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Posted (edited)
  Dio_Vento said:
It should still evolve through trade, if you have a friend or a second 3DS. Also since you're using a Gateway, you can install SaveDataFiler and extract your game save then just change the species in PKHeX... I'm more concerned with why it isn't evolving in the first place.
By the way, did you forget about Gigalith? It's not included in your trade evolutions list.

Edit: Machamp doesn't evolve either. I think I'm going to stop playing this until I can figure out what's going on.

Edited by umiman
Posted (edited)
  XerneusGuy said:
This hack is tough >.< needed a blaziken before the first gym. Great job on the rom hack!

That's... a little overkill for a fight with six pokemon in the high teens, don't you think? Unless you were only using your Blaziken, in which case your strategy won't work very well throughout the rest of the game.

  umiman said:
By the way, did you forget about Gigalith? It's not included in your trade evolutions list.

Edit: Machamp doesn't evolve either. I think I'm going to stop playing this until I can figure out what's going on.

I just released Version 1.1, which fixes evolutions for Clamperl, Electabuzz, Graveler, Kadabra, Karrablast, Machoke, Magmar, Onix, Poliwhirl, Rhydon, Scyther, Seadra, Shelmet, Slowpoke, Spritzee, and Swirlix. Turns out the "Level Up while holding Item (Male/Female)" option just doesn't work, but the "Level Up while holding Item (Day/Night)" one works just fine. Also, I just forgot to attach a note about Boldore, it evolves to Gigalith at Lv42.

Edited by Dio_Vento
  • 2 weeks later...

What version of makerom was the pack designed with? In the batch file, I see "-target g", which isn't a recognized value. By changing it to "-target t" and by copying makerom into the current directory it compiled, although OP and the guide linked to both don't mention needing to have it in the current directory. After putting the result on my gateway, I get a ROM with a blank icon and no description. I checked all the parameters for makerom as described by 3dbrew, and everything seems fine.

When I used 3DS Builder instead, I see an updated player skin in-game, but the icon is still Alpha Sapphire. I'll keep playing to make sure the hack is applied. Any help building the .3ds would be appreciated.

[Edit] Almost lost my first non-rival battle. I'm definitely playing Star Sapphire. (Just without the updated icon and banner.)


I'm finding this hack really annoying because my pokemon wont obey me because I dont have the right gym badge. At the moment im stuck on the third gym leader because my latest badge will only let pokemon up to level 30 obey me and his pokemon are level 40 I was only barely able to beat my rivals before the battle since half my pokemon are above 30 and hence dont obey me half the time. How did you guys get past this?

  Raybrand said:
I'm finding this hack really annoying because my pokemon wont obey me because I dont have the right gym badge. At the moment im stuck on the third gym leader because my latest badge will only let pokemon up to level 30 obey me and his pokemon are level 40 I was only barely able to beat my rivals before the battle since half my pokemon are above 30 and hence dont obey me half the time. How did you guys get past this?

Isn't obedience only supposed to apply to Pokémon obtained in trades? I looked at a wiki article, and it specifically says "When a Pokémon is obtained in a trade", but doesn't specifically say anything about Pokémon where you're the OT.

  evandixon said:
Isn't obedience only supposed to apply to Pokémon obtained in trades? I looked at a wiki article, and it specifically says "When a Pokémon is obtained in a trade", but doesn't specifically say anything about Pokémon where you're the OT.

Didnt know it only applied to pokemon you trade with, when you get the badge the npc says all pokemon who are x level and below will obey, I looked at my pokemon using pkhex and I found that all my pokemon's trainer id didnt match not even my starter pokemon? Must have been some human error when transferring my box from another game but when I changed the id my pokemon havent been ignoring me.


@Dio_Vento Rutile Ruby nuzlocke will start tomorrow instead of Star Sapphire :) Cuz I dont wanna continue that after a month.

Also, Star Sapphire without commentary will carry on on my second channel

  evandixon said:
What version of makerom was the pack designed with? In the batch file, I see "-target g", which isn't a recognized value. By changing it to "-target t" and by copying makerom into the current directory it compiled, although OP and the guide linked to both don't mention needing to have it in the current directory. After putting the result on my gateway, I get a ROM with a blank icon and no description. I checked all the parameters for makerom as described by 3dbrew, and everything seems fine.

When I used 3DS Builder instead, I see an updated player skin in-game, but the icon is still Alpha Sapphire. I'll keep playing to make sure the hack is applied. Any help building the .3ds would be appreciated.

