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I noticed there wasn't a thread for this but there was for favorites...come on everyone has to dislike at least one pokemon. One pokemon you just cant stand. Maybe it is the one that always beats your fave, it looks weird, or it could be the biggest pain you've ever known. Whatever it is post it here!


-obvious site rules

-post your least favorite pokemon

-post why

-try not to offend people because remember your least liked could be their entire world

My least favorite would have to be...

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Alright so what pokemon can you not stand?

Edited by pokemonfan
forgot spoiler part
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Pokemon I hate:


Reason: Confuse Ray + Bite (flinch) + any other annoying status move it can learn = one aggravating Pokemon.

By the way, I agree that Pikachu is EXTREMELY annoying, pokemonfan. Both in the anime and games.


i do not hate any pokemon, but at least, i "least-liked" some. and the "most" least liked pokemon for me are:


they keep on appearing in my honey trees, always spoiling my munchlux hunting! so as with combee (male) & that "worm"!


my least favorite is probably geodude,graveler,zubat,or golbat because they always slow me down in caves

this is a stupid question but can anyone tell me how to start a forum?


golbat! and crobat

because you will nearly always go second in that time they will confuse you and then it just becomes a big mess..o_O

and that anime pikachu too is stupid

electric v ground = electric win!......epic fail.....


I really hate Geodude. In Red they always came out as well as Zubat and Paras when crossing Moon Mountain or something like that. I hate them!


Sorry the list is so long... I'm not gonna bother going into shinies.xD Or female versions.>> [Looking at you, female Pikachu and Heracross]

I dislike most of the "cute" pink balloonish and eggish Pokémon.>>;; And some of the baby Pokémon.

Geodude and Graveler... The second one explodes too much and I don't really like how it looks. Rofl


Jynx, Smoochum

Togepi, Togetic [Can only like this guy in fanart with the proper style]

Aipom, Amibipom





The regis...><

Chimchar's evolution line... Maybe except Infernape. I just don't like monkeys.





Mine include these 2, among other very common and annoying Pokemon (Geodude, Bidoof, Starly, etc.)


I'm sure we all know why people hate Pikachu these days. Anime.

As for Camerupt, I was near the end of Purity Forest (Where you recruit Celebi) on Mystery Dungeon and got killed by one. It left me hating those things.


I absolutely abhor the mere sight of Ditto... Porygon... Porygon2... Porygon-Z... and Mewtwo... They are not Pokémon. They are mere abominations of human experimentation in the Pokémon world. Their very existence could not have come about without multiple failed attempts. The very fact that they could be considered Pokémon makes me have to rethink the idea of Pokémon. Are these Pocket Monsters merely animals? Is it so easy to shove them into the category.

In any case this is an example of humans who believe themselves as divine in the Pokémon world.


O_o Isn't ditto a naturally made Pokémon?

Either way, I have no problems with creating AIs (Porygon is entirely made of code, and doesn't even breath. Seems to be an "artificial" Pokémon.) with code or using gene splicing techniques in a religious sense. Doesn't seem like believing you're divine to me, just using knowledge that you were gifted with. :P


This isn't the place for this debate.


I hate Shiny Dragonite. The original Dragonite is looks cool but Shiny is awful. A dark-green dragon, yuck. It looks so bad! And OMG you won't believe it, a few years ago, I caught a shiny dratini in my Leaf Green! I never knew how shinies looked like before! The dratini was pink and it didn't look too bad. I evolved it Dragonair wasn't so bad. And the biggest mistake ever; It evolved it into Dragonite, gross, dark green!

Here is the Shiny Dragonite:

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Hmmm, I've never reallly thought about this...

If I sat down and thought about it, I really could think of a few that I hate. Off the top of my head, I'd say female wobbuffet. Seriously, wobbuffet is hideous when it wears lipstick. Ugh...

I'll think about it some more...

  Toffeuy said:
I hate Shiny Dragonite. The original Dragonite is looks cool but Shiny is awful. A dark-green dragon, yuck. It looks so bad! And OMG you won't believe it, a few years ago, a caught a shiny dratini in my Leaf Green! I never knew how shinies looked like before! The dratini was pink and it didn't look too bad. I evolved it Dragonair wasn't so bad. And the biggest mistake ever; It evolved it into Dragonite, gross, dark green!

Here is the Shiny Dragonite:

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The Shiny dragonite looks a lot better than the original!!!!!

  dragonmaster005 said:
The Shiny dragonite looks a lot better than the original!!!!!

Eh, I like the original better. The even better question is... why does Dragonair even evolve into a Dragonite? o_O

I hate how those dragons turn black when they're shiny. Charizard's shiny form isn't gold like his pre-evolutions; it's black!

Rayquaza's shiny... is black too >.>

Anyways, my least favorite pokemon besides Pikachu is... heck, I'll say it, SHINY pokes! Most shinies are ugly :(

  Enkidu said:
Drifloon, Mewtwo, Pikachu and Lucario hands down.

I hate them all about the same, which if that could be represented by a number it would be d245777abca64ece2d5d7ca0d19fddb6.png

Why not use the actual character ∞ instead of a picture?

I think I'm the only person in this thread to still vaguely like Pikachu.xD;;

Because my laptop doesn't have a Number pad so I can't get that character. :F

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