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Could someone please tell me how I activate this Challenge Mode key while playing on Desmume0.9.8, I've never played black/white 2 before. It doesn't seem to affect the game I acquire them in, and when I soft reset the emulator it seems to forget that I got them. Any help would be much appreciated, Holding off on starting the game until I can figure it out.


Firstly, I would like to say nice job! I really like this hack so much! I'm here to share an issue that I saw during my playthrough. Entering in Strange House, Lunar Wing Room, Darkrai appears for me without needing to battle Cresselia. If I can request something, I would like to see Forretress as Poison/Steel, it would be very great! ^^


From what I see in the documentation, this has been a lot of work. I'm impressed. How long did it take you to do it all (from the "research" to the experiments with scripting, along with brainstorming any changes for the pokémon and trainer rosters)?

Besides, I've seen some of the pokémon have more than 20 moves in their level-up movepools. I thought there was a limit? And yet, you have Aerodactyl learning 22 moves... Wasn't there something about the game breaking if the pokémon had so many moves, or was that only for DPPt/BW/whatever?


Hi everyone! first thanks for this rom (blaze black 2) is just amazing :D

Well I have 2 questions,I hope someone can help me:

1) The guy who unlocks Mew, Mewtwo, ... doesn´t appear in the giant Chasm :S ( I passed the Elite Four, won Ghetsis, caught Kyurem (normal form). I talked with the guy at the Pokemon Center but now I can´t find him :S

2) I´d like to mod a pokemon black 2 rom, but I only want to change (add) a pokemon in only a route, what tool I need?.

Thanks for the answers and sorry for my english, i´m learning it ^_^U



Hi, is there any way to edit level-up movesets? That feature isn't supported by the B2W2 ROM changer and I can't extract the narc to manually make these changes because the patched ROM is compressed.

  Moonlight said:
Hi, is there any way to edit level-up movesets? That feature isn't supported by the B2W2 ROM changer and I can't extract the narc to manually make these changes because the patched ROM is compressed.

The patched ROM is not compressed, it's trimmed. There's not that much data inside the ROM; there's just meaningless padding to reach 512 MB.

You can still extract narcs with editor.exe / Tinke.


Just thought I'd let you know of a glitch I found on Blaze Black 2. I caught a Tyrogue in Floccesy Rance, and it didn't learn Rock Smash at level 10 or Counter at 20, and when it evolved into Hitmonchan at level 20, it didn't learn Mach Punch. I'm not sure if it was just me or not. I was playing on R4i Gold 3DS on my DSi. I just thought I'd bring it to your attention so you could try to figure out if anything went wrong on your end or not.

Otherwise, fantastic game. I love it. Thanks guys!


Is there any way to edit the wild pokemon that appears in one square of grass while the square of grass beside has another combination of wild pokemon?

  ghola said:
Is there any way to edit the wild pokemon that appears in one square of grass while the square of grass beside has another combination of wild pokemon?

I don't think so.

  ghola said:
Is there any way to edit the wild pokemon that appears in one square of grass while the square of grass beside has another combination of wild pokemon?

Technically it could be possible with a bunch of scripting to overwrite the zone data based on each square via script trigger tiles. However the writebytetooffset command (that is known to exist in gen 3) hasn't been identified.

Besides that, an entire map can only use one encounter table. Which will always be the case (because doing ^ is stupid). So what andrewmyles said is correct.


of course it's possible. you wouldn't need extra zonedata. create an extra overlay and add the encounter slots you want for the areas you want to the bss portion of the overlay. now create a 2xX array(ex. playerpos_xy[2][x]) with coordinates for the map with the playerpos coordinates(relative to viewport) of the grass areas you want multiple encounter sets. figure every other square the encounter set changes between 2 sets of slots. write a bit of code to do playerpos_x & 1 and playerpos_y & 1 while saving the previous result. if either of those changes, do a simple memcpy of the slots to a buffer and copy the new slots(the correct set if you have multiple) into place(cpucopy8 is what the game would use). do this back and forth and it will only work while you're in the grass and you'll have multiple sets of possible encounters.

there are better, more robust ways of doing it(including fixing the zonedata code to support multiples based on encounter subsets), but this works for now.

and you would load the extra overlay by adding a hook in the route loader that looks up the extra overlay number for that routine in a table. really simple.

even better, add "setMultipleEncounterTables" to a script command that you create. it's all possible.

e: actually, this isn't a bad idea and would make a great demo project...

  ghola said:
Is there any way to edit the wild pokemon that appears in one square of grass while the square of grass beside has another combination of wild pokemon?

edit like this, is on system (OVA, ARM) and script file/or a file (if is needed) like bond says........

like edit swarm pokemon, add fakemon or other .... at least you know basic of programmer like algebra booelan hahahahaha

  Mario With Lasers said:
From what I see in the documentation, this has been a lot of work. I'm impressed. How long did it take you to do it all (from the "research" to the experiments with scripting, along with brainstorming any changes for the pokémon and trainer rosters)?

