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About Sirius

  • Birthday 02/11/1998
  1. [animsprite]52[/animsprite] Meowth that's right! @ Bowser EX: How in the world did you get 483 after 49?
  2. ∫88x when x = 1
  3. 41, a Prime Number [animsprite]41[/animsprite] Oh look it's a Zubat!
  4. We can win this. 43 [animsprite]43[/animsprite]
  5. Lucky 7
  6. Sirius

    Staff v Members 2

    Number Two.
  7. Aw darn it wraith stop copying my desktop D:
  8. Actually wraith, that Pikachu is useful in Yellow if you trade it to Gold/Silver/Crystal because it is automatically holding Light Ball then. I only managed to catch up to 118 I believe because some stuff like Dragonite and Rapidash and stuff were pretty difficult to get.
  9. You can use [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse] to get in the sprites. This is [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... [sprite]001[/sprite] Likewise, shiny Pokemon uses [noparse][sprite]Pokedex Number Here[/sprite][/noparse]... like this (if I put in 001): [shinysprite]001[/shinysprite] My Team in Platinum [sprite]277[/sprite] Pepper the Swellow (F) @ Flame Orb Guts Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - Roost - Facade - U-Turn [sprite]197[/sprite] Dark the Umbreon (M) @ Leftovers Synchronize Bold Nature - Payback - Curse - Rest - Sleep Talk [sprite]059[/sprite] Rage the Arcanine (M) @ Flame Plate Flash Fire Naive Nature - Flamethrower - Extremespeed - Flare Blitz - Crunch [sprite]469[/sprite] Murderbug the Yanmega (M) @ Wide Lens Speed Boost Mild Nature - Bug Buzz - Air Slash - Hypnosis - Ancientpower [sprite]445[/sprite] Blueshark the Garchomp (F) @ Choice Band Sand Veil Jolly Nature - Crunch - Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Stone Edge [sprite]395[/sprite] Bonaparte the Empoleon (M) @ Mystic Water Torrent Modest Nature - Surf - Grass Knot - Agility - Ice Beam Source: 1. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showpost.php?p=10780&postcount=21
  10. This only seems to work for Diamond and Pearl, not Platinum; the Events Flags option is disabled.
  11. Wow I didn't think Arcanine could wall a Gyarados. That's pretty cool
  12. I read about that here: Smogon's Topic Serebii's Topic
  13. That set looks nice but wouldn't Flare Blitz defeat the whole purpose of using Focus Sash because Flare Blitz gives recoil damage? I think Expert Belt or perhaps Petaya Berry or Salac Berry might work better there.
  14. Sirius


    I do play the Megaman series but I did not name myself after the character from there and even then I have never played Starforce. I named myself after the brightest star in the sky.
  15. Even with 252 HP, 252 Def Bold nature, Blissey still takes a gazillion damage from something like Metagross's Meteor Mash. Blissey is not meant to be a physical wall, but in a pinch, it can take physical hits. I think Lugia is the best wall because it can wall from both sides. For OU maybe it is Cresselia, but everyone uses Scizor and Tyranitar way too much nowadays her typing is a letdown. Plus Moonlight does not even work in the sand so well.
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