wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 RedUx said: I think Rock Climb will apear as an HM. If you look in Mt Mortar in the map you see that is an entrance on top of another so it might sugest the use of rock climb. Yeah, now that you mention it... it's a big possibility. I'm hoping they redo the dungeons too because honestly, Johto caves were lame (except Whirl Islands and Mt. Mortar). Perhaps Whirlpool won't be an HM at all... whirlpool was NOT required to pass the game aside from that single Whirlpool in Dragon's Den... and even then, that Whirlpool was quite redundant :-/
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 AlbinoDrow said: I doubt they can make moves change like that, since then on WiFi the moves database would be awkward. I think they might keep the Sinnoh TMs and HMs, but maybe add more.Plus we can trade TMs to each other, so they would have to keep the same numbers and moves under those. I dont think they could add more TMs unless the other games are coded to accept them. HMs could change though since you cant trade them. Defog might get replaces since it was pretty worthless (unless there is a LOT of fog in Johto/Kanto in the game. Then it might be useful. Course a 100% accuracy move like Aura Sphere/Magical Leaf/Swift will be even more useful) Heatbutt could be a Tutor move. Someone in a town could just love heatbutting soooo much he wants to teach pokemon how to do it too. @Klaatu: I said the Sinnoh new evos were probably due to the different climate somewhere just yesterday As for them Johto might have areas like Mt Cornet that act like a Sinnoh climate and evolve pokes. Item evolutions might just be hard to find (wild hold item only perhaps) or you trade for them from DPPT. Leafeon and Glaceon might get a similar item in Johto in one of the new areas, but (I know anime =/= games) May was in Johto and wanted to evolve her Eevee into Glaceon so she went to Sinnoh. It might be a Sinnoh only thing for those two and more since a lot more pokemon now need certain areas to evolve (Mt Cornet, the rocks). I'm guessing you trade for them from DPPT, though who knows how this will effect the pokedex, or if those pokemon will just not be in the Johto regional dex. First thing, headbutt wasn't an HM, it was a move that worked like dig, a TM that did something. Second off, it seems possible. It will simply convert to HM once traded, vise-versa. It would be really easy to implement and I think that;s what is going to happen.
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: First thing, headbutt wasn't an HM, it was a move that worked like dig, a TM that did something. Second off, it seems possible. It will simply convert to HM once traded, vise-versa. It would be really easy to implement and I think that;s what is going to happen. . . . TM to HM conversions don't work that way. The only thing possible really are new items. Changing existing items will only screw the game up :-/
AlbinoDrow Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: First thing, headbutt wasn't an HM, it was a move that worked like dig, a TM that did something. Second off, it seems possible. It will simply convert to HM once traded, vise-versa. It would be really easy to implement and I think that;s what is going to happen. wraith89 said: . . .TM to HM conversions don't work that way. The only thing possible really are new items. Changing existing items will only screw the game up :-/ I never said it was an HM, and you cant just convert HMs to TMs over trade like that. You couldnt migrate HM moves, nor time capsule them, and so far the only HM that went TM is flash, which since was an HM from Hoenn couldnt be migrated anyways since the RSE said it was an HM move. If HMs converted to TMs by versions you could trade with, it would screw up the game or cause a really long line of code to convert them back and fourth all the time. GF can just not have that code and leave HMs as regional things you cant trade, and HM moves be untradeable, or they may keep Sinnoh's HM list (since HGSS is wifi too and can trade with DPPT) and have Headbutt as a tutor move, or be replaced by honey trees. I think Headbutt as a Tutor Move will work just as fine and be a whole lot simplet on GF's part. Just add a character to teach it to pokes in a town (most likely the one close to the forest. Azelea Town I beleive) for a heart scale/appricorn or w/e they want and vola!
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 AlbinoDrow said: I never said it was an HM, and you cant just convert HMs to TMs over trade like that. You couldnt migrate HM moves, nor time capsule them, and so far the only HM that went TM is flash, which since was an HM from Hoenn couldnt be migrated anyways since the RSE said it was an HM move.If HMs converted to TMs by versions you could trade with, it would screw up the game or cause a really long line of code to convert them back and fourth all the time. GF can just not have that code and leave HMs as regional things you cant trade, and HM moves be untradeable, or they may keep Sinnoh's HM list (since HGSS is wifi too and can trade with DPPT) and have Headbutt as a tutor move, or be replaced by honey trees. I think Headbutt as a Tutor Move will work just as fine and be a whole lot simplet on GF's part. Just add a character to teach it to pokes in a town (most likely the one close to the forest. Azelea Town I beleive) for a heart scale/appricorn or w/e they want and vola! It'll most likely be replaced with a move tutor or whatnot. The elemental punches were a HUGE factor in Gen II... I wonder if they'll be available somehow early in the game... Speaking of honey trees... that's how Gen II's headbutt trees were originally planned to be. But they scrapped that idea and used Headbutt instead... hmm...
AlbinoDrow Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 wraith89 said: It'll most likely be replaced with a move tutor or whatnot. The elemental punches were a HUGE factor in Gen II... I wonder if they'll be available somehow early in the game...Speaking of honey trees... that's how Gen II's headbutt trees were originally planned to be. But they scrapped that idea and used Headbutt instead... hmm... Considering the headbutt trees are quite numerous and honey trees few (because they are BIG) they might keep headbutt. Maybe add honey trees, but then we'd need combee (or some guy who imports the stuff) in the regional dex since they are the pokes that make it. More dex info could solve it. No combees mean its either a guy who imports honey from Sinnoh, more pokes can make honey (though only Combee has that ability to collect it), its a pickup item, or headbutt is kept as the old gen had it. I hope they keep headbutt. It would be fun to smash trees and possibly get sleeping pokes to fall at night.
