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Everything posted by wraith89

  1. I'll be done with finals after next week Wednesday. There's still plenty of mons usable in XY even if your choice megas are not, unfortunately. Also SM does allow Mega Metagross and Glalie, whenever you may want to get that. They're not the best of games either, however.
  2. That Twitter is weird. It's showing Korean events and written in Japanese. The image below does say next Tuesday, so I can confirm. Also one of the comment is like "huh they caused trouble at the broadcasting station and the fact they won't even apologise for it is absurd". Typical Korea ha ha
  3. I have some conflicting information. This blog says that Iceshrew code was given at 5 o'clock yesterday and not the anime today. Nobody on Naver seems to have Iceshrew's code unfortunately. I can keep digging later. http://blog.naver.com/jangshk2/220994463754
  4. I'll get back to you at some point. It's going to be a busy next three weeks.
  5. No, Zygarde with Thousand Arrows/Waves is not legal in any way in XYORAS as far as I remember. It's legal in SM. Just play without your handicaps and play like a normal person. I don't know if that Floette was even released, so I cannot speak of its legality.
  6. I think we ought to keep things as legal as possible, because not everyone would accept that. If you want me to be a punching bag though go on ahead. They're legal in Sun Moon though (at least Zygarde is). So you do not care whether we use super legendaries or not I presume. In general battles we don't use those. I guess that means I'll have to start using something of that sort as well to even the level out.
  7. Sorry for potato quality pictures EDIT: Okay I don't understand why BBTags act so weird in this new forums. I type BBTags manually so someone tell me why it's laddered like this.
  8. Articuno is my favourite Pokemon. Hmmm. Is it the type that Absolute Zeroes? Those are fun. I do agree with the western conception that depending on luck kind of trivialises the game, and I feel like things like Double Team are a waste of moveslot when you cannot fit any. But in any other cases, some of that luck is fun and makes things unpredictable. I had strange luck in the past as well which made me win games I shouldn't have won, and lose games I should have won. Maybe I should get ORAS at some point because I don't know any equivalent Megas one can use to replace any of those two. I'm also eager to use Mega Pidgeot. But for now, if you wanted to battle or something, I can only use XY stuff
  9. I don't play Smogon rules nowadays unless someone tells me they want that. In Asia it's basically free for all, except super legendaries. I've got people angry at me for using Minimise Mud Bomb Chansey... so for your sake I won't do something stupid like that. I'd rather not get ORAS though. It's a waste of a game in my opinion, even though a lot of Megas I like would come from ORAS. I got disillusioned by their treatment of the single player campaigns recently to be quite honest. But somehow I have Moon version, which is even worse. Which Megas are these, may I ask?
  10. I could, maybe. I haven't touched this game in ages, and I have X and Y version. Unfortunately, I am unable to use the exclusive Megas that ORAS has. Most likely I'm available after I am finished with finals, and that is probably in the middle of May. Have you tried that cancerous thing you call Pokemon Showdown for practice runs?
  11. It's actually some stupid politics by some crazy feminists that ruined gaming for South Koreans, especially with Global Link policies requiring SSID and other stupid things. I don't know if this love for Infrared technology is a byproduct of this, but it certainly prevented South Korean 3DS from moving along and progressing like the rest of the world's versions and stuck with our special snowflake version that is deprived of themes and other nifty features. That's also why we couldn't exploit or inject when it was popular. Needless to say, I know many Koreans who just use a Japanese 3DS instead, probably because of said problems. I'm considering that as well.
  12. Oh? It looks like another non infrared Korean event I can actually get. I'm assuming you already have information on these things, though only Grimer has been the one given here. It's Level 10, has either ability Poison Touch or Gluttony, and has Bite, Harden, Poison Gas and Pound. I'm not sure what's so special about these, but like that Vulpix I guess they're just showing off Alolan form of Pokemon or something. I read those Kakao comments and there are people saying "wow these new Pokemon are getting weirder". I wonder where I can see Sandshrew and Diglett, but I assume they'll be mostly the same too, and no different from wild versions.
  13. I could take better pictures if you want, or at least try to.
  14. Wow. Sorry for my inactivity. It was rather difficult getting past this Google Authenticator thing, because no matter how many times I tried, the code it gave me never worked. Somehow I got in this time. Who knows if that will happen again. Anyways, this Vulpix doesn't look to be anything special. The only particulars are: OT is SunMoon, ID is 170404, and its in a Precious Ball. It comes at level 10, has no special moves (Ice Shard/Baby Doll Eyes/Roar/Tail Whip), has Snow Cloak (not Snow Warning), and I was able to soft reset it every time for different natures and even gender. IV seems completely randomised too. So unless you really like collecting events, it is just as good as a normal Vulpix you can find in the fields in Sun version. I guess it's also good for people with Moon version like me who cannot find it in the wild.
  15. Interesting. Amongst some of my friends Incineroar was the most popular starter. Online consensus generally seem to favour Decidueye. So I take it Incineroar is very good in-game as well?
