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  Phreen said:
Nah I like to catch shiny legit pokemon better, although I've never caught one

Yeah, legit is good. It's like 1/8192 chance to get a shiny... so theoretically, the 8192th Pokemon you get is going to be a shiny. Some people tend to get a lot of shinies... others don't (I'm the latter so don't feel too bad).

Alternately you can try to chain for stuff... only to be encountered by :bidoof: on the 40th try... argh. There goes my shiny Kirlia :(

  The Fallen said:
Mine was a Golbat. It should have been a Tentacruel, but I ran because I thought it was a glitch in my silver. I was so mad when I found out what it really was. xD

I knew someone who ran away because they thought the shiny Rattata (again, the SHINY RATTATA!!) was a glitch.


My first shiny pkm is 1 I wish never happend

It was a zubat in pkm leafgreen but I can't stand shiny crobat becuase its pink and pink is for girls

I might actually make a blog about this on my yt channel

  Lugiamaster said:
My first shiny pkm is 1 I wish never happend

It was a zubat in pkm leafgreen but I can't stand shiny crobat becuase its pink and pink is for girls

I might actually make a blog about this on my yt channel

Real men like pink :)


Agreed Wraith89!

My first legit, noncoded or pokesav, shiny was a shiny magcargo in stark mountain. :) I was so happy when I saw the purple and heard the shiny noise. It was in platinum too. I killed the other wild pokemon (buck was with me, he is annoying) and then threw a pokeball (I forget which) and caught it. I was so happy.

  pokemonfan said:
Agreed Wraith89!

My first legit, noncoded or pokesav, shiny was a shiny magcargo in stark mountain. :) I was so happy when I saw the purple and heard the shiny noise. It was in platinum too. I killed the other wild pokemon (buck was with me, he is annoying) and then threw a pokeball (I forget which) and caught it. I was so happy.

Is this your first shiny Pokemon ever? (not counting Red Gyarados).

  wraith89 said:
So how does a shiny Drifloon look like?

Purple=Gold/Yellow and Arms and the X on its head=Blue/Sky Blue/Baby blue(havent seen one in a while so I forgot what type of blue it is)

  empoleonmikel said:
i have been playing for about two months now (i'm really new, started with Pearl), and almost 300 playing hours, but i haven't catch nor "encounter" any.. so sad...

Don't worry. I've played MUCH longer than that and don't even have one shiny legit Pokemon.


I've never run into one by chance in the wild, and I've been playing since before shinies existed. It would be so awesome.

But.. in Crystal, I got even more lucky and my Eevee was shiny. No soft resetting or anything, just happened within the regular course of my game. ^-^ So, I guess that makes up for it, hahah. Shame I can't transfer it to this generation, though. At the time I didn't even think much of it, figuring it must have been another 100% shiny like Red Gyarados, or at least a high-chance shiny like the egg you get at some point in that game (I got a shiny Smoochum from that >_> ). Once I found out I was really just insanely lucky, I cloned it like mad. xD I don't think I ever gave it to anyone, though.

No shinies in D/P or Platinum yet, aside from ones I chained with the Poke Radar.


the first shiny i saw (besides the red gyarados of course duh...) in gold version was a green-gray sandshrew i saw him and didn't pay attention and ended up killing it, my brother was also looking and called me stupid.... lol @ me

then in fire red, after beating elite 4, i found this shiny rattata lol captured it and then went for mewtwo, entered the cerulean cave, and the first jackass i met is woobufet, and totally forgot i was training togepi lvl 6 without anything to defend itself (useless creature) then i simply lost my mind and turned it off... funny thing my brother appeared and told me about struggle... you can figure out the rest...

Posted (edited)

mine was a shiny pichu male, i hatched it and it knew volt tackle, lucky

then a shiny dialga on my cousins Diamond version so sad that i cant keep it :( o well

Edited by Mysteryman

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