Besides, I've seen some of the pokémon have more than 20 moves in their level-up movepools. I thought there was a limit? And yet, you have Aerodactyl learning 22 moves... Wasn't there something about the game breaking if the pokémon had so many moves, or was that only for DPPt/BW/whatever?

I think making this took me around... three months? I started editing it in July but I was able to carry over a lot of the stuff from Blaze Black & Volt White which cut down the production time a fair bit. I worked on it quite solidly though, didn't have a lot to do during the summer break. It was originally going to be a September release but then I figured out how to do the overworlds, so that delayed things.

Yeah, I remember people saying that, although when I've edited level up moves by hex I'm pretty sure nobody's ever said they had an issue with it. It might be a myth stemming from the fact giving a Pokémon in PPRE 20 moves causes it to bug out, but I think that's just an error with the program. Can't say 100% though, it's probably something that needs to be tested.

  ghola said:
Hi everyone! first thanks for this rom (blaze black 2) is just amazing :D

Well I have 2 questions,I hope someone can help me:

1) The guy who unlocks Mew, Mewtwo, ... doesn´t appear in the giant Chasm :S ( I passed the Elite Four, won Ghetsis, caught Kyurem (normal form). I talked with the guy at the Pokemon Center but now I can´t find him :S

2) I´d like to mod a pokemon black 2 rom, but I only want to change (add) a pokemon in only a route, what tool I need?.

Thanks for the answers and sorry for my english, i´m learning it ^_^U


1) I'm a dunce and I forgot to make his flag unset. So it's kind of impossible to get him to appear for now. <_>

2) BWWE, made by KazoWAR. It's a wild editor so it should be exactly what you need.

  MoonsAreBlue said:
Just thought I'd let you know of a glitch I found on Blaze Black 2. I caught a Tyrogue in Floccesy Rance, and it didn't learn Rock Smash at level 10 or Counter at 20, and when it evolved into Hitmonchan at level 20, it didn't learn Mach Punch. I'm not sure if it was just me or not. I was playing on R4i Gold 3DS on my DSi. I just thought I'd bring it to your attention so you could try to figure out if anything went wrong on your end or not.

Otherwise, fantastic game. I love it. Thanks guys!

Silly me put the wrong level up narc in on this update, it should be fixed in 1.2.

Posted (edited)

do you know why the game is dark, its like its always night, i can play but its anoying.

By the way thx for the rom i played all you other roms and finished them 100%, now i want to end this one there just that problem.

Edited by sonicwarr
Posted (edited)

When does Scizor learn Bullet punch? At Which level? Cause if it is supposed to learn it at lvl '1', it's bugged.

Sorry for my english.

Also the legendaries bug still happens :( But i wont start a new game at this point, so fuck it.

Edited by Sathyro
  sonicwarr said:
do you know why the game is dark, its like its always night, i can play but its anoying.

By the way thx for the rom i played all you other roms and finished them 100%, now i want to end this one there just that problem.

Haven't got a clue... what are you using to play it? If it's no$, you might have a particular time set or something.

  Sathyro said:
When does Scizor learn Bullet punch? At Which level? Cause if it is supposed to learn it at lvl '1', it's bugged.

Sorry for my english.

Also the legendaries bug still happens :( But i wont start a new game at this point, so fuck it.

It should be Level 1. Is it not showing up at the move relearner?

Well if you continued the save from the earlier version, then it was guaranteed to not fix. =p But yeah, it's nothing game breaking, so I wouldn't worry.

  Drayano said:

It should be Level 1. Is it not showing up at the move relearner?

Well if you continued the save from the earlier version, then it was guaranteed to not fix. =p But yeah, it's nothing game breaking, so I wouldn't worry.

Yeah it showed at the relearner, thanks :)

Posted (edited)
  Drayano said:
Haven't got a clue... what are you using to play it? If it's no$, you might have a particular time set or something.

I use No$Zoomer, i tried changing the time to see if was that but doesnt change, but i'll still play even with that. its just i bit anoying cause i cant see if the grass is shacking or not.

Its always like the image.

by the way where can i get the other unova inicials?



Edited by sonicwarr

Hey Great Mod. I have a little issue tho. I can get past the Dragonspiral tower after the E4 because of the little jump things on the 2nd floor. I dont think it's registering as a jump. also the Balance beams that you are supposed to be able to fall off of, You dont fall off, It doesnt even try to balance (no wobble effect). So I think it's related to the same issue. I tried on both DsEmu and No$GBA Both had the issue, I also tried on 2 different games with the patch, Both glitched.

  Zeno said:
Hey Great Mod. I have a little issue tho. I can get past the Dragonspiral tower after the E4 because of the little jump things on the 2nd floor. I dont think it's registering as a jump. also the Balance beams that you are supposed to be able to fall off of, You dont fall off, It doesnt even try to balance (no wobble effect). So I think it's related to the same issue. I tried on both DsEmu and No$GBA Both had the issue, I also tried on 2 different games with the patch, Both glitched.

I have a little issue tho. I cant get past the Dragonspiral tower

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