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HI! Great work man! THIS IS EFFIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I have to ask you, could you try to make a tool that can Mod the TM's and HM's that a pokemon can learn? Also it would be great if you make a tool that can Mod what pokemon can learn moves from the move tutors. If you are willing please PM me. If you aren't also PM me. Its your choice. THANX AND KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!!!

  Taizo said:
Hm...i learned all "Super effective!" types in Pokemon Stadium 2 :D And table in that game is much better. Check it :)

never play pokemon stadium 2, i will check it later...

btw is can switchable view you want.

  Dan Firan said:
could you try to make a tool that can Mod the TM's and HM's that a pokemon can learn?

personality editor for BW and BW2 is on my first release tools using new method on to do list (included some help files), yes it will support tm/hm move tutor too, and the list is can customize by edit csv file (so if you already modified tm/hm list on arm9.bin), or maybe load from arm9.bin for refresh current list (i not sure about include that feature). yeah is first tools released under name leafia, and is include source on same package. and i was decide just support pokemon BW and BW2 only.

my new tools is more organized than my old tools. speed up on some part... and other improvement.

anyway thank you was used my tools ^^

Posted (edited)

Hi Andibad. Your moveset editor is working great for me. I have a small suggestion for you that can improve it some. Is it possible to make it so searching isn't case sensitive? It's a minor issue but it would be convenient to not need to capitalize every time I want to search.

Also looking forward to your type changing tool whenever it is released. It'll be fun to mess with poison and ice types.

Edited by ArcticPrism
  ArcticPrism said:
Hi Andibad. Your moveset editor is working great for me. I have a small suggestion for you that can improve it some. Is it possible to make it so searching isn't case sensitive? It's a minor issue but it would be convenient to not need to capitalize every time I want to search.

Also looking forward to your type changing tool whenever it is released. It'll be fun to mess with poison and ice types.

yeah i know about that. it will fixed on next version.

Well i got good progress on Leafia - Pokemon Personality Editor, and maybe it will surprise you ;)


When do ya think you'll be able to get the next releases ready? I can't wait for it! Your work is awesome by the way! The Personality Editor should make your status as a hacking god even more higher! Keep up the great work Andi! BTW I noticed a Leafia Pokemon Editor Tool part in your first post? Why is it empty? Won't you make it? Wait a minute?! The Personality Editor can edit the stats, am I right? WOW! I pray to god that you be successful in your work mi amigo!

  • 3 months later...

i was already try make all tools on 1 environment, but is just not effective at all. maybe be delayed for while. So i made single tools again but now is more flexible, redundant code was eliminated now so just call it with short code repeatly, also i try to support open directly from ROM on memory stream/direct edit/extract using ndstool. also i was already done with main core so it will a bit faster to develop (extracting narc file, and another thing). and for source code i just share if my tools is on major update only.

thank you, sorry i was absent to update my tools

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, Andi, I have a question on your moveset editor. If a Pokémon has 22 moveslots available and I want to reduce that number, do I have to hex-edit, or I can work with those 22 moves without problems or bugs in the game? For example, does this work?


Posted (edited)

in theory, it will work fine. since every level up system will check on moveset db on level field first, if is match with current level it will picked. system will read all moveset db until it reach match level. if you set into lv 0, by default it will ignored. But if you pokemon level up into lv 0, it will buggy.

Edited by Andibad
  Andibad said:
in theory, it will work fine. since every level up system will check on moveset db on level field first, if is match with current level it will picked. system will read all moveset db until it reach match level. if you set into lv 0, by default it will ignored. But if you pokemon level up into lv 0, it will buggy.

So, if I make every Pokémon have Mr. Mime moveset (which has 22 moves), I can make every Pokémon have up to 22 moves, correct?

  • 4 weeks later...

well maybe is almost 6 month i not release anything new final tools. but here some small progress :

I hope new update it will be more smaller and fast than before since i already reduce any redundant code, like repeating write long method. But now was changes, maybe it will bit difficult and need time to researching, develop, and make them stable. And also i was think , think think to make my tools is 100 % open source with gpl license model but i decide to make them open source. yay is hard choice for me...

For who using linux os, i say sorry, i not willing support that platform. because is too much for me to handle that alone.

