editing, if its not too much trouble?


quick question... people are talking about making hgss pokemon using pokesav, but the only versions i can find on the dl page are dppt, are they compatible with hgss? or can someone tell me where to get the hgss version of pokesav?


  theSLAYER said:
Small Questions!

Does the female character from FrLg make an appearance?

Does playing as female make Green be the ultimate trainer instead of Red?

What happened to the last Johto starter? If the male/female counterpart took it, will you get to fight him/her eventually?

1. No...sadly.

2. No.

3. Nothing, it sits there. All we see from your counterpart is that he/she is always walking with Marill, we never fight with them or against them.

  SwitzaHouse said:
thanks a lot i never new the DS was region free i feel like a fool, there are a few japanese games ive wanted to play, and about the pokesav, what do you by minor editing, if its not too much trouble?

Its basically a stripped down version of the DP Pokesav. It currently only allows for some old item edits in your bag, editing your party Pokemon, TID, SID, etc. because some of the sections of the save file are the same between them. Its not at the point where you can do mass edits with your boxes, edit event flags, or import Mystery Gifts yet.. at least the last time I checked, they may have updated since then.

  iphoneearner said:
quick question... people are talking about making hgss pokemon using pokesav, but the only versions i can find on the dl page are dppt, are they compatible with hgss? or can someone tell me where to get the hgss version of pokesav?


We don't currently have it on the main site as it is only a shell program(this is only the second version release and allows you to do next to nothing) and has yet to be translated, EVERYTHING is in Japanese. Most people here don't read Japanese to my knowledge (we were always asking Guested to translate stuff =P), therefore it is pretty pointless to host it.

The DP version is compatible in the sense that some of the part of the sav file are in the same spot, but if you edit anything and then save it, you will lose you HGSS sav, as it entirely screws up all the hex code thats in the wrong spots. The Platinum version isn't compatible at all as far as I know.

Pokesav HGSS is at the bottom.


Could sumone tell me where that bloody power plant part is?

i went to the power plant, then fought the Team rocket member and now i'm in the gym's swimming pool and cant find it anywhere. do i need ot talk to sumone else?


I (think) i have the kanto radio card, spoke to everyone in the radio tower and i got the jingle thing

only problem is. Which ones the Flute station to move snorlax and how do u change it? (as its all in japanese of course)

  Mester0077 said:
I just have a small question where can i find a poliwhirl

Surfing in Violet City is your best bet, it's also in Ecruteak and routes 22/28/30/31

  Laughlyn said:
I (think) i have the kanto radio card, spoke to everyone in the radio tower and i got the jingle thing

only problem is. Which ones the Flute station to move snorlax and how do u change it? (as its all in japanese of course)

Move the little circle thing to the very top of the circle and you'll get the PokeFlute station.

Now for a question of my own.

I have two Swamperts in the daycare, yet they will not make any eggs, when i talk to the old man outside he asks me a question with a yes or no answer. No matter which answer I give or how many times I answer, he won't stop asking this question and my Swampert won't produce any eggs.

Anyone know what the hell the guy is on about?


hey i was just wondering

ok did i miss any thing

iam in ecruteck (got forth badge)

heres my hms

hm 01



ok now heres key items

apricon case

vs recorder



squirt bottle

berry planter

and the item finder

could someone tell me if i missed something?


Old Rod and the Seal Case... Seal Case is at the Moo Moo Farm once you heal the Miltank, and the Old Rod is before Union Cave.

You haven't technically missed the Seal Case yet, but I figured I'd mention it. Everything else you should be forced to run into and grab. Unless you skip the Good Rod in Olivine.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the Unown Note/Dex in the Ruins of Alph after you release them with the puzzle.

  0ma said:
Now for a question of my own.

I have two Swamperts in the daycare, yet they will not make any eggs, when i talk to the old man outside he asks me a question with a yes or no answer. No matter which answer I give or how many times I answer, he won't stop asking this question and my Swampert won't produce any eggs.

Anyone know what the hell the guy is on about?

Are the swamperts different genders? Are you answering with the top option (which should be yes)? Do you have an empty slot in your party? Are you sure that you can produce eggs (what I mean is, not having an understanding of the game, there might be some sort of restriction on egg-producing, as un-biological as that may be)?

If the answer to all those is no, then there's probably something odd happening there.


i just got pickachu event for pokemon soul silver & went to pokemart. the in green suit i think gave me mystery gift. How do i start the event? Once i get it from guy at poke mart how do i start it or where is yellow forest?

Posted (edited)

does anyone have ar codes for the 12th movie arceus (eigakan), a FE celebi and the pikachu coloured pichu?? i can't understand the japanese pokesav for hgss lawl.


Edited by iphoneearner
silly question previously asked, so deleted for new one

Ok, I got the second badge and I helped that boy in Ilex Forest by bringing him Farfetch'd back. Now his boss should come and give me HM01 (cut), but his boss doesn't come around to give me HM01!!!!

Has somebody already solved this problem or can help me?

EDIT: I'm such an idiot. I forgot to catch that second Farfetch'd xD


I'm a little confused, so I can make individual PKMN just like DPPt PKMN using the Pokesav (party PKMN not a full box of PKMN) and the values/algorithms are OK for HGSS games, even the Japanese versions.

I ask cause I just want to make a full party of PKMN to start my game with.

Also looking for a AR code for finding your Secret ID in Soul Silver.

Thanks for all the info and answers to my questions.

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