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  EmperorDragon said:
Magmortar, Electrivire and Rhyperior among others. Magmar, Electabuzz and Rhydon are very cool pokemon but their new evolutions just look fat and stupid to me.

I don't know how you can say that about Magmortar but I don't like Rhyperior, I am undecided on Electivire.

  EmperorDragon said:
Magmortar, Electrivire and Rhyperior among others. Magmar, Electabuzz and Rhydon are very cool pokemon but their new evolutions just look fat and stupid to me.

Completely agree with that, I hate those 3.

Personally though, Totodile evouloution chain, and Probopass

  EmperorDragon said:
Magmortar, Electrivire and Rhyperior among others. Magmar, Electabuzz and Rhydon are very cool pokemon but their new evolutions just look fat and stupid to me.

Rhyperior is a bit fat and looks unintelligent and slow.

Of course i find the appearances of magmar and electabuzz sillier looking then there new evos but of course its all a matter of opinion.


I hates lots of pokes, but here are the top 3

1. Koffing: Smogon's mascot. 'Nuff said

2. All dragon types/dragonish pokemon. Seen one, seen em all.

3. Pupitar: Don't get me wrong, I LOVES T-Tar. But how the heck does it come out of a butterfly chrysalis?

  Greencat said:
Tentacool. So many of them. >_>

Yeah, I agree everytime I go surfing every 5 secs a tentacool pops out. Without Max Repels, they're big pests.


I hate...Feebas.

The hardest Poke'mon to get in R/S/E! It took me a whole week just to find it. Not to mention it's a pain in the rear to evolve. All that blending. @.@

But it's evo is real nice and one of my favorites. <3


Bidoof and Licky Licky without a doubt.

I'm trying to contain myself from filling the rest of this post with swears. I hate them so much. Bibarrel sucks, too. ARGH.

  Enzo said:
Bidoof and Licky Licky without a doubt.

I'm trying to contain myself from filling the rest of this post with swears. I hate them so much. Bibarrel sucks, too. ARGH.

I love lickylicky it makes me laugh. I have a stuffed version with an enormously long tongue and I make it lick things, its hilarious. :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:



Now, i'm starting to dislike Roselia. They are very common at the Mansion Garden and Route 229. Everytime I hit them physically, i got poisoned!

In the anime, it made me feel "uneasy" to watch PIKACHU beat Magnezone, since when did a Magnezone can be knocked out by a Thunderbolt!?? Sorry Pickachu fans, but I don't really like the way he battles other pokemon in the anime... :(


They should really replace the repeating ones in the next generations region with new lines.

I'm talking about Zubats, Magikarps, Geodudes, and Tentacools and Goldeens.

Is it so hard to come up with suitable common cave and water Pokemon?

And Abras and Machops are getting annoying too...

Oh and Psyduck...

Posted (edited)

One word: Dunsparce.

Right this second though? Shadow Lugia was a pain... -.- Wouldn't stay in its ball! He is nice and snug in it now though, after being outsmarted by an Electabuzz, Salamence, and a weak little Lv. 24 Skiploom. lol I assumed the Kanto bird trio would be a pain as well, but only Zapdos didn't like his cage. Still, he was no where near as bad as Lugia though.

Edited by DanteKoriyu

I really like many of the Pokémon critters, so it's hard to say which ones I dislike.

I dislike Delibird and Tyrogue, as well as all of the baby pokemon excluding Munchlax. Shiftry, Nuzleaf and Seedot are pretty ugly as well, so I'm not a fan. Loudred and Exploud and many forth generation Pokémon have been continuing the trend of ugly Pokémon that I don't care for.

  The Fallen said:
Pretty much all the new unecessary ones. I.E. Lickylicky, Rhyperior, Magmortar, Electivire, Yanmega. They're just making Pokemon to make them now.

They're just watering down the game with useless content, so they can say that they have 493.

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