My plan was already altered, so maybe i will update Hidden Grotto editor first (since is only on BW2 XP). like this (only model and some code enabled):


Is look more compact than before? yes, i try make them easy and easy to use (is like pokegen pokemon selection right?), to make them i need a lot event handle and some method on method xD). Removing a redundant data, added nice feature on it. Because i still on vacation so not full time i develop this one. but don't worry my old code and experiment code is still available. so it will save my time to continue. oh yes some resource i used on my tools is share-able with another my tools.

<.< is hard to handle java and c# together <.< and with c++ , other language <.< is make me sick. well Visual Studio 2013 will coming ... maybe i will stick on 2012.

Bye ;)

Here for my old tools include their sourcecode. :D HAPPY HACKING :)


Hi, I'm new and I was checking your post so it makes me wonder; Would it be possible to create a pokemon mmorpg with Black & White Rom? it would look awsome!!.

  joeslop said:
Hi, I'm new and I was checking your post so it makes me wonder; Would it be possible to create a pokemon mmorpg with Black & White Rom? it would look awsome!!.

No. You can only edit things like the map, Pokémon stats, text, scripting, etc.


MMM Do you know the game Pokemmo? it uses Red Fire Rom and Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver Rom for show pokemon out the pokeball. I want to do this like but employing the graphics and new systems that Black and white has to offer. Battle animations, moves, etc. Would you give me a short explanation about how this works like?

  joeslop said:
MMM Do you know the game Pokemmo? it uses Red Fire Rom and Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver Rom for show pokemon out the pokeball. I want to do this like but employing the graphics and new systems that Black and white has to offer. Battle animations, moves, etc. Would you give me a short explanation about how this works like?

it does not use any resources from the ROM, that's for sure. it just checks if it is present to unlock content in the program.

aka a gimmick

  • 2 weeks later...

well i already got great idea concept for making all in one tools. I got complete concept and idea so i will begin to fully working on it xD

I make 2 thing, 1 is separate tools working alone, and another is main all in one (only open overall ROM, using ndstool to extrack and packing) it will send command into other application, and done! is make another application not made by me can cooperate with my tools.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Andibad,

Is it possible to add another move for the Pokemon to learn? For example, if I wanted to insert Dragon Tail for Charmeleon, but I don't want to edit one of the existing moves. Is this possible? :confused: Thanks!

Edit: I found the button for adding a new one, but it says it was removed for the public version. Any way you could send me the version with the feature to add a new slot? Thanks!

Edit: Found how you showed it in the program, but now I'm having a problem where it doesn't save...at all. I edit any of the moves, click 'Save Narc', I choose a location, then I load it up, and...it's exactly the same as default. Hewp?


@GravityWolf : is possible added new slot on it. For save problem, you must click "save list" button first. Yeah i know is not effective ... use many button is redundant. Well i think for next tool it will more simple to use with some document to help you using my tool and edit them manually (without my tools).

added new slot feature it will on newer version 2 on future. it will use complete newer code. i can't promise it will done since i not enough time for this one since college teacher give me a lot homework and project ... and another problem is multi threading is make me headache xD. oh for now i still prepare to upgrade my system to 8.1 and used VS 2013 also going to used 4.5 completely.

you can find some thread is discussed about to edit moveset on rom editing section.

  Andibad said:
@GravityWolf : is possible added new slot on it. For save problem, you must click "save list" button first. Yeah i know is not effective ... use many button is redundant. Well i think for next tool it will more simple to use with some document to help you using my tool and edit them manually (without my tools).

added new slot feature it will on newer version 2 on future. it will use complete newer code. i can't promise it will done since i not enough time for this one since college teacher give me a lot homework and project ... and another problem is multi threading is make me headache xD. oh for now i still prepare to upgrade my system to 8.1 and used VS 2013 also going to used 4.5 completely.

you can find some thread is discussed about to edit moveset on rom editing section.

I found out how to add more slots, but I will be looking forward to the button.

But anyway, thank you for telling me how to save! It's much more efficient than hex edting :P

  • 3 months later...

My Type Effectiveness editing tool is already XP, but is still not ready to release, also i still have a lot todo, like make bf/battle subway is editable, make moveset editor tool can add move slot on app so no need another tools. i already tested my custom control on mono runtime (i using linux mint 15), is running fine, but when i using datagrid, svgpanel is just not running >.>. My old java program with heavily look and feel on it running fine on openJDK/oracleJDK, but some not work since is only for Windows xD.

here some SS :

  Reveal hidden contents

Moveset Editor, Battle Subway appearance will like on this SS. Theme is just used net 2 features, is working fine on mono runtime. and also i hope is possible to support DP Pt HGSS too ...

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