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  alan_gp said:
Dray, i've been reading the documentation, and saw some things: you added 3 bug moves to the Flygon family; they belong to the bug egg group; why don't you make Trapinch and Vibrava bug/ground, and Flygon bug/dragon?

Because it would make Flygon a worse Pokemon? A good Bug-type? Yes. A better Dragon? Not by any means. Worse overall? Yes.

Why would you want to make a Pokemon worse? Okay, so you make Vibrava & Trapinch bugs -- great, I agree. But Flygon shouldn't be one.


Clefairy line could have Normal/Psychic since it mostly use normal and Psy moves in level up moves and TM as well. Shuppet and Banette could be Normal/Ghost since it's mostly a possessed doll.


Hey, can you get a super rod and dratini early in the game?

I have played the pure white hack and enjoyed that one but I hated how you couldnt get your dream team until after the elite four. I think your version allows me to get the pokemon before the elite four. One thing I really liked about pure white though was that every pokemon you caught held an item. Just a suggestion. The game looks great. Props



Officer Braven on Route 4 says he has a herrier. He does not.


-Can you make the Dawn Stone (used to evolve Ralts to Gallade) available somewhere before 3rd gym leader? If Porygon is not available before the 3rd gym leader, swap the location of Upgrade and Dawn Stone perhaps?

-The water fountain area in Castelia City in almost empty except for one bald guy. Maybe add a couple of trainers or people? Castelia is a very populous city and to only have one person there is unusual.

Why dont Gym Leaders do triple battles in Challenge mode?

When we fight the Elite Four the second time why not a triple battle?

General question,

Is it hard to add new people and trainers in the game, and make certain areas more populated?

  alan_gp said:
Yeah, hex editing... I thought that was some kind of tool. I'm asking this because, despite the fact that your hack is the BEST (really, it's amazing), i'd like to do some little changes, for my own gaming, ex: Flygon being Insect/Dragon, Gyarados Water/Dragon, Charizard Fire/Dragon (yeah, I like Dragon type), and some minor changes in stats, so the game becomes even more difficult.

You Can Use My Narc Stats Editor To Do This Yourself It Works With All Roms Esp. BBVW2 I Updated Mainly To Be Used With Dray's B&W 2 Mod. Also I Agree With Charizard Being Dragon/fire But The Reason He/she Isnt Is Because He/she Would Break The Starter Chain/Triangle. Because Dragon Has Resistance To Both Water And Grass Thus Making him/her The Alpha Starter Lmao

  styr said:
Also, Dray, any chance you might lower Pawniard's evo level? 52 is still forever for such a subpar pokemon.. not to mention his pathetic 490 stat total (after dealing with Pawniard's 340 stat total for quite a few levels). Ideally a boost that would either be evolving earlier or a 30-40 stat boost as Bisharp would greatly help him out. Specifically, he needs half of those extra stat points to go to speed and the other half as HP. Alternatively you could lower Bisharp's base defense some and allocate it to HP while giving most of the extra stats to speed, which would greatly help him.

Show the pokemon power ranger/kamen rider some love, Dray!! :)

@Reptillian - Basically, if you want a harder challenge that what is normally present in vanilla pokemon games, use this hack. Challenge mode especially gives every gym leader a full 6 pokemon and better movepools and such. There's also far more pokemon available in each route, although the

You Can Do This Yourself By Using Both My Narc Stats Editor And Evolution Editor

  MarinoKadame said:
Clefairy line could have Normal/Psychic since it mostly use normal and Psy moves in level up moves and TM as well. Shuppet and Banette could be Normal/Ghost since it's mostly a possessed doll.

I Disagree With Shuppet and Bannete Being Part Normal Because A Doll Is A Toy Which Means Its Not Alive And Gengar Would Be Pissed If He Can't Hit A Damn Doll Lmfao

Saying That Though A Ghost Normal Type Would Be Amazing Combination Though ( A Ghost That Cant Be Hit By Other Ghosts)

Also I Personally Think That Haunter And Gengar Should Definitely Be Dark/Ghost

Haunter = Poltergeist - Poltergeist = Evil Ghost - Evil = Dark

Gengar = Sarcastic Evil Ghost - Sarcastic Evil = Dark

The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a Gengar delighting in casting curses on people. <-- Definitely Dark Typing To Me Lmao

Just Looking At Em As Well You Can Clearly See They Should Be Part Dark Type - Especially Haunter

With That Said Im Not trying To Advertise My Tools. But To Help People Out With Thier Problems/ Disagreements With The Mod Or Ideas.

