Greencat Posted June 13, 2009 Author Posted June 13, 2009 Mhh, so I guess Water (in terms of weakness count) is better. Cyndaquil can still learn EQ, Solarbeam, but there are so many Water types.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 Eh, I'm looking for more of a challenge. I want the weakest so it can make me a better battler and add challenge to the game.
wraith89 Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 Chikorita's too hard but I'm picking her anyways. Hoping for it to learn Power Gem at level 15 or something.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 13, 2009 Posted June 13, 2009 Yes, that would make it easier. I personally choose Chikorita due to sentimental value.
Steve Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 I'd go with Totodile. I always pick the water pokemon as a starter for any gen... for no particular reason.
wraith89 Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 Steve said: I'd go with Totodile. I always pick the water pokemon as a starter for any gen... for no particular reason. I've always picked the water pokes... even if there were SO many water pokes out there. I sometimes pick Grass types though... so this time, it's the grass poke now
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 I'm always mixed. I choose water sometimes and grass sometimes and fire only one time. Chikorita is a definite for me in this game.
wraith89 Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 PaDdY! said: TYPHLOSION FTW!!! PaDdY! said: Maybe feraligatr Which is it? :creep:
DanteKoriyu Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 I catch everything in sight regardless of my starter, I'm still picking Cyndaquil, but I will capture at least 1 of every Pokemon in the Johto Dex, more if it has a gender or form difference, and even more if the Pokemon can evolve but its evolution isn't in the wild. I will also include any special Pokemon not in the regional Dex, like Lugia, Ho-Oh, Mew, Sudowoodo, or Deoxys in Emerald. Did I mention I ALWAYS capture everything in regular Pokeballs? Even my roaming Pokemon. So I have enough of a challenge.
Kaokori Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 I never was a big fan of Jotho starters so i don't have a favorite among them but since I'm always up for fire i will choose Cyndaquil :smile:
AlbinoDrow Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Its either Cyndaquil or Totodile for me. Totodile will have a much broader moveset and ice moves rather then Cyndaquil and a lot of fire. Sadly Typhlosion cant make use of physical fire moves which it learns all too quickly, while Totodile gets a nice moveset and the stats to use it. I tried with Chikorita back on my old Silver game. Nearly tried to leap in the game and kill it because it was utterly USELESS. Outside of its decent defences, its rough as a starter since early on its attack stats are pretty low in comparison to what you face, and if the first gym is still a flying type you'll have to catch something else to beat Falkner with and I'm sure there isnt going to be much outside of the usual Pidgeys and whatnot. If I want a decently easy time I'll go with Totodile, though since Cyndaquil was my original starter in silver I might keep with it. I'll just have to be very mindful of the rest of my team since Typhlosion is only really good for the fast sp attacks and ember will be its main fire move since Flamethrower doesnt come till waay later (unless they change the move lineup for HGSS) and it using Flame Wheel which is now physical would suck. That and swift. Though I see Typhlosion can learn Gyro ball, and with its speed stat I call that a laughable choice. Cyndaquil: + Learns Ember at level 10 Evolves early High Speed and Sp attack - Bad movesets Totodile: + Ice Fang at level 20 if not evolved Great attack and decent speed, even defences are nice Good movesets for lots of type coverage - Evolves late Chikorita: + Great defences Great defensive movesets Learns status inflicting moves and a healing move quickly - Type disadvantage at first gym with no good way to overcome without difficulty Low attack and not many attack moves As far as storyline battling goes, which is what a lot of GSC was about, good defence is nice but you will need a powerhouse attacker quickly before you fall prey to the gyms. Chikorita would be nice for a good challenge, but there better be something within the first few routes with good attack. Turtwig and Piplup were decently defensive, but they also had respectable attack and the moves to use it. Chikorita is just all out defence and early on it wont even be much. Totodile has good attack and type coverage, so it looks to be the best to pick if you want a rather easy time. Cyndaquil has great stats but is lacking moves to use it effectively, so it would be the one to choose for a middle difficulty. Totodile: Easy Cyndaquil: Normal Chikorita: Hard As far as difficulty. I might go with Chikorita in Heart Gold, and Cyndaquil in Soul Silver (I plan on getting both, perhaps buying Silver then downloading Gold. I also plan on having a flashcart by then too so I can play both on the go^^). Heck Chikorita might be saved by the pokewalker. If things get too hard for Chikorita to get exp or level effectivly, stick it in the Pokewalker and go on a walk, or just put it on your dog's collar and have it run rampant in the back yard. Either way the exp and level gain might be poor Chika's saving grace. At least if you can use the pokewalker early in the game you can level Chika and be able to catch other pokemon with ease with her so you can get a powerhouse up and ready by the first or second gym.
