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Everything posted by foohyfooh

  1. I noticed that when transferring some Legendary Pokémon from BDSP to SV that they have an issue with the Met Location. It is showing as the blank when transferred from HOME but those mons with that are being flagged as Illegal in PKHeX 0488 - Cresselia - B53B4B7BBF57.pk90485 - Heatran - 2F02D5CF537E.pk9 but if I change the Met Location to the ones they had in BDSP then PKHeX shows them as Legal. 0488 - Cresselia - B6CC4B7BBF57.pk90485 - Heatran - 3009D5CF537E.pk9 Note that I have only transferred as few Pokémon from BDSP so I don't know if others have this issue too.
  2. Given that PKHeX didn't fill in 4 zeros when you made the SV collection but does now, do you plan to fix the SV collection so that it displays in order correctly on GitHub?
  3. It would make sense to update your post with a picture of the error message that PKHeX is giving because it could be either file format the emulator is producing is unsupported or there could be extra emulator specific save data in the file affecting the expected size.
  4. Original Pokémon in Scarlet that will be transferred to PLA to be evolved When transferring back from PLA to SV the original and override tera type are being set. This is the correct behaviour for Pokémon that originate from outside of SV is to set both the original and override tera type (seen this in my other Pokémon when where the transfer was done in Home) but this is not correct for those that originate in SV. This is how the correct original and override tera type being set if it was done in Home where the override isn't changed if it was blank before and the correct original is there. I doubt the PLA to SV conversion in PKHeX can have the correct override tera type if one existed before being sent to an older game so I am not sure what is the solution for that part, but for the original tera type it needs to be fixed to be the one it was before.
  5. Could you upload the script you did to get the recent results?
  6. Screenshot from game Light and Dark Images Light and Dark Masks I haven't gotten it working in the plugin but using GIMP and applying dark mask as a layer mask (darker equals more transparency), I got the resulting image where you can see the blue dot from the machine is showing up which is evident in the game screenshot of what the profile picture should be. But I still haven't figure out how the light mask is used. Joined Image
  7. Ported this to PKHeX Plugin. Download here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4961-pkhex-plugin-pile/ Source here: https://github.com/foohyfooh/PKHeXPluginPile
  8. In the Male Fashion Block From https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4041-swsh-fashion-block/,the first byte set to 0x01 while the Female Fashion Block doesn't. From doing some editing my plugin it appears that the valid flags start at offset 0x300 in the block and when setting it in a new save I don't notice any items being unlocked with it. Does anyone know what this byte is for?
  9. You can get one from https://github.com/ReignOfComputer/RoCs-PC
  10. The only research I have kinda done into the SV fashion blocks is on the bag block and I assume all the rest follow the same format which is 8 bytes for an item and it doesn't appear for any set item. So when you purchase an item it just modifies the next unused space. For the 8 bytes, the first two bytes seem to be an items id (from the few examples I have looked at; though all ended in 0B so take this with a grain of salt) and 5th byte is 0x01 if it is new and 0x00 after being viewed. So for the canvas bag mystery gift, if the mystery gift data manager doesn't work for you, you can export the block, change the item bytes in an open slot from 0xFFFF to 0xE70B (this should be the correct id) using a tool like HxD and importing it back into your game to try to get the item.
  11. I am trying to add a Fashion Editor to my set of PKHeX Plugins . I have BDSP and PLA working, but I am looking for a list fashion items along with the their corresponding position in the list for male and female rather than having to figure it myself by going through bit and checking back the game to find out the item. Does anyone have this readily available?
  12. I put my PKHeX Plugin Pile in Downloads>Misc>Tools but noticed I should have put it in Downloads>Tools>Save Editing where the other plugins are listed. Is there a way to move it?
  13. Your best bet would probably be to look at Auto-Legality Mod https://github.com/architdate/PKHeX-Plugins since it has the ability to legalize a mon for you.
  14. There is a plugin which has a UI for this rather than having to edit blocks directly: https://github.com/darkfiggy/dmaxplugin
  15. Version 1.8.2


    Collection of various PKHeX plugins I have made Plugin Purpose Thanks Sorting Plugin Sorting by different regional Pokédexes Raid Importer Importing Raid and Outbreak Files From Event Gallery in Sword and Shield or Scarlet and Violet SVivillonPlugin Edit Vivillon Spawns in Scarlet and Violet Fashion Editor Pokémon Sword / Shield, Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl and Legends Arceus Fashion Editing theSLAYER for original idea SV Profile Picture Viewer View and Save Profile Picture and Icon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Pako96 for the original code TM Tool Miscellaneous TM edits Roamer Tool Edit the roaming Legendary Birds in Pokémon X and Y and gen 4 roamers. Teams Viewer View battle and rental teams in Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet Special Pokémon Finder Check for Three-Segment Dunsparce, Family of Three Tandemaus or Wurmple Evolution suloku for the original idea Unmaintained Plugin Purpose Original Author Sword/Shield Event Editor Editing Max Lair, Gift Pokémon and CT Legendaries Darkfiggy (GitHub) Sword/Shield Raid Tool Display And Search Dynamax Dens Leanny AutoMod QR Plugins Scan (Defunct) PGL Rental Team QR Codes To Import Them architdate and Kaphotics (GitHub kwsch) BW Tool Various Editors For Gen 5 games suloku (GitHub) Source Code: https://github.com/foohyfooh/PKHeXPluginPile Thanks wubinwww, BlackShark, ppllouf, easyworld, Pako96, ZiYuKing, StevensND for language support If you can contribute multilingual support, please make a PR
  16. Are you running the stable build or the development build? I can reproduce the error on the development build by removing PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.dll from the folder it causes the above error since the required dlls aren't bundled into the executable. If you are using the development build then try downloading it again and running it with the files that come with it.
  17. Thanks to the required blocks being labelled in the most recent PKHeX commit, I made a plugin to change the overworld Vivillon spawns. It can be found at https://github.com/foohyfooh/SVivillonPlugin and you can go to the releases page for the compiled dll.
  18. If you haven't actually played the game then you can use these blank saves which have the missions you are missing
  19. Simple answer would be to assume no. To my understanding, the raid files contain the data for both games and the game loads which raids are for it. The more complicated answer is maybe (with some major effort). But to get it to load the other game's raids would probably involve some level of modification to the raid files themselves before importing them into the game which could just lead to problems if you don't know what your doing.
  20. I had tried backing up the save, changing the value and restoring it on both console and emulator with no success.
  21. I was trying to use this info to make a plugin but, on a save that hasn't connect to GO, editing that block alone doesn't appear to be changing the spawn in the game for me.
  22. Does anyone know which blocks need to be modified to change what region of Vivillon is spawn in Scarlet and Violet?
  23. If you use a converter to change the SRM to SAV does PKHeX load the save?
  24. I made a plugin to import raid blocks for SwSh and SV rather than having to use Block Data Editor. It is at https://github.com/foohyfooh/PkmRaidImportPlugin and you can go to the releases page for the compiled dll.
  25. You are just going to have to wait since it is definitely the update which broke compatibility. The backup was most likely just not replaced yet by the game so that is why it still works and will likely stop working if it got replaced by when the game determines it should be.
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