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  Agonist said:
Not like the date matters anyway, tbh.

The issue wasn't the date. It was the hex.

Date matters because as soon as someone new with this stuff checks contribution with event he got himself, he sees a different hex. So, he thinks the contribution is probably hacked... But it is the hex of the date.

That's what happened here, that happened before and that will happen again.


I haven't heard from anyone else, but on Friday I'm going to EB Games in Canada to get the distribution, in case this Dialga is different. I'll have games of other languages just in case the distribution also gives out foreign language Wondercards, and I'll be able to contribute them. I'll try for pictures too.


The shiny Dragons will be distributed in Germany at the Pokémon Days. At the first 3 tour dates people will get the shiny Dialga, at the second 3 tour places the shiny Palkia and at the final tour places the shiny Giratina. I'll probably go to Stuttgart which is the second tour place on September 8th. Will post pics then as well of the event together with the distribution of the WC.


148 - Schillerndes Dialga (DE)

Ein Schillerndes Dialga für dich!

Die Kraft dieses legendären Drachen-

Pokémon der Sinnoh-Region ist dein!

Geh auf Abenteuer mit diesem seltenen

Schillernden Pokémon, um das Band

eurer Freundschaft zu stärken!

148 - Dialga Cromatico (IT)

Un Dialga cromatico per te!

Fai tuo il potere del Pokémon

Leggendario di tipo Drago di Sinnoh!

Porta con te questo raro Pokémon

cromatico nelle tue avventure per

consolidare il vostro legamento!

148 - Dialga Cromatique (FR)

I cant recive Dialga in the Spanish Game, i dont know why...:-/ im Sorry

EDIT: We Need Now the UK Shiny Dialga and the Spanish One


The "dutch" one is the german one ;)

  Cara Ansell said:
I managed to convince the guy at the desk to also change the date on the store cartridge to get the Palkia and Giratina. But are they allowed to be contributed here before their official release?

I think yes, why not?

The US Palkia and Giratina are already contributed before their release dates as well :)

  Cara Ansell said:
My bad on that one. ><

Oh and by the way, they have wrong dates which is August 30... You still think I should post them?

August 30 shows the story of your events, that you managed to make the guy change the date.

From my point, those exactly have the date they should. But I don't think everyone will agree with me.

Anyway, this isn't a problem. I am sure your contribution will be useful no matter the date.

I confirm European Distribution (Center of Europe) doesn't include Spanish language. It is quite a surprise to see it is included in Canadian distribution.


Eh, might as well contribute because I have pictures. For what it's worth, the hex matches the earlier contributions exactly (same date). No German one because the game just refused to pick up the signal. :/ Or maybe... the distribution cart doesn't have a German WC, due to the event in Germany... if that's the case, some people have... explaining to do.






ShinyDialgaEN_FR_E.zipFetching info...

  King Impoleon said:

I cant recive Dialga in the Spanish Game, i dont know why...:-/ im Sorry

  Hozu said:
No German one because the game just refused to pick up the signal. :/ Or maybe... the distribution cart doesn't have a German WC, due to the event in Germany... if that's the case, some people have... explaining to do.

That's pretty interesting. Where are you from guys?

In Belgium, Spanish didn't work and others were fine.

  Requiem said:
That's pretty interesting. Where are you from guys?

In Belgium, Spanish didn't work and others were fine.

I got mine from Canada. I may go back for Palkia with a different German ROM to see if there was an issue with that, rather than the distribution.


I'm on vacation, so I didn't have a chance to get these up right away.

Thanks again to all our contributors! This was a great turnout!

Here's the updated contribution chart:


We still need the Palkia and Giratina WCs (AND DISTRO TEXT PHOTOS, PLEASE) for French, German, Italian, and Spanish. If you are able to convince staff at the store to change the date on the distro system, great, but if not we can always wait until the official start date.

Also, it's been pointed out by BlackShark that the dragon trio will be distributed in Korea (it seems it's a reservation bonus).

The dragons will be distributed at the German Pokemon Day events, so we won't see Team Rocket Meowth there (still no info on Switzerland's event?).

Also, I've renamed the US Dragon Trio WC files with the language tag of "ENG-US" and given the new WCs the tag of "ENG" so please be aware of this when downloading the new cards (you may want to rename your original US files or redownload them).

Here are the newest additions to the Gallery:

Summer Shiny Dialga

Summer Shiny Palkia

Summer Shiny Giratina

Summer Shiny Dialga (German)

Summer Shiny Dialga (French)

Summer Shiny Dialga (Italian)

Summer Shiny Dialga (Spanish)

Here are the other recent additions:

  BlackShark said:
The shiny dragons will also be distributed on the Switzerland Pokemon Day. So sadly there'll be no Meowth for other languages.

I've still never heard confirmation on which languages were distributed at the Italian event. But it looks like there may not be a second chance for this one.

  Guested said:
I've still never heard confirmation on which languages were distributed at the Italian event. But it looks like there may not be a second chance for this one.

Huh? I might have missunderstand something...

But yes, I'm also sure Meowth won't be distributed anymore.

Hopefully any Italian who picked it up will contribute it!

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