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What version will you buy?  

177 members have voted

  1. 1. What version will you buy?

    • Heart Gold
    • Soul Silver
    • None

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Got to be HeartGold for me, for 2 reasons: 1) I've got plenty of Lugia's and 2) Kyogre can only be obtained in HG, and Kyogre would be a great addition to my collection (seen as I lost the one I got from sapphire).


Can I please point out, for the record, that you get Lugia AND Ho-oh in BOTH games? Sorry for going off-topic, but that shouldn't be influencing your answer.


I'm getting both. I want to Pokemon differences.

I have all 3 D/P/pt games.. so I want both games when they come near us in the US.


Eh...this is not as easy as choosing Diamond or Pearl...umm....I guess HG? I'm not sure...I'll decide when they're close to coming out in the US. But HG is winning currently (I favor Ho-oh a little more than Lugia).


Considering money factors, if I have enough at the time to be able to spend, and enough time to myself...I will be buying SoulSilver. I had both growing up...but always preferred Silver. Silver is just a prettier color to Gold!!

  alpark94 said:
Grah...I totally knew it was gonna end up like this...

Why do people hate Ho-oh so much? I mean really..not saying you can't prefer him over Lugia, but to go so far as to call him crazy, child molester weird..

Is it because of the name "HeartGold"? Or because you grew up with Lugia?

Can someone PLEASE tell me? I'm dying to know why >_<

I prefer Lugia over Ho-oh.... but I had both games when I was little. Got gold first as a matter of fact. Lugia has Aeroblast though, and it actually looks cool to me. But people all have their own opinions and we can't change that.



I am surprised to see not more people buying gold or even both. Honestly, game play wise the games are pretty much identical except the birds are switched around. Is Lugia that much of an appeal? I mean, I too like Lugia more, but I will be playing Heart Gold first since it was the game my late grandmother bought me all those years ago. I guess I am just surprised that a bird you're going to get anyway is a reason to buy one over the other. I mean I know you have to choose, but I never realized Ho-oh was so disliked lol

I always buy both since, even when it was a big craze, I knew like now one with the games to trade with. So I always had both and just traded with myself *so sad T^T* Also, it is nice to have a game you can restart and one to keep.


It is a bit sad. I have every games since Ruby and Sapphire, and have always traded between me and myself. Later on i found an apprentice, however i stopped competitive battles after a few PBR losses.

Back to topic. Well i have considered it a majestic legendary since the Bird type legendary Pokemon are made to look this way. In the early days they would not create a creature like Heatran. Looking at Heatran and Ho-oh, i would say Ho-oh is much better and noting that the last legendaryes are a somewhat more mature, looking at Dialga, Palkia, Giratina.


Soul Silver FTW!

no one wants a box with ho-oh on the front, regardless of its usefulness, ho-oh is just butt ugly and ive always thought it sounds like a random glitch name, ho-oh, even missingno sounds better.


I'm getting soul silver and my brother is getting heart gold, he has always picked the least popular versions since red and blue. I also prefer groudon rather than kyogre.

In my old silver game I could wipe out the elite four with just lugia.

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