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So I was able to patch in a Mew into my copy of Pokemon X, but for some reason it doesn't appear in the Pokedex. I then tried using it in battle and I made some progress, now instead of having the 151th slot blank it depicts Mew but it says I haven't caught it. Is this problem happening to anyone else?

  miggs97 said:
So I was able to patch in a Mew into my copy of Pokemon X, but for some reason it doesn't appear in the Pokedex. I then tried using it in battle and I made some progress, now instead of having the 151th slot blank it depicts Mew but it says I haven't caught it. Is this problem happening to anyone else?

It is only copied to your box, the game never knows you received it.

Try dropping it in the daycare, or upload it to Bank.


There will be a new version of PKHeX shortly which will load injectiondebug.bin. -- edit: PKHeX update is live.


Sorry if question has been answered already, but I was trying to make an event Diancie for my friend, I made the correct items, moveset, meeting location, and Pokeball but I keep getting the message where there is one Pokémon in my party that cannot be traded. I have the correct OT and ID's but left the SID random. Is there any way to make one that's tradeable?

  Kaphotics said:
There will be a new version of PKHeX shortly which will load injectiondebug.bin.

Will there be a way to load the data from an injectiondebug.bin that's been edited with PKHeX into the game?

  Lemon Pop said:
Sorry if question has been answered already, but I was trying to make an event Diancie for my friend, I made the correct items, moveset, meeting location, and Pokeball but I keep getting the message where there is one Pokémon in my party that cannot be traded. I have the correct OT and ID's but left the SID random. Is there any way to make one that's tradeable?

I don't believe event pokemon can be traded, you would have to transfer it through poke bank.

  SunWukong said:
I don't believe event pokemon can be traded, you would have to transfer it through poke bank.

But I could trade my legit one. I got it from the GameStop code distribution and could trade it via link trade, however I can't with this one.

  Lemon Pop said:
Sorry if question has been answered already, but I was trying to make an event Diancie for my friend, I made the correct items, moveset, meeting location, and Pokeball but I keep getting the message where there is one Pokémon in my party that cannot be traded. I have the correct OT and ID's but left the SID random. Is there any way to make one that's tradeable?

Can you upload the pokemon.ekx file so that we can take a look?


Would you be willing to make another version that doesn't inject anything but just dumps all boxes for ESV checking or even a full save (I doubt it would be that usable if it is from a running game though) I know people that would like easier ESV checking on a cart version.



First of all, thanks for sharing this.

I keep having issues, atm I'm stuck getting eggs on the box slot. I verifiy the files, and they're correctly named "pokemon.ekx", and the file type is ekx.

I'm also having problems opening my injectiondebug.bin on PKHeX, even though I'm using the latest version. Maybe that's part of the issue?

Anyway, if someone could help me, I'd be grateful!'

edit: just to clarify, I'm following the instructions (saving the file as "all files" and renaming and all), but it still doesn't work.

  Seaqueen said:
I just got the newest pkhex. when i click open then injection debug it says injection binary loaded but i still cant find my SID?

Go to Tools -> Toggle Box Interface

  Seaqueen said:
I just got the newest pkhex. when i click open then injection debug it says injection binary loaded but i still cant find my SID?

When it loads the injection binary, you should see your boxes on the right side. Find one of your pokemon in the first five boxes, and view it to see your SID.

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