Anywho With That Said. Again Loving The Mod Drayano. But To Make It Even Harder I Decided To Give Elesa Thundurus, Clay - Landorus, And Skyla Tornadus. Which Makes The Game Alot Harder ^_^ But Even More Enjoyable at The Same Time Since It Gives You A Sense of Accomplishment

If You Manage To Beat Em ;). So Really Dray Thiers Something You Chould Do In The Next Update Of Ur Mod. If any ^_^


Recently joined just to say that this game might be exciting! Can you provide just one link full download for Volt White? Is this hack full-english and hacked from US rom?

Thx so much, I'm going to play it and post more soon.


I might haven't played it yet. Can't play when you should work. But due to this is a hacked program, and we could catch almost if not all of pokemon I'm cool to not use any ARs. I want to enjoy the game as long as I can, and especially since we can battle Hilbert and Hilda. Gosh they're acted exactly the same as Red aren't they? Anyway, is this version stable on DeSmuMe 0.9.8?


Hey I have been playing this for a week now I LOVE it! Its just amazing. Sadly I had to find out that Scythers evo is bugged :/ Is there a fix out already? I guess not because the main site says current version 1.0 but it would be awesome if theres a manual way to fix it if not. Other than that this hack is really great! Does anyone know a cheat to get Scizor? Would be awesome.

Got a code!!!

94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 C0000000 0000002F 00036B04 000000D4 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000

Hold select before finding a pokemon in the grass :D itll be lvl 1 then


While at work, I read the pokemon changes documents in BB and VW2. Pidgeot are greatly improved! You don't know how glad am I. Serperior and Samurott also has a great typing. Man, can't wait to play it. But nothing wrong to study the changes beforehand right?


I need help when i open the docs in word all that comes up is symbols ... like random ass stuff i need help plz im like going in blind i dont know what pokemon has what...

  RainbowDash said:
I need help when i open the docs in word all that comes up is symbols ... like random ass stuff i need help plz im like going in blind i dont know what pokemon has what...

use pdf viewer like foxit, adobe acrobat and ect...

or using ms word 2013.... newer version of word is word 2013 is can handle pdf too

  twistedfatal said:
You Can Use My Narc Stats Editor To Do This Yourself It Works With All Roms Esp. BBVW2 I Updated Mainly To Be Used With Dray's B&W 2 Mod. Also I Agree With Charizard Being Dragon/fire But The Reason He/she Isnt Is Because He/she Would Break The Starter Chain/Triangle. Because Dragon Has Resistance To Both Water And Grass Thus Making him/her The Alpha Starter Lmao

You Can Do This Yourself By Using Both My Narc Stats Editor And Evolution Editor

I Disagree With Shuppet and Bannete Being Part Normal Because A Doll Is A Toy Which Means Its Not Alive And Gengar Would Be Pissed If He Can't Hit A Damn Doll Lmfao

Saying That Though A Ghost Normal Type Would Be Amazing Combination Though ( A Ghost That Cant Be Hit By Other Ghosts)

Also I Personally Think That Haunter And Gengar Should Definitely Be Dark/Ghost

Haunter = Poltergeist - Poltergeist = Evil Ghost - Evil = Dark

Gengar = Sarcastic Evil Ghost - Sarcastic Evil = Dark

The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a Gengar delighting in casting curses on people. <-- Definitely Dark Typing To Me Lmao

Just Looking At Em As Well You Can Clearly See They Should Be Part Dark Type - Especially Haunter

With That Said Im Not trying To Advertise My Tools. But To Help People Out With Thier Problems/ Disagreements With The Mod Or Ideas.

Anywho With That Said. Again Loving The Mod Drayano. But To Make It Even Harder I Decided To Give Elesa Thundurus, Clay - Landorus, And Skyla Tornadus. Which Makes The Game Alot Harder ^_^ But Even More Enjoyable at The Same Time Since It Gives You A Sense of Accomplishment

If You Manage To Beat Em ;). So Really Dray Thiers Something You Chould Do In The Next Update Of Ur Mod. If any ^_^

But what could define a normal pokemon ? By looking at normal pokemons most of them are based from real life pets, like Meowth and other cats, Snubbul and other dogs, Pidgey just seem some common birds, Rattata for the rat, etc. Some can be exception like Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Togepi ( Those could be dual type retyped to Normal/Psychic maybe), castform, ditto, kecleon and porygon are mostly morphing pokemons ( Ditto to copy pokemon, Castform for meteo, Kecleon change of type with the attack he receive, Porygon for taking other pokemons abilities. So which pokemon already in game could get a Normal/Ghost retype ?

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