saphiren Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 I just got a shiny Giratina on my fifth reset a few hours ago! It's Docile, but it's got some pretty good IVs, so I'm very happy with it
Galdr Posted March 27, 2012 Posted March 27, 2012 I don't know if I replied to this, but my very first shiny was a Pidgey in Crystal version. It was level 3 and a male. Second one was a Sneasel in the Ice Path. Third shiny was a Metapod in Fire Red. I thought it would evolve into that "pink" Butterfree that I saw from that one episode in the Kanto saga. I was disappointed when it didn't. Fourth was a Starly, level 3 male on route 204 I believe. He's a Staraptor now, and I apparently found his "twin" brother on route 202 a few years after. Now, I'm afraid that I found a shiny Audino in White. >_> And it's a guy, too. *shudder*
crazyme Posted March 29, 2012 Posted March 29, 2012 Only shiny ever was a green bronzor, never heard of shiny and thought that it was a secret of the area, I traded it though not knowing it worth for an average Plakia
EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. Posted March 30, 2012 Posted March 30, 2012 My first was a Rattata in Crystal, which I found when I was training my Nidorino. I flipped out when I saw it sparkle. Sadly, I lost my Crystal version at a hotel shortly afterwards.
robbieiscool7 Posted April 2, 2012 Posted April 2, 2012 My first shiny was a ditto next to the daycare in gold version I was young so I thought it was a glitch and a couple months ago i dug gold version out of my shoebox of childhood memories and realised it was shiny I also had a shiny oshawott at the begging of black and then i beat black and returned it to gamestop cuz it sucked
Leaf Dragoon Posted April 9, 2012 Posted April 9, 2012 Well once I saw the trainer tower in frlg had a green espeon I decided to try breed my own. Somehow I was lucky enough to get a shiny male eevee on my third try. Then I evolved it into an espeon. Unfortunately my emerald got deleted and my favorite pokemon was forever lost.
bear831 Posted April 15, 2012 Posted April 15, 2012 My first shiny Pokemon was a torchic that I fully leveled up to 100 without realizing it was shiny. I always wondered why the color seemed darker than the images online. Suffice to say I was very surprised to learn what it was.
TDawg Posted April 15, 2012 Posted April 15, 2012 2 Rhydons in a row with no hacking, RNGing, or using PokeRadar when I still had my Diamond. Those have been my only random shinies ever.
lionspride Posted May 2, 2012 Posted May 2, 2012 I was playing Diamond and ran into a shiney graveler, I thought something was wrong with my screen.
Splittah Posted May 14, 2012 Posted May 14, 2012 I got a shiny Gravelar in Emerald and then I got a shiny Bagon. I almost shat myself.
Galdr Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 During a HGSS race on another site, I ran into a shiny Vulpix on route 37 in Soulsilver. I got mad because it wasn't a male one, therefore I couldn't name it "Trap Bait".
Looking4Mew Posted May 30, 2012 Posted May 30, 2012 Mew i had it on Yellow, then traded to crystal. It was Shiny!
Pseudonym. Posted June 27, 2012 Posted June 27, 2012 My first shiny was a Voltorb on Emerald. This was before I knew anything about shinies and I seriously thought it was a glitch in the game... Noobprobz.
OnyxSnow Posted August 31, 2012 Posted August 31, 2012 My first shiny ever was the Red Gyarados, but I've had several others. Crystal: Cleffa, Elekid, Pichu, Stantler Ruby: Swablu (Which I found last night, actually.) Sapphire: Carvanha/Sharpedo (The Sharpedo's pink. ><) Emerald: Linoone FireRed: Squirtle Diamond: Shinx, Ralts Platinum: Bidoof (><;;, Starly I must be lucky or unlucky because a few of these shinies are crap pokemon. Like Bidoof...
Fab Posted August 31, 2012 Posted August 31, 2012 I think my firts shiny was a Raticate I found in Pokèmon Gold back in 1999 I think. I found it outside the place where Zapdos is (sorry but I can't remember the english name of the place ). I was 9 at that time and I thought it was somehow "mutated" by the electricity of the zone. Then red Gyarados came but me and my friend knew it was a shiny pokèmon 2 or 3 years later.
User of Venom Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 My first shiny was a Red Gyarados on Pokemon Silver, I also have a shiny Wingull which i evolved into a Pelipper on Platinum, and also a shiny Magikarp on Platinum which is now a Red Gyrados. Also ran into a shiny Hariyama in Sapphire but it used whirlwind while attempting to catch it =/
cbowling816 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 OnyxSnow said: FireRed: Squirtle was that the starter squirtle? also my first natural caught shiny (not counting red gyrados in gold) was a blue psyduck i ran into in a cave the other day in diamond before that i saw a yellow swablu in ruby but didnt catch it
Sato Haru Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 My first legit shiny ever is a Chimecho in Pokemon Black I was confused because I have turned the cheat off, but still
Thirteen Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 I've gotten a shiny pidgey and mareep in Silver.. And a shiny durant in White. I believe I got another one in one of the games but I can't remember
wallucario Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 cool my first shiny was the riolu you get from riley in iron island
IhkeXPFTW Posted February 13, 2013 Posted February 13, 2013 My first REAL shiny without the Action Replay was a link trade for a shiny Gabite wich is now a Lv. 100 Garchomp... but before i started a shiny hunt, it started when my friend had a random encounter with a shiny wurmple,I felt jelous even though I was a female character (friends sister game b4 mine) because he evolved it to Beautifly, then thats when the hunt began!
EccentricManiac Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I will never forget my very first shiny. Probably because I still have him lol. I was lucky enough to hatch a shiny Eevee in Gold. At the time I was very young and only thought it was a cool colored Eevee. I remember thinking, "Oh man, I wonder what it'll look like if I evolve into Flareon." I had no clue about happiness or the two new eeveelutions. I was quite surprised when, while staying up late one night, my Eevee began to evolve without the use of a stone. I am still amazed at the sheer badassness of a shiny Umbreon. I have yet to see a cooler looking shiny, and I don't think I ever will. Eevee/Umbreon is my very first shiny.
IXI_JAM3S_IXI Posted July 21, 2013 Posted July 21, 2013 I'm so angry... I'm playing Sapphire and the first Poochyena you kill, the one thats attacking Professor Birch... ITS SHINY!!!! I have to kill the first Shiny Pokémon i ever ran into!!! So disappointing... :-(
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