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PKHeX Legacy Discussion

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Hi this is my first post and I'd like to say thanks to kaphotics for pkhex, I've been following this thread for months now and I've finally got my JP 3DS and Cyber and I'm so exited for my JP Pokémon X to arrive in a few days ^_^

  XerneusGuy said:
Hi this is my first post and I'd like to say thanks to kaphotics for pkhex, I've been following this thread for months now and I've finally got my JP 3DS and Cyber and I'm so exited for my JP Pokémon X to arrive in a few days ^_^

I was so excited when I got my items too (8

  xaniled said:
ive just updated the PKHeX and old PKM files are no longer supported, is there a DL link to the previous version?

PKHeX still supports old PKM files; you have two options:

drag the PKM file into the window.

file->open and change the extension filter to "All Files".


I believe he means this error, which I also have gotten on most releases:


Attempted to load previous generation PKM.

Conversion failed."

Having just tested this myself using a PKM file that I also then successfully loaded in PokeGen (where I originally made it), this problem has yet to be fixed.

This problem occurs regardless of being Gen III-V PKM.

edit: I think I managed to attach the file I tested with, if you want to try it to confirm on yours.


Gardevoir.pkmFetching info...

Posted (edited)

My game should be here today ^_^ time to finally be a floating hat for the fun of it. But my version of pkhex is so outdated now xD

Edited by XerneusGuy
Missing words

So we all know cybergadget save editor & what it does. Now there is another product from same company known as save bank

Some details are http://www.destructoid.com/3ds-cyber-save-bank-lets-you-backup-saves-from-game-card-275768.phtml

Now my question is is there any difference between the hardware?

I personally think the hardware is same but if it is can it be used with pkHex?

Some of you may ask why does it matters because save bank can be bought cheaper.

  Kaphotics said:
Thanks for the clear report, jariesuicune.

The link in the OP has a fixed version!

yes i ment i was getting that error, thank you for the fix


FYI, for those who don't want to wait for an official event, or are buying the CG + Jap 3DS/Game solely for this.

PowerSaves has finally added a fake Hoopa WonderCard today, along with bringing back AZ's Floette yesterday. Normal and Shiny. It's possible to expect Volcanion tomorrow.


I have a few questions regarding PkHex & CyberGadget/CyberSave (or whatever it is :P)

What does CyberGadget/CyberSave do? Extract save(s) from your cart(s) right?

How about PkHex? Can you change your trainer ID/SID with it?

Also what's the difference between PowerSaves & CyberGadget?

Sorry I'm still n00bish on these, but I might be interested in buying CG soon.


The main difference is that Cyber allows hex-edits, as well as custom codes, whereas Datel does not. They both have pre-set lists of specific codes that can not be changed, and are downloaded when you load the program. They can change the codes and add/remove them at will, regardless of what you want.

-Powersaves' Wonder Cards are often just hacks that let you just GET the Pokemon, NOT the actual Event Pokemon. This is particularly the case with anything that is not yet released.

Due to Cyber allowing user-end work, PKHeX can read the temporary copy of the save file, edit it per the changes you make using the program, then that will get uploaded back to your game, allowing custom Pokemon, variable Item storage, custom Pokedex, adding/re-activating Wondercards, anything the program supports.

If you don't already import, however, it's quite a huge cost, simply to be a cheater rather than just do it the correct way. (Breeding a Perfect Pokemon is WAY easy now, and unreleased Pokemon CAN NOT be traded online) Also, apparent with the latest update, they are stepping up security, and making it easier to block imperfectly-made (ie: illegal/hacked) Pokemon. Who knows if it's much longer before Bans start popping up with it? (Smash Bros. 3DS has already done so, if evidence is desired)


Save files can be edited from a gateway rom and purchased eShop copies of X/Y you need a 3ds capable of running a gateway card there latest loader and DevMen and you need to install SaveDataFiler to the home screen on your 3ds other than that its the same as CyberGadget.

NOTE: It's NOT possible on retail carts even with you gateway3ds in "gateway mode" it wont read the retail cart even if you played the cart in "classic mode" once you enter GW mode after saving in CL mode you run SaveDataFiler and CRT card will not appear in the homebrew which is used to decrypt the save data to get the main file like Cybergadget. if one of the other 3DS hackers want to give this a try please do to confirm im correct.

  Reveal hidden contents

cant really see it will get pictures/video later but thats an hoopa injected into a System transferred EmuNAND 9.2.0-20E purchased Eshop pokemon X

  evo2587 said:
Save files can be edited from a gateway rom and purchased eShop copies of X/Y you need a 3ds capable of running a gateway card there latest loader and DevMen and you need to install SaveDataFiler to the home screen on your 3ds other than that its the same as CyberGadget.

NOTE: It's NOT possible on retail carts even with you gateway3ds in "gateway mode" it wont read the retail cart even if you played the cart in "classic mode" once you enter GW mode after saving in CL mode you run SaveDataFiler and CRT card will not appear in the homebrew which is used to decrypt the save data to get the main file like Cybergadget. if one of the other 3DS hackers want to give this a try please do to confirm im correct.

  Reveal hidden contents

cant really see it will get pictures/video later but thats an hoopa injected into a System transferred EmuNAND 9.2.0-20E purchased Eshop pokemon X

can you elaborate what exact things(hardware & soft) we need for this method?


You need a 3Ds or 3DS XL on official firmware 4.5 or below and a Gateway 3ds cart aswell as roms ect (i wont provide them) then you need to get the savedatafiler.cia and install it to your home menu once in gateway mode once you have all that load the rom via gateway selector and got the newly added home screen app and select CRT tool and export to get the MAIN file (like CG) and it requires no encryption or decryption to open it in PKHeX once you have made your edits go back to savedatafiler and proceed to inject said MAIN file back to either your rom or digital save but please not unless you have these mentioned or cybergadget no PKHeX.

  jariesuicune said:
The main difference is that Cyber allows hex-edits, as well as custom codes, whereas Datel does not. They both have pre-set lists of specific codes that can not be changed, and are downloaded when you load the program. They can change the codes and add/remove them at will, regardless of what you want.

-Powersaves' Wonder Cards are often just hacks that let you just GET the Pokemon, NOT the actual Event Pokemon. This is particularly the case with anything that is not yet released.

Due to Cyber allowing user-end work, PKHeX can read the temporary copy of the save file, edit it per the changes you make using the program, then that will get uploaded back to your game, allowing custom Pokemon, variable Item storage, custom Pokedex, adding/re-activating Wondercards, anything the program supports.

If you don't already import, however, it's quite a huge cost, simply to be a cheater rather than just do it the correct way. (Breeding a Perfect Pokemon is WAY easy now, and unreleased Pokemon CAN NOT be traded online) Also, apparent with the latest update, they are stepping up security, and making it easier to block imperfectly-made (ie: illegal/hacked) Pokemon. Who knows if it's much longer before Bans start popping up with it? (Smash Bros. 3DS has already done so, if evidence is desired)

Well I'll get to the point.

Can you like, for example...

1. Restart a new game in retail XY, then save.

2. Edit in CG/CS, such as changing TID/SID, money, injecting mons in any box, items, etc...

3. Reload back the edited save to your retail

Can you do that with CG & Japanese 3DS & XY only? Or do I even have to get gateway or whatever?

Because on the OP it says no PowerSaves or whatever, just CG & JP 3DS & XY.


It would most likely be able to read the cart save if you would run it on the latest firmware which is impossible atm.



Yes. The program allows backing up a save file, which can be restored at any time. (This feature is also shared with Powersaves, so if something like cloning is your main interest, since obtaining Pokemon is easily done via GTS/trade boards or just breeding and such)

Some features haven't been extensively tested for bugs, since they are of little interest to most people, so be sure to back up your save before any changes! (Cyber backs it up by default, but that can be turned off). Be sure to report any bugs that you do come across.

  laurorual said:
Why cant SaveDataFiler read cart save file? Anyone have a clue on that? That would be awesome :/

SaveSataFiler needs to read the CRT tool with the game card in gateway mode. One tiny problem once your 3DS is in GateWay Mode retail carts are not being read or picked up by the 3DS console and SaveDataFiler doesn't run in classic mode

PS. for Kaphotics

may not be a bug but iv noticed O-Power level max if edited in using PKHex once selected ingame there greyed out and they cant be used ? anyone else reported this ? i have PKHeX from the OP btw

  evo2587 said:
SaveSataFiler needs to read the CRT tool with the game card in gateway mode. One tiny problem once your 3DS is in GateWay Mode retail carts are not being read or picked up by the 3DS console and SaveDataFiler doesn't run in classic mode

PS. for Kaphotics

may not be a bug but iv noticed O-Power level max if edited in using PKHex once selected ingame there greyed out and they cant be used ? anyone else reported this ? i have PKHeX from the OP btw

Nobody really tested and gave feedback for O-Powers, I just threw the editor together quickly to edit the bitflags that unlocked them. If I get a suggestion on how to fix/limit it, I'll implement any change.

  Kaphotics said:
Nobody really tested and gave feedback for O-Powers, I just threw the editor together quickly to edit the bitflags that unlocked them. If I get a suggestion on how to fix/limit it, I'll implement any change.

hey Kaphotics so ive had CGSE2 for a while now and been using PKHeX with it for a while now and I love it its purely amazing. But do you know how I would go about editing my battle wins in the trainer info and such or even which hex I need to change to make my character hatless/ditto faced? please reply if you can help me with this thanks ^_^


Yo Kaphotics, is a Japanese 3DS fully required for using Pkhex an the CyberSave Editor or can I just Pokémon Bank them from my Japanese Pokémon Y to my English Pokémon Y?

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