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I don't know if I replied to this, but my very first shiny was a Pidgey in Crystal version. It was level 3 and a male. Second one was a Sneasel in the Ice Path. Third shiny was a Metapod in Fire Red. xD I thought it would evolve into that "pink" Butterfree that I saw from that one episode in the Kanto saga. I was disappointed when it didn't. Fourth was a Starly, level 3 male on route 204 I believe. He's a Staraptor now, and I apparently found his "twin" brother on route 202 a few years after. Now, I'm afraid that I found a shiny Audino in White. >_> And it's a guy, too. *shudder*


Only shiny ever was a green bronzor, never heard of shiny and thought that it was a secret of the area, I traded it though not knowing it worth for an average Plakia :(


My first shiny was a ditto next to the daycare in gold version I was young so I thought it was a glitch and a couple months ago i dug gold version out of my shoebox of childhood memories and realised it was shiny :D

I also had a shiny oshawott at the begging of black and then i beat black and returned it to gamestop cuz it sucked


Well once I saw the trainer tower in frlg had a green espeon I decided to try breed my own. Somehow I was lucky enough to get a shiny male eevee on my third try. Then I evolved it into an espeon. Unfortunately my emerald got deleted and my favorite pokemon was forever lost. :(


My first shiny Pokemon was a torchic that I fully leveled up to 100 without realizing it was shiny. I always wondered why the color seemed darker than the images online. Suffice to say I was very surprised to learn what it was.


2 Rhydons in a row with no hacking, RNGing, or using PokeRadar when I still had my Diamond. Those have been my only random shinies ever.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

During a HGSS race on another site, I ran into a shiny Vulpix on route 37 in Soulsilver. I got mad because it wasn't a male one, therefore I couldn't name it "Trap Bait".

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

My first shiny was a Voltorb on Emerald. This was before I knew anything about shinies and I seriously thought it was a glitch in the game... Noobprobz.

  • 2 months later...

My first shiny ever was the Red Gyarados, but I've had several others.

Crystal: Cleffa, Elekid, Pichu, Stantler

Ruby: Swablu (Which I found last night, actually.)

Sapphire: Carvanha/Sharpedo (The Sharpedo's pink. ><)

Emerald: Linoone

FireRed: Squirtle

Diamond: Shinx, Ralts

Platinum: Bidoof (><;;;), Starly

I must be lucky or unlucky because a few of these shinies are crap pokemon. Like Bidoof...


I think my firts shiny was a Raticate I found in Pokèmon Gold back in 1999 I think. I found it outside the place where Zapdos is (sorry but I can't remember the english name of the place :D). I was 9 at that time and I thought it was somehow "mutated" by the electricity of the zone. Then red Gyarados came but me and my friend knew it was a shiny pokèmon 2 or 3 years later.

  • 2 weeks later...

My first shiny was a Red Gyarados on Pokemon Silver, I also have a shiny Wingull which i evolved into a Pelipper on Platinum, and also a shiny Magikarp on Platinum which is now a Red Gyrados. Also ran into a shiny Hariyama in Sapphire but it used whirlwind while attempting to catch it =/

  • 1 month later...
  OnyxSnow said:
FireRed: Squirtle

was that the starter squirtle?

also my first natural caught shiny (not counting red gyrados in gold) was a blue psyduck i ran into in a cave the other day in diamond

before that i saw a yellow swablu in ruby but didnt catch it


I've gotten a shiny pidgey and mareep in Silver.. And a shiny durant in White. I believe I got another one in one of the games but I can't remember :x

  • 3 months later...

My first REAL shiny without the Action Replay was a link trade for a shiny Gabite wich is now a Lv. 100 Garchomp... but before i started a shiny hunt, it started when my friend had a random encounter with a shiny wurmple,I felt jelous even though I was a female character (friends sister game b4 mine) because he evolved it to Beautifly, then thats when the hunt began!

  • 3 weeks later...

I will never forget my very first shiny. Probably because I still have him lol. I was lucky enough to hatch a shiny Eevee in Gold. At the time I was very young and only thought it was a cool colored Eevee. I remember thinking, "Oh man, I wonder what it'll look like if I evolve into Flareon." I had no clue about happiness or the two new eeveelutions. I was quite surprised when, while staying up late one night, my Eevee began to evolve without the use of a stone. I am still amazed at the sheer badassness of a shiny Umbreon. I have yet to see a cooler looking shiny, and I don't think I ever will. Eevee/Umbreon is my very first shiny.

  • 4 months later...

I'm so angry...

I'm playing Sapphire and the first Poochyena you kill, the one thats attacking Professor Birch... ITS SHINY!!!!

I have to kill the first Shiny Pokémon i ever ran into!!!

So disappointing... :-(

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