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Hey everyone, I have a problem with the rom, my game keeps freezing for no apparent reason. I'm around route 10 after beatin cheren. I would really appreciate if someone could help, thanks

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Please tell us which version you are using when reporting problems, also how you are running the game (R4, supercard, ect.. or what emulator). It allows us to help you faster :D


I have noticed a problem. While fighting in a battle, my opponent used Attract, and when it was my turn to attack, it always said "(Pokemon) Became attracted to (Pokemon)". It should be (Pokemon) Is in love with (Pokemon)". This is after the initial attract, when I'm about to attack.

  kdb424 said:
Please tell us which version you are using when reporting problems, also how you are running the game (R4, supercard, ect.. or what emulator). It allows us to help you faster :D

I was using Pokemon Black New Logo the unofficial version 5 on desemue, i also have a few action replay codes running if that affects anything


ok I dunno if this has already been braught up already but I noticed that when you talk to Chenen's Parents they say to keep an eye on that girl and when Bel challenges you to a fight on route 2 it says in teh initial speach box that the person calling you is a boy so yeah, I think theres been a bit of a mixup during tranlation there


Hopefully v5 patch fix the "Attack or Moves" Option in Battle. Desperate to play it but it sucks because whenever i go into a battle,i cant use any options because the "attack"option isnt there and it bugged the game =/


When the 4th gym used volt change on the text it said something like "switched with ???????????????????????????" but didn't pause game just text error

  naturiaforce said:
Can someone explain how to patch a v4 with v5 when its out? like how would you do it so that you still have your save file. With acekard 2i

You actually patch a clean game with v5 when it comes out. Then you just make sure your save file has the same name as your newly patched game.


'Pokemon White.nds' and 'Pokemon White.sav' will work

So you don't need to patch v5 over v4. Plus if you were to do that, the game wouldn't work.


Read the the thread.

It was said the Official v5 Patch may launch as early as today. Don't moan & groan, if they don't come through. This is a community effort, and they do have the right to go trick or treating tonight. They aren't paid to do this, mmmkay?

  T-Zone said:
Read the the thread.

It was said the Official v5 Patch may launch as early as today. Don't moan & groan, if they don't come through. This is a community effort, and they do have the right to go trick or treating tonight. They aren't paid to do this, mmmkay?

I hope that wasn't directed at me.

I really don't mind at all if they take there time, Hell I'm thankful they do, I just hate seeing people talk about how the patch is coming out whenever, It's out when its ready.

  Elratauru said:
I already showed this on IRC, but I'd like to request a change in the current logo to something more professional and official looking like:


New logos by me on the left and middle, current one in the right.

I know its a minor detail, but Its nice to look at the title screen sometimes :3

They look great, much better than the ones currently used.

Though the one on the right seems to be thicker than the one on the left looks more sleek and high quality. If they are included in the new patch which is going to be used? Cause I personally think the one on the left looks better.

  brandonspikes said:
I hope that wasn't directed at me.

I really don't mind at all if they take there time, Hell I'm thankful they do, I just hate seeing people talk about how the patch is coming out whenever, It's out when its ready.

Hence the guy saying "may." Do you fail to understand what the word means? It was speculated a few times throughout the very thread you're posting in that a preliminary date for release 8/version 5 was October 31st. Maybe instead of hounding someone that simply restates what has already been said, you could invest more than 3 seconds of your time to finding your own source of information. It's as simple as a forum search.

Happy Halloween to everyone at ProjectPokemon!


Yeah V5 will hopefully be released by tonight. We're having an issue with PPTXT at the moment not liking something on certain text files so trying to figure that out right now and fix it. Worst case scenario would be release being delayed till tomorrow but hopefully it won't get to that.

  brandonspikes said:
I hope that wasn't directed at me.

I really don't mind at all if they take there time, Hell I'm thankful they do, I just hate seeing people talk about how the patch is coming out whenever, It's out when its ready.

A person on the project (NSSVelocity) has said they slated the v5 release for Halloween, October 31st. It was a tentative release date given by a few working on it and that's why I said it COULD be out, not that it WILL be out. If you had read the thread, you might understand. Instead, you jumped to a conclusion.

SOURCE, Page 32

  NSSVelocity said:
You should jump on IRC with us and have a chat sometime.

Also, 6 days people.

In case you dont check the date of the original post, that was 6 days ago.

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