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Well, if you want to get technical it was when me and a friend where battling on Gold and Silver and the cord fell out. On my game his Venasaur jsut randomly fainted and a Shiny Forretress was sent otu with it's insides still Red (my friend didn't have a Forrestress). It had these weird symbols that aren't available in the game for a name. Was quite freaky. The first legit Shiny I saw was a shiny Skarmory in Sapphire. As I always did back then and the fact that I didn't know what a shiny pokemon was, I ran away bravely :D

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I found a shiny psyduck and purugly...i knew the psyduck was shiny but the purugly i blinked and said 'Did that just shine?" so i logged onto bulbapedia checked colors and caught the sucker! My ex was so pissed cause she never even seen 1.


My first shiny was in Platinum, a Giratina. i reseted tons of times to get it but it was worth it :) iv'e made quite a few more with the use of pokesav but that is my only legit one


A shiny totodile back in the days of Silver. it wasn't mine it was my little brothers, when he went to sleep i linked the games up and took it off him, restarted the game and got him a new totodile, he was young and didn't know the difference... however I was happy to take it off his hands xD


Um, Tentacruel in Diamond? Found it in the water while surfing (forgot which route though).I was about to hit run when I notice "lol this stupid jellyfish has green bumps?" :bidoof:


My first shiny was a Horsea, now its a pink Kingdra. I thought to my self that I would never forget where I caught it and a few days later I forgot.


1st Shiny: Quagsire (G/S/C)

2nd Shiny: Gyarados (G/S/C)

3rd Shiny: Pocheena (R/S/E)

4th Shiny: Shinx (D/P/Pl)

5th Shiny: Bagon (D/P/Pl)

6th Shiny: Gyarados (HG/SS)

I don't really include the 2 Gyarados's, but getting 4 shinys without trying is pretty lucky to me. Also is there such thing as a Shiny Shadow Pokemon? I would really like to know so I could see what one looks like :/.


My first shiny Pokemon was a Charmander that I got in a trade. I didn't even realize that it was shiny for the longest time, because I only wanted it for breeding. UNFORTUNATELY, I discovered that it was a hacked shiny Charmander (held in a Great Ball lolwut). So now I have a hacked shiny Charizard that I don't know what to do with.

My first legit shiny Pokemon was a shiny Pachirisu that I caught trying to chain Manetrics.


Hmm, haven't caught a Shiny in a while, but I remember seeing a Shiny Gastly in my copy of Soul Silver within Sprout Tower. Was gonna try catching it, until I found out I ran out of Pokeballs. :frown:

  Yono said:
Hmm, haven't caught a Shiny in a while, but I remember seeing a Shiny Gastly in my copy of Soul Silver within Sprout Tower. Was gonna try catching it, until I found out I ran out of Pokeballs. :frown:

Ouch. that's harsh. man.


when i was playin PKMN Gold verison i ran into two shiny pokemon...the first one was a ditto..captured it...and moments later a Pink Caterpie....Awsome..in one day...Luck....Lol

  PokemonQueen said:
What is it 0__0

He's trying to say he has not got a shiny yet... although you really should not post if you don't have a shiny =/

[shinysprite]011[/shinysprite] <--- she was mine... a level 18 Metapod at Bug Catching Contest. Even when she became a Butterfree, all she ever knew was Harden... and would not learn anything. Is there a reason for that? If you catch a cocoon straight from the wild, it will never learn anything even after it evolves.

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