[Edit] Almost lost my first non-rival battle. I'm definitely playing Star Sapphire. (Just without the updated icon and banner.)

I'll get a new guide for installing with 3DS Builder up soon. The icon won't properly change if you've ever played Alpha Sapphire on that 3DS due to the cache though, even if you apply it correctly. My gateway 3ds has the normal Alpha Sapphire icon for Star Sapphire, but Rutile Ruby displays the custom icon just fine.

  Dio_Vento said:
The icon won't properly change if you've ever played Alpha Sapphire on that 3DS due to the cache though, even if you apply it correctly. My gateway 3ds has the normal Alpha Sapphire icon for Star Sapphire, but Rutile Ruby displays the custom icon just fine.

Thanks, it's good to know that's supposed to happen.


Can someone plz help I followed the guide for decrypting and everything and when i get to the part to finally patch it with Rutilerubypatcher . it says that Makerom is not recognized as in internal or external command. what is going on and what do i do??

  SS5Dejan said:
Can someone plz help I followed the guide for decrypting and everything and when i get to the part to finally patch it with Rutilerubypatcher . it says that Makerom is not recognized as in internal or external command. what is going on and what do i do??

Ignore the .bat file. Use 3DS Builder to repack everything. It should be in PackHack if you followed the gbatemp guide. If not, it shouldn't be hard to find.

  evandixon said:
Ignore the .bat file. Use 3DS Builder to repack everything. It should be in PackHack if you followed the gbatemp guide. If not, it shouldn't be hard to find.

Thank you for the reply!! im still a little confused do i use the 3DS builder to patch it? Do i open the rutileruby patcher when 3dsbuilder says "open exefs" or "open header" ?

  SS5Dejan said:
Thank you for the reply!! im still a little confused do i use the 3DS builder to patch it? Do i open the rutileruby patcher when 3dsbuilder says "open exefs" or "open header" ?

Follow all the steps up until rebuilding the romfs. That's when you use 3DS builder.

  evandixon said:
Follow all the steps up until rebuilding the romfs. That's when you use 3DS builder.

ok thank you i got it working! :D I noticed the characters still have the same outfits and the pokemart still sells antidotes when in the notes it says its been changed is there a reason for that ? Or was that reverted back.

  SS5Dejan said:
ok thank you i got it working! :D I noticed the characters still have the same outfits and the pokemart still sells antidotes when in the notes it says its been changed is there a reason for that ? Or was that reverted back.

The outfits should be changed. To make sure, did you still copy the files in the distro zip, overwriting the existing ones?

  evandixon said:
The outfits should be changed. To make sure, did you still copy the files in the distro zip, overwriting the existing ones?

Yup ! im finding new pokemon and trainers are tougher so idk what i could have done wrong i let everything overwrite . Hmmmm

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks. Well, thats strange then because my SYSNAND is something like 6.x

And still the game says "Error has occured - restart ... and so on" when i try to load the Game (GW Mode of course)

Do you have any possible soluitons for this problem? I use a EUR Alpha Sapphire ROM and decrypted/patched/rebuilt it according to the Guide Asia made :(



Finally updated the install method in the OP to use 3DS Builder instead of a batch file.

  PR3D4TOR said:
Thanks. Well, thats strange then because my SYSNAND is something like 6.x

And still the game says "Error has occured - restart ... and so on" when i try to load the Game (GW Mode of course)

Do you have any possible soluitons for this problem? I use a EUR Alpha Sapphire ROM and decrypted/patched/rebuilt it according to the Guide Asia made :(


I'm not sure what's going on with your install. It could be because you're using the EUR ROM, but that seems unlikely based on which files are being replaced.


Hello Dio_Vento! First, I would like to thank you for making such an awesome Pokemon rom hack. I've been playing Pokemon ever since it came out in Red/Blue/Green, and there was always that one Pokemon that I'm not satisfied with regarding their types such as: Charizard [fire]. He's now fire / flying or fire / dragon which is cool. I'm here wondering if you can edit the types of certain Pokemon? I don't know much about Pokemon competitively but in a casual battle, I know Golduck is ridiculously underpowered because he doesn't get STAB from psychic type moves. He may still be underpowered after the change but at least it'll make him a more viable choice. There are some Pokemon who aren't underpowered but visually shows they should possess a type, but isn't. Take Luxray for example, I would assume he's an Electric / Dark type just by looking at him, shocked to find out he's only an Electric type. There were previous rom hacks that changed this, though they were from the nds generation. I've thought about changing it myself, but the process does seem a bit complicated so I thought I'd ask you first. Thanks for reading and making this rom hack.

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