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 AlbinoDrow said: Considering the headbutt trees are quite numerous and honey trees few (because they are BIG) they might keep headbutt. Maybe add honey trees, but then we'd need combee (or some guy who imports the stuff) in the regional dex since they are the pokes that make it.More dex info could solve it. No combees mean its either a guy who imports honey from Sinnoh, more pokes can make honey (though only Combee has that ability to collect it), its a pickup item, or headbutt is kept as the old gen had it. I hope they keep headbutt. It would be fun to smash trees and possibly get sleeping pokes to fall at night. I agree. I hate waiting 6 hours just to find a... Silcoon/Cascoon >.> Sleeping Spearows/Ekans were a nuisance, but finding the occasional Heracross was fun.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 wraith89 said: . . .TM to HM conversions don't work that way. The only thing possible really are new items. Changing existing items will only screw the game up :-/ I'm not talking about items here. I am talking about the moveset. If a Pokemon has Whirlpool, which is a TM in DPPPT, then it will not be an HM in the other game. Simple as that. Incompatible items being held by a Pokemon will probably go back to your inventory if you're trading, like how the griseous orb is restricted.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 Hm, I don't know where I got that from. But anyways, if that is the case, then you will just have to remove the TM or HM before a trade and or battle. It's really not a hard concept.
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Hm, I don't know where I got that from. But anyways, if that is the case, then you will just have to remove the TM or HM before a trade and or battle. It's really not a hard concept. Nah. It should be like RSE --> FR/LG concept and vice versa. You can trade TMs whenever you would like. Honestly, I want more than one TM30s X_X
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 I wonder how competitive battling would work though. One game would have different moves that are incompatible with the old, UNLESS.... THE TIME CAPSULE!!! Maybe the trades and such too Sinnoh can't be done until you unlock the time capsule!! Maybe, since this game is extremely different, they will make it so the two can connect through a capsule that restricts newer moves and newer forms just like the original games did! They can still battle, but by the rules of DPPT! Sounds possible, doesn't it?
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: I wonder how competitive battling would work though. One game would have different moves that are incompatible with the old, UNLESS.... THE TIME CAPSULE!!! Maybe the trades and such too Sinnoh can't be done until you unlock the time capsule!! Maybe, since this game is extremely different, they will make it so the two can connect through a capsule that restricts newer moves and newer forms just like the original games did! They can still battle, but by the rules of DPPT! Sounds possible, doesn't it? Nah. They won't add new moves either I believe. It could be 100% compatible with DPP just as FR/LG was to RSE.
5ku112 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 I still dont get why they removed Kris she should at least have a supporting character role or have a cameo.
wraith89 Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 5ku112 said: I still dont get why they removed Kris she should at least have a supporting character role or have a cameo. Me neither. The new one looks way too similar to Mario o_O But hey, what can you expect those :bidoof: from Gamefreak to do? There's always some kind of flaw in their games
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Well, we wouldn't have the game s in the first place if it wasn't for them. I do believe ris will be a character in the game, but I see nothing wrong with Soul. She looks like a good replacement and is fine. Although, it may just be me since I only play as the boy. But still, it really shouldn't matter. And how can you discredit the time capsule idea wraith? I can think of other ways to do it, but the time capsule just fits, you know?
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Well, we wouldn't have the game s in the first place if it wasn't for them. I do believe ris will be a character in the game, but I see nothing wrong with Soul. She looks like a good replacement and is fine. Although, it may just be me since I only play as the boy. But still, it really shouldn't matter. And how can you discredit the time capsule idea wraith? I can think of other ways to do it, but the time capsule just fits, you know? DPP and GSC take place at the same time... >.>
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Well, it does take place in the same generation, but it is basically an older game, so it could work. It is unlikely, but I think it sounds pretty cool. Maybe they just won't allow a Pokemon with different moves to be traded.
5ku112 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 wraith89 said: The new one looks way too similar to Mario o_O hmm.....:tongue:
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Well, it does take place in the same generation, but it is basically an older game, so it could work. It is unlikely, but I think it sounds pretty cool. Maybe they just won't allow a Pokemon with different moves to be traded. No, just no. I find it pointless. Time capsule was invented to bring back Pokemon from 3 years before. If it were for FR/LG, maybe, but that's why there's Pal Park. Otherwise, Time Capsule is VERY illogical. I believe it'll be in the same manner as FR/LG compatibility with RSE.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 But this game is intended (not meant) to be for DSi. So this game is to endorse the sales of the DSi, so by adding pal-park, they would be ruining the DSi sales. So I believe it will just be a normal trade thing with restrictions.
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: But this game is intended (not meant) to be for DSi. So this game is to endorse the sales of the DSi, so by adding pal-park, they would be ruining the DSi sales. So I believe it will just be a normal trade thing with restrictions. How do you know that? What if it isn't? Did you even read the rules Floot? Don't say what you don't know. You can THINK that, nothing is wrong with that, but don't say things affirmatively when you don't know for sure.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 I've heard (not sure) that there are apps with DSi compatibility. If it has DSi compatibility it is intended for DSi, and adding pal-park would be confusing.
randomspot555 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: I've heard (not sure) that there are apps with DSi compatibility. If it has DSi compatibility it is intended for DSi, and adding pal-park would be confusing. So...you don't know anything? So far, nothing about it either being DSi exclusive or DSi only features has been said. This is speculation thread, not baseless rumors.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 No I don't. But it does seem like this is going to be for it. I'm just saying, I think it will have no way of obtaining gen III Pokemon without getting them from DPPT. Then again, that new building in Goldenrod does seem like a pal-park to me.
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