  16. I guess a couple of you are actually finished with the game, while others are still exploring through other parts of the game like I am. For those who are not finished this can be where we just talk about where we are up to and your reactions/comments/etc. Please do keep plot-related things in spoilers because some people are sensitive to plot-related things being spoiled early. I am currently at the point after capturing Lunala, but I have not really progressed yet from that point. I have been rotating Pokemon a lot and a lot in this game without a set team, though I think this may change once I have to consolidate a proper team during the Elite 4. Primarina is my only permanent member because I do not box the starter, and she ended up too high leveled compared to everyone else. It is my emergency panic button in case things do go wrong. I think I have around 50 Pokemon in training, and they range from mid 20s to 50s. Primarina is level 61 or something. I guess so far, the game is interesting, though I have some complaints about it, but I can write that later when I am finished with the game. I think the level jump took my by surprise, especially nearing the 3rd island to 4th island transition. While my Pokemon were still at high 30s (I switch Pokemon out whenever they get too high leveled so I can train new ones), I found myself competing against level 45s and wildmons even being at the same level. I guess I am to blame for that playstyle, but that drastic level curve was rather unexpected. The beginning of 1st to 2nd island was rather slow too because there was a paucity of trainers and each of them had only one Pokemon. The major boss battles, I think, had EVs allocated in perfect places, and I do not know if they have perfect IVs. Your Pokemon are handicapped with useless EVs everywhere due to the nature of in-game progression, so that alone was a bit of a challenge too. I was wondering why a Sableye of all things had the power to 2HKO most of my Pokemon then. So far it is a mix. I kind of enjoy it, but at the same time, some parts feel unnecessarily difficult at times. That and AI does like to cheat with confusion never working when I use Confuse Ray but I never seem to fail to have Magneton generate fists out of nowhere and hit itself in confusion 7 times in a row. My biggest complaint so far is how railroaded the game is, and how the gatekeepers are always telling me "oh you cannot come here! You must do X first!". This is how I missed the desert area initially before backtracking. I also thought it was immensely awkward that I have 2 seconds of walking before entering into 10 minutes of cutscenes every time I progress through the story. Soft resetting for a proper starter was a nightmare. Generally, I felt the story's main character was Lillie, and my character, the sociopath with no emotions other than having a fixed smile no matter how dire the situation is, was just the battle bot. Anyways, how did you guys find the game so far? And is it fun?
  17. Yeah the owl is a cool mon and was going to be my first pick, but I am traditionally Water person and Primarina was just too pretty to not take. I might probably start with the owl if I get Sun version. I personally thought it was very strange to turn into a Ghost type after evolution. They have been liberally giving Ghost typing to everything, that it just became a joke amongst my friends that anything "sneaky" is now Ghost. But I do not object: it is one of the cooler ones I guess so I want to try it out at some point. But looking through the game I cannot imagine it to be easy playing it. It does have some sort of advantage typing wise however early on from what I have been seeing.
  18. So I finally picked up the game after some badgering from a couple of PP friends. I'm sure some of these starters originally did not get popular reception, but which one did you pick and did you enjoy playing with it? I'm personally not done with the game yet as I am still at the beginning of 4th Island, but I picked Popplio, and I guess I can say it has not disappointed me yet. It was not too great early on, but from my experience it became obscenely strong after progressing through the game, particularly against that disgustingly overpowered Mimikyu Totem. My only problem is it is taking a little too much damage from even resisted hits if it is physical. Thankfully its defensive typing is strong, otherwise it would not be taking hits well.
  19. Note: All trade requests/battle/etc should be done via Private Messaging! This is an attempt to get some activity going on in this side of the board. Please reply only once in this thread stating your in-game name and Friend Code and possibly the game version you play if you wish to be added here. I will try to fill out this original topic with a friend codes list so we can all have fun with each other, possibly trade rare mons and whatever. Please note to use the private messaging feature if you want to start something with another user. I will start. Name: Wraith FC: 4613-7526-1652 Game: Moon
  20. I'm not sure if you need the flavour texts, but I will post them anyways: Top Text Translation: Bottom Text Translation: I have yet to obtain the actual Pokemon because I have a few other Pokemon to receive from the delivery girl before getting this one ㅠㅠ
  21. Yes, well, Choice items are your choice. It is also a bit high in terms of skill play, but choice + U-turn is a popular strategy meant to annoy and bait and switch. Problem is using the wrong move with a choice item does mess up the momentum. So if you master it and prediction, it will be useful. Otherwise it does come at a high price. I do like Scarf at times because it makes a Pokemon unexpectedly faster than what is normally expected, but it also gives away the surprise after it is used. You can practice it though and it can become your best friend. Omastar is good, but it really does require team support. Namely, a Pokemon that can help it set up rain because it does best in rain. It is hard to run one without rain. Just stick to a simple strategy and with Pokemon you like at the moment. Yes, if you know how Pickup works, as you walk around or defeat wild Pokemon (I think), the Pokemon in your party with Pickup ability (things like Meowth/Zigzagoon/Aipom), assuming it had no items, will pick up a random item. Lower level ones will pick up things like Super Potion or some Berries, but as you level the Pokemon up, they get better items. I think you need them to be level 100 to have a chance at picking up a TM26. Then you can get multiple Earthquake TMs so it will not be a waste. Cool, I have a friend from Belgium. He is near Brussels.
  22. I realised you had a Primeape posted earlier. It is an okay set, but if you like, you can put a Choice Scarf to be faster or a Choice Band to hit harder, as that Primeape you have seems to be a hit and run Pokemon anyways. Just something to consider, unless being stuck with one attack is not your style. I guess Earthquake is to hit Nidoking/queen harder, but I think Stone Edge may give you a better coverage overall vs Fliers, although you have Ice Punch. In that case you can use Fire Punch. I usually do not run Ground with Fighting moves much because sometimes they are redundant with coverage. Just go with what you think is best. I believe you can get additional TM26 (Earthquake) from having Level 100 Pickup mons pick them up, if I remember correctly. If you have the patience to train multiple Linoones or Meowths or something to Level 100, you can get more of those I believe. For 3v3 Battles, if you are running Leaf Storm, consider placing a White Herb