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Hello um after a long time of playing i'am finally in humilau city and i can't see the veteran to unlock raikou and others but i could fight againt suicune zapdos and keldeo before arriving to humilau city can you tell me how to find the veteran?

  walid08 said:
Hello um after a long time of playing i'am finally in humilau city and i can't see the veteran to unlock raikou and others but i could fight againt suicune zapdos and keldeo before arriving to humilau city can you tell me how to find the veteran?

In the initial post by Dray, he said that some of the legendary flags don't set correctly, causing some of them to appear early by mistake. None of them should be there before talking to the Veteran (he should be on the top floor of Humilau's Pokemon Center), but a few of them do by mistake.


hello i found a glitch were u can fight groudon the first time you go with bianca. its a double battle you and bianca vs groudon and missingno i try to catch groudon but the game crashed after beating missinngno

  Pekua said:
hello i found a glitch were u can fight groudon the first time you go with bianca. its a double battle you and bianca vs groudon and missingno i try to catch groudon but the game crashed after beating missinngno

its one of the bugs regarding how certain legendaries appear when they shouldn't. in that room you actually shouldn't see anything yet when you first arrive with bianca. just ignore it until she leaves...


Hunting for the Covenant Ore in Castelia Sewers for a couple hours now... I'm starting to think that there's an error in the documentation. It says a Calcium was changed to a Covenant Ore in the sewers but checking Serebii and Bulbapedia, there isn't any Calcium in Castelia Sewers nor the surrounding areas (garden, backlot, Relic Passage, the city itself) in the vanilla game.

Yeah, I combed it pretty thoroughly. Looks like I'm going to have to ninja my way through Route 9 using the walk-through-walls code to get one.


Sorry about the wait for the update, had a rather busy week! The new links are in the first post.

I've said about this in the post already, but just in case, I've attempted to fix the legendary problems by lowering the flag numbers from 3000 odd to ~1500ish. I have no idea if that'll actually work as I never seem to be able to reproduce these problems, but hopefully that'll at least go some way towards fixing it. The side effect is that a lot of things that were ordinarily hidden will no longer be hidden once you boot up V1.1 on your old save file. The legendaries will all reappear, as will the Giant Chasm Veteran.

On the bright side, those of you who couldn't get the Humilau City Veteran to appear should hopefully see him now!


Registered to say thank you for Blaze Black and Volt White, I enjoy them a lot more than the original releases.

Also, I'm having a problem with patching. My ROM matches the CRC in the notes, but it appears the patches are looking for different CRCs, tries to patch anyways but obviously just wrecks the ROM.


CRC in r4cce is the result (not desired), the one next to the empty red box is the clean rom.


jasondm - Well, colour me confused. It seems to work fine with the GUI, but not the command line version (I checked myself and got the same result). That's weird...

gunpocket - Not yet. Will do that today.

emmanuelfontes - Sometime, maybe, but it's a lot of work!


I patched the original Black 2 rom with your complete patch with X-Delta GUI and it doesn't work. File size decreased to less than 300MB, which has to be a problem with the patch file... (wrecked the rom or something)

Can you send me link to WORKING patched BB2 by private message, please? I'm using DeSmuME.

  usiek said:
File size decreased to less than 300MB, which has to be a problem with the patch file... (wrecked the rom or something)

No, it's just trimmed. The actual retail ROM is ~286 MB, it's just padded to 512MB for the cartridge. Patching should result in a < 300MB ROM.

  Kaphotics said:
No, it's just trimmed. The actual retail ROM is ~286 MB, it's just padded to 512MB for the cartridge. Patching should result in a < 300MB ROM.

But still it is not working with my emulator.. Both x86 and x64 versions. Just black screen.


I believe there is something wrong with version 1.1 patch. I used the same way on version 1.0 but 1.1 just cant work. I'm using a nintendo 3ds which version 1.0 works well but not version 1.1. After patching, and run on my 3ds, it just stuck and will not proceed. Can someone help me on this as version 1.0 freeze at PWT. I really want to continue on version 1.1


Here to report the same issue: White screen after patching both Complete and Vanilla (only interested in the latter but tried both), both on the same clean White and Black ROMs I'd used for patching 1.0 previously, and both in Desmume 0.9.7 and 0.9.9.


Those of you with the issue, I've updated the patch link. The White 2 patch had some sort of mix-up. Not sure about Black 2 but apparently it can work.

nicoelson - You won't actually be able to see Heatran but it'll be the tile behind Groudon, so you can still talk to it. It's just out of view because Groudon is quite large.


For some reason, I'm convinced xDelta just doesn't like me. I tried patching 1.1 to a clean ROM, but loading up 1.1 with AKAIO seems to keep me stuck on a loading screen. I even changed the name of the file to match my 1.00 sav file.

Also, if the legendary flags were changed, does this mean that the legends that accidentally appeared early in 1.00 will be removed until talking to the veteran, even if i use a 1.00 sav file (assuming I get it to work), or will they still be there? (I haven't beaten Skyla yet, so ideally, only Victini should have shown up so far)

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