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Official Help/Small Questions Thread for Pokémon HG/SS

In order to keep clutter down in this forum, this thread can be used to ask for help (or ask small questions) if you are having trouble with HeartGold or SoulSilver. And those who can understand Japanese, those who remember the plot line of GSC well enough, or those who have already made good progress in the game can help you out.

Edited by Guested
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(Yay, first...)

OK, so I've battled Claire and received the gym badge from the Dragon's Den (which is the requirement for the next item), and now I have to battle the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak City before I can get to Ho-Oh. But they're not in the theatre or in the Tin Tower ... or in the Burned Tower.


  Arjun - PeeB4UGo said:
(Yay, first...)

OK, so I've battled Claire and received the gym badge from the Dragon's Den (which is the requirement for the next item), and now I have to battle the Kimono Girls in Ecruteak City before I can get to Ho-Oh. But they're not in the theatre or in the Tin Tower ... or in the Burned Tower.


Did you try talking to Elm first? He gives you the Master Ball and mentions that the Kimono Girls are looking for you (In their theater? Not looking hard are they? =P).


Apart from Dialga, Palkia and Giratina being able to learn new moves... which other pokemon get to learn new moves they previously couldn't in the other games? Can you list them (If there's a lot, sorry because it'll be a pain in the neck)

  Toffeuy said:
Apart from Dialga, Palkia and Giratina being able to learn new moves... which other pokemon get to learn new moves they previously couldn't in the other games? Can you list them (If there's a lot, sorry because it'll be a pain in the neck)

Dratini picks up Extreme Speed as one of the many gift-type of Pokemon you get in the game.

  jiahui123 said:
Where do you get a firestone and is there gonna be a pokesav for HGSS?

You can most likely purchase a Fire Stone from the Goldenrod Dept. Store.

COM, the creator of Pokesav, has been missing for some time now and has failed to update Pokesav Platinum. As such, there is no reason to believe that a version of Pokesav for HeartGold and SoulSilver will be created. However, Jiggy-Ninja and the developers of the Project Pokemon Save Editor (PPSE) are working hard on getting a HGSS version out.


I have been thinking...

The Arceus event that triggered the Platinum library creation story was supposed to be activated with only the movie one. I proved that wrong...

My question is: Can the Arceus in HG/SS be other than the movie like in the Platinum?

  NeoDraven said:
Anyone know where to get Surf?

You still get it from the old man in the Theater in Ecruteak City, but instead of battling all of the Kimono Girls, you just battle one Rocket Grunt with a level 12 Koffing.


Does the Extremespeed Dratini have a different location met from ordinary Dragon's Den Dratini?

Like... if you caught one there, would it have the same location met as an Extremespeed one?

I've been wondering this for a while.


Does anyone know where the part is for the Power Plant? I know in the old games it was in the water, but the gym has changed.

Here are the things I did, People are saying its a glitch or something:

- went to the power plant after visiting running man in Lavender town, Phone call happens telling me to goto the Gym.

- I confronted the rocket, chased him to the bridge, and beat him

- Went to the Cape and found misty

- beat Misty, still don't have a part

- Went BACK To lavender town, man is still running, then went back to the power plant, and nothing.

  DarkZBoy said:
Does anyone know where the part is for the Power Plant? I know in the old games it was in the water, but the gym has changed.

Here are the things I did, People are saying its a glitch or something:

- went to the power plant after visiting running man in Lavender town, Phone call happens telling me to goto the Gym.

- I confronted the rocket, chased him to the bridge, and beat him

- Went to the Cape and found misty

- beat Misty, still don't have a part

- Went BACK To lavender town, man is still running, then went back to the power plant, and nothing.

Yes. The part is in the rings. The very top ones. Try the upper left. It should be there


i am playing soulsilver and i cant get the nat. dex. i currently have all the badges and beat the E4 2 times. ive beaten the s.s.anne thing finding the little girl, how can i get the nat dex? or is there a way to make a action replay code that can get me the nat dex cause i wanna be able to get groudon and continue on.

someone please lemme know how

P.S.(I have the regular Dex maxxed thanks to A.R.)

^ then again could that possibly have messed something up?


I can't leave for the Elite 4, the female trainer stops me everytime I try to leave.

Am I forgetting something? I have all 8 badges and have gotten the Master Ball.

  Mewtwo Ex said:
Try beating Ho-Oh. But before that see the kimono girls.

Thanks for the help, went out and caught Lugia [sS] and she went away.

I don't like how they're forcing what would otherwise be side-quests on you throughout the game.

Catching a legendary shouldn't of been a prerequisite for the Elite 4.


I'm such a noob...I just beet Falkner and I tried going on my journey south but the guy keeps stopping me and I don't know how to read Japanese and I got a call after I beat the Gym Leader but I didn't know what the hell he said but I went to the Pokemon Center thinking I was going to get an Egg but I just noticed the lady blocking downstairs wasn't there anymore so I'm assuming that's what the call was about.

Does anyone know how to get past the guy? He won't let me cross!!!

  Champloo said:
I'm such a noob...I just beet Falkner and I tried going on my journey south but the guy keeps stopping me and I don't know how to read Japanese and I got a call after I beat the Gym Leader but I didn't know what the hell he said but I went to the Pokemon Center thinking I was going to get an Egg but I just noticed the lady blocking downstairs wasn't there anymore so I'm assuming that's what the call was about.

Does anyone know how to get past the guy? He won't let me cross!!!

Go to the Violet City Pokémart and talk to Elm's aide; he'll give you the Mystery Egg. You can then proceed to Union Cave.

Posted (edited)
  jiahui123 said:
Where do you get a firestone and is there gonna be a pokesav for HGSS?

You get 1 Fire stone for showing Bill's Grandpa a Vulpix/Growlithe (the one that appears in your version).

He is in Kanto in Bill's original house at the end of Route 25 (north of Cerulean city). But he'll want to see some other pokes first (Lickitung->everstone, Staryu->water stone, Pichu->thunder stone,Oddish->leaf stone...don't remember the order)

Another way to get fire stones (repeatable) is by getting Schoolboy Alans number. He calls you when he finds a Fire stone.

I remember he is the first trainer west from where Sudowoodo was (Route 36)

The only other person there is a Psychic, so....

There are of course also trainers who give out the other stones.

The girl south of the Daycare gives you leaf stones I think

and the fisher west of Mahagony water stones (Route 42)

Forgot about Thunderstone

You can't buy evolutionary stones anywhere since RBY (except FRLG obviously)

  Toffeuy said:
Apart from Dialga, Palkia and Giratina being able to learn new moves... which other pokemon get to learn new moves they previously couldn't in the other games? Can you list them (If there's a lot, sorry because it'll be a pain in the neck)

There are almost none.

Dig for Hippopotas

Lugia and Ho-oh get Weatherball

Lugia can learn Dragon Rush while Ho-oh gets BRAVE BIRD =D

Kyogre got Muddy water and Aqua Ring

Groudon, Lava Plume and Hammer Arm

And Rayquaza, Hyper Voice and Air Slash

Dialga, Power Gem and Metal Burst (O:)

Palkia, Power Gem and Hydro Pump

Giratina, Shadow Sneak and Destiny Bond

But the real changes are not in their movesets.

Like every fifth Pokemon got a new Egg move!

Some of the more interesting:

Squirtle - Water Spout

Nidoran M - Head Smash

Diglett - Reversal

Growlithe - Morning Sun

Geodude - Curse

Ponyta - Morning Sun


Shellder - Rock Blast (note it's ability Skill Link)

Dratini - Extremespeed (no need for soft reseting at the Dragons Den)

Cyndaquil - Extrasensory

Totodile - Aqua Jet O:

Cleffa - Aromatherapy

Togepi - Extrasensory (if your Egg hatched you already know that one :P)

Wooper - Recover O.o

Murkrow - Brave Bird =DD

Misdreavus - Nasty Plot O:


Teddiursa - Belly Drum

Phanpy - Head Smash

Stantler - Megahorn o_O

Smoochum - Nasty Plot

Magby - Belly Drum

Mudkipz - Yawnz

Whismur - Hammer Arm, imagine this xD

Ralts - Encore

Skitty - Mud Bomb


Barboach and Corphish - Dragon Dance

Lileep and Anorith - Curse

Absol - Megahorn

Luvdisc - Aqua Jet HELL YES...um <.< still 100% sux....

Shinx <3<3<3<3 - Night Slash

Munchlax - Counter

Mime Jr. - Nasty Plot

  Mewtwo Ex said:
I have been thinking...

The Arceus event that triggered the Platinum library creation story was supposed to be activated with only the movie one. I proved that wrong...

My question is: Can the Arceus in HG/SS be other than the movie like in the Platinum?

Works with Hall of Origin Arceus.

  DarkZBoy said:
Does anyone know where the part is for the Power Plant? I know in the old games it was in the water, but the gym has changed.

Here are the things I did, People are saying its a glitch or something:

- went to the power plant after visiting running man in Lavender town, Phone call happens telling me to goto the Gym.

- I confronted the rocket, chased him to the bridge, and beat him

- Went to the Cape and found misty

- beat Misty, still don't have a part

- Went BACK To lavender town, man is still running, then went back to the power plant, and nothing.

This was pretty confusing to me too...

The machine part is in the gym but they made it hidden even for the Item finder.

It's in the back on the left side, in the rescue rings.

  Kendig said:
i am playing soulsilver and i cant get the nat. dex. i currently have all the badges and beat the E4 2 times. ive beaten the s.s.anne thing finding the little girl, how can i get the nat dex? or is there a way to make a action replay code that can get me the nat dex cause i wanna be able to get groudon and continue on.

someone please lemme know how

P.S.(I have the regular Dex maxxed thanks to A.R.)

^ then again could that possibly have messed something up?

You get the national dex before you enter the S.S.Anne, so you already have it o_O

Edited by Klaatu

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