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Yup. Chikorita does make people want to kill themselves for her terrible weakness, which is why I think Gamefreak should give her a level 14/15 Ancientpower or something to help at least a bit (like how the gave Charmander Metal Claw in FR/LG). Three offensive moves (Tackle, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf) sure isn't enough. Totodile got a LOT better, so he's better off choosing for people now. Cyndaquil's okay though, and he evolves very early, but all he gets are a bunch of Fire attacks and some physical attacks which he really can't make much use of X_X
SilentFox Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 wraith89 said: I know she isn't as useful, but still... it's kinda mean to neglect her for that very reason. UU cleric sauropod FTW!I think I'll pick her for the sake of challenge. BTW people, Feraligatr is the best GSC starter now... Typhlosion has officially been dethroned! But even then, Gyarados is better than Feraligatr EDIT: @Phreen... how about Victreebel? Comrade, thyplosion is my choice because of the Boom Boom Firepowa! Eruption+Stab+Scarf=pwn i strongly disagree with the dethoned statement
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 SilentFox said: Comrade, thyplosion is my choice because of the Boom Boom Firepowa!Eruption+Stab+Scarf=pwn i strongly disagree with the dethoned statement LOL. I've made that point many times... but Gator is still the best one now. Eruption + STAB + Scarf is good but that's the only reason why you'd ever use Typhlosion. Other than that, he isn't too great Eruption doesn't seem to OHKO stuff that I wish it did X_X
pokemonfan Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 AlbinoDrow said: Its either Cyndaquil or Totodile for me. Totodile will have a much broader moveset and ice moves rather then Cyndaquil and a lot of fire. Sadly Typhlosion cant make use of physical fire moves which it learns all too quickly, while Totodile gets a nice moveset and the stats to use it.I tried with Chikorita back on my old Silver game. Nearly tried to leap in the game and kill it because it was utterly USELESS. Outside of its decent defences, its rough as a starter since early on its attack stats are pretty low in comparison to what you face, and if the first gym is still a flying type you'll have to catch something else to beat Falkner with and I'm sure there isnt going to be much outside of the usual Pidgeys and whatnot. If I want a decently easy time I'll go with Totodile, though since Cyndaquil was my original starter in silver I might keep with it. I'll just have to be very mindful of the rest of my team since Typhlosion is only really good for the fast sp attacks and ember will be its main fire move since Flamethrower doesnt come till waay later (unless they change the move lineup for HGSS) and it using Flame Wheel which is now physical would suck. That and swift. Though I see Typhlosion can learn Gyro ball, and with its speed stat I call that a laughable choice. Cyndaquil: + Learns Ember at level 10 Evolves early High Speed and Sp attack - Bad movesets Totodile: + Ice Fang at level 20 if not evolved Great attack and decent speed, even defences are nice Good movesets for lots of type coverage - Evolves late Chikorita: + Great defences Great defensive movesets Learns status inflicting moves and a healing move quickly - Type disadvantage at first gym with no good way to overcome without difficulty Low attack and not many attack moves As far as storyline battling goes, which is what a lot of GSC was about, good defence is nice but you will need a powerhouse attacker quickly before you fall prey to the gyms. Chikorita would be nice for a good challenge, but there better be something within the first few routes with good attack. Turtwig and Piplup were decently defensive, but they also had respectable attack and the moves to use it. Chikorita is just all out defence and early on it wont even be much. Totodile has good attack and type coverage, so it looks to be the best to pick if you want a rather easy time. Cyndaquil has great stats but is lacking moves to use it effectively, so it would be the one to choose for a middle difficulty. Totodile: Easy Cyndaquil: Normal Chikorita: Hard As far as difficulty. I might go with Chikorita in Heart Gold, and Cyndaquil in Soul Silver (I plan on getting both, perhaps buying Silver then downloading Gold. I also plan on having a flashcart by then too so I can play both on the go^^). Heck Chikorita might be saved by the pokewalker. If things get too hard for Chikorita to get exp or level effectivly, stick it in the Pokewalker and go on a walk, or just put it on your dog's collar and have it run rampant in the back yard. Either way the exp and level gain might be poor Chika's saving grace. At least if you can use the pokewalker early in the game you can level Chika and be able to catch other pokemon with ease with her so you can get a powerhouse up and ready by the first or second gym. Thank you! I usually pick by cuteness and how awesome the evos look (plus I'm bias towards water) but they were all cute and their evos all rock so I didn't know who to choose. But thanks to you I'm able to choose and its Totodile FTW so what its easy. That things cute, water, and powerful why not? Plus I'm going to get both so then I'll just either restart that to get all starters onto one game...or play through it from different perspectives..possibly both. I owe a big thanks to albino for posting this.
