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PKHeX Legacy Discussion

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Hm... I hadn't tried it before, but I can't get PKHeX to import any of my *.pkm files from Pokegen... It just says "Attempted to convert previous genation Pokemon. Conversion Failed."(Wanting to get the Event Arceus' into Gen VI, and too lazy to want to Transport)

Edit: I managed anyways, thanks to PikaEdit! Loaded the file in there, saved in .pkx, then cleaned up in PKHeX.


Help please!

Im trying to trade online my starters that I created on my CGSE but they wont go through. Stats and moveset are totally legal, Maybe the problem is where I met"..These is what I selected:

Origin game- Y

met location- A Day Care Couple

ball- Pokeball

met level- 1

Met date- I selected todays date

I selected As Egg"

Location- Route 7

Date- Todays date

Did I do something wrong?


(The Pokemon are not shiny)


try changing the met location to something else, like a city or something.

For example:

Met Game: Y

Met location: Laverre City

Ball: Poke Ball

Met Level: 1

Met Date:17/9/2014

The click the "As Egg"button

Location: A Day care couple

Date: 16/9/2014

Hope that helps.

  Limitless170389 said:
Help please!

Im trying to trade online my starters that I created on my CGSE but they wont go through. Stats and moveset are totally legal, Maybe the problem is where I met"..These is what I selected:

Origin game- Y

met location- A Day Care Couple

ball- Pokeball

met level- 1

Met date- I selected todays date

I selected As Egg"

Location- Route 7

Date- Todays date

Did I do something wrong?


(The Pokemon are not shiny)

What moves do they have? Breed a legit one to compare it with in PKHeX. If one tiny thing is wrong it won't work.

  codem8kr said:
try changing the met location to something else, like a city or something.

For example:

Met Game: Y

Met location: Laverre City

Ball: Poke Ball

Met Level: 1

Met Date:17/9/2014

The click the "As Egg"button

Location: A Day care couple

Date: 16/9/2014

Hope that helps.



So I have a CGSE and a Japanese Pokemon X with a save already in it. i have already tested it and the Pokebank method works. What I am wondering is if there is anyway I can use import a Wonder Card and use the wonder card data to gen Pokemon without actually receiving the gift in game.

  codem8kr said:
Did it work limitless? If you any help, let me know.

anyone know of a way to extract battle videos? It would be good to upload them to youtube and such without having to have a 3ds capture card.

Yes thank you (:

  codem8kr said:
Did it work limitless? If you any help, let me know.

anyone know of a way to extract battle videos? It would be good to upload them to youtube and such without having to have a 3ds capture card.

I'm pretty sure they aren't actually videos (as you can skip turns and they don't take up that much space). I'm not 100% sure, but yeah, they most likely aren't. You can even extract Pokemon from them, meaning they probably just load the data from the battle (attacks used and such).

  jariesuicune said:
Hm... I hadn't tried it before, but I can't get PKHeX to import any of my *.pkm files from Pokegen... It just says "Attempted to convert previous genation Pokemon. Conversion Failed."(Wanting to get the Event Arceus' into Gen VI, and too lazy to want to Transport)

Edit: I managed anyways, thanks to PikaEdit! Loaded the file in there, saved in .pkx, then cleaned up in PKHeX.

how to convert file .pkm to .pkx

i tried many time to convert with these files https://www.mediafire.com/?kudk8n499nw3jf6 but is cant convert

  Nothingdark said:
how to convert file .pkm to .pkx

i tried many time to convert with these files https://www.mediafire.com/?kudk8n499nw3jf6 but is cant convert

This will be fixed in the next version of PKHeX, which I will post tomorrow.

No major changes/discoveries for the next version; most of my attention was spent on smash/XY data dumping these past few weeks as there hasn't really been anything to fix/add with PKHeX.


I found some bug in the program. When ever I tried to "Set" an edited Egg, the received date will be reset to 1/1/2000

When I hatch it both egg's receive date and hatch date will be 0/0/2000 Please fix this thx :)

  pannatatm said:
I found some bug in the program. When ever I tried to "Set" an edited Egg, the received date will be reset to 1/1/2000

When I hatch it both egg's receive date and hatch date will be 0/0/2000 Please fix this thx :)

It's not a bug, you have to set the egg location as well or else PKHeX will revert it.


Hey, just checking,

There isn't something akin to a custom GTS yet that supports those .pk6 files correct?

The only way to send something to my cartridge as of now would require the assistance of someone with a japanese copy of the game?

  Plasma Grunt, Elise said:
Hey, just checking,

There isn't something akin to a custom GTS yet that supports those .pk6 files correct?

The only way to send something to my cartridge as of now would require the assistance of someone with a japanese copy of the game?

You have to wait the 1-4 Month until Pokecheck gen 6 support will be released.


Hey guys, been following this project for a while and decided to order a copy of Pokemon Y that had Volcanion and Hoopa on them. However, I noticed that it is an English cartridge. My question is how do you get the unreleased Pokemon on an English cart? Is it through Infrared trade or Pokemon bank? Any help would be awesome and stay awesome :D

  RocketAdminPatrick said:
Hey guys, been following this project for a while and decided to order a copy of Pokemon Y that had Volcanion and Hoopa on them. However, I noticed that it is an English cartridge. My question is how do you get the unreleased Pokemon on an English cart? Is it through Infrared trade or Pokemon bank? Any help would be awesome and stay awesome :D

Local trading from another cart.

  Limitless170389 said:
So I created a Lugia & Ho-Oh using my CGSE which I can use to play matches online but if I change their Ability from Pressure to Hidden they wont go through. How can I fix it?


Please read the forum sticky. ProjectPokemon does not support or encourage cheating for matches online that have legality checks involved.


09/22/14 - New Update:

- Added: Box Import will start at the current box.

- Added: Box Import can be instructed to clear all boxes or just overwrite individual slots.

- Fixed: Importing past generation files will no longer fail for valid files.

- Removed: Erroneous Mega selection ("Mega Meganium & Mega Yanmega") ;)

  RocketAdminPatrick said:
Okay that makes sense. Do you know if you can put them in Pokemon bank? I know you could with Diancie Pre-Release.

Pokémon Bank is totally check-free, you can put anything in there - hacked, illegal, unreleased etc. It's just the Pokétransporter side that has hack checks.


Is that so ? What I did is editing legit egg which receive from the NPC. Both traded egg and self receive egg get same result.

The grayed-out Met Date tab before I "Set" seem normal. But when I "set" it the met date come 1/1/2000. I did not even touch them.

Can anyone give it a try? Get egg from NPC then trade to another cart, and edit something like IV, EM, Hatch Count or Nature. Set it do you get the same problem as me?

Here is screen shot I took. All same egg


Before Hatch & After Hatch

http://puu.sh/bJhVQ.jpg http://puu.sh/bJhY1.jpg

Thx :) I think if you make this tab for egg editable like normal pkm it might fix the problem.

  Limitless170389 said:
So I created a Lugia & Ho-Oh using my CGSE which I can use to play matches online but if I change their Ability from Pressure to Hidden they wont go through. How can I fix it?


You can't gen just for use on Online matches, you can use some of the DW Pokemons in the Event Gallery, you could find there with their HA.

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