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 pokemonfan said: Thank you! I usually pick by cuteness and how awesome the evos look (plus I'm bias towards water) but they were all cute and their evos all rock so I didn't know who to choose. But thanks to you I'm able to choose and its Totodile FTW so what its easy. That things cute, water, and powerful why not? Plus I'm going to get both so then I'll just either restart that to get all starters onto one game...or play through it from different perspectives..possibly both. I owe a big thanks to albino for posting this. Er... what? Toto's cute, but Gator certainly isn't We already know Gator's the best one now... and he has a diverse movepool now, unlike in GSC.
SilentFox Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 wraith89 said: LOL. I've made that point many times... but Gator is still the best one now. Eruption + STAB + Scarf is good but that's the only reason why you'd ever use Typhlosion. Other than that, he isn't too great Eruption doesn't seem to OHKO stuff that I wish it did X_X Well you haven't seen mine which has hp ice (i have 2 thyplosion one with hp ice and 1 with hp grass great iv's and ev trained on my pkmn platinum ) takes out areodactdyl and salamence and if i get a crit a dragonite for roasting the hp grass one is a risk but usually i get swampert swamped 2 too
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 SilentFox said: Well you haven't seen mine which has hp ice (i have 2 thyplosion one with hp ice and 1 with hp grass great iv's and ev trained on my pkmn platinum ) takes out areodactdyl and salamence and if i get a crit a dragonite for roasting the hp grass one is a risk but usually i get swampert swamped 2 too LOL. The fact that it needs Hidden Power to work... It won't ever OHKO Swampert though unless you crit. Typhlosion has its uses... I'm not saying it's useless, but if a Pokemon needs Hidden Power to get coverage, you know something's wrong :-/ I hear you. But his main attraction is Scarf Eruption
pokemonfan Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 Wow when you put it like that I see but we all know that the cute croc is the least now I'm not baffled anymore apparently everyone but me was in the know.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 wraith89 said: Yup. Chikorita does make people want to kill themselves for her terrible weakness, which is why I think Gamefreak should give her a level 14/15 Ancientpower or something to help at least a bit (like how the gave Charmander Metal Claw in FR/LG).Three offensive moves (Tackle, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf) sure isn't enough. Totodile got a LOT better, so he's better off choosing for people now. Cyndaquil's okay though, and he evolves very early, but all he gets are a bunch of Fire attacks and some physical attacks which he really can't make much use of X_X Chikorita may be weak, but it is not all that bad. It has good healing moves, and it is pretty good against water types and ground types.
wraith89 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Chikorita may be weak, but it is not all that bad. It has good healing moves, and it is pretty good against water types and ground types. Try running the whole game while maintaining your sanity with just Chikorita.
AlbinoDrow Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 They all have their cute sides. I fell in love with Ferali after receiving a holo card with it half submerged in water. Reveal hidden contents Chika is now tempting for the challenge, and Cyndaquil again was my original Silver Starter (though I used the reset duplicating trick to get all three, and chose Toto last so my rival could get stuck with Chika ) and it kicked total butt. Sadly with the plysical special split in moves it might get very rough at times and Hidden Power may be its only hope, which is sad. I have an HP Ice Typh and he is all sorts of pwnage, but maybe I'll soft reset for an HP Dragon since it will be a powerful attack that is only resisted by steel types, which take an ember instead Chika on HG still sounds like I'll be trying to kill myself if I dont have some sort of sweeper. Hopefully the pokewalker will solve that so long as I can transfer a pokemon before the first gym. Walk Chika to level 20 or something for the defence boosts, maybe catch something useful in Pokewalker and transfer them back. I wonder if the wild pokes in pokewalker contain an electric poke like Pikachu to encounter and catch for the gym? Chikarita: May just be saved via Pokewalker Cyndaquil: Most likely to be saved by Hidden Power Totodile: Already enough type coverage, doesnt need to be saved
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 wraith89 said: Try running the whole game while maintaining your sanity with just Chikorita. I already have. Every gym leader took at least 5 tries to beat, but I managed to do it, and I ended the game with a level 100 Meganium. Those things are tough once you get the hang of them. Chikorita will make you resort to a lot of things to win. That's why Chikorita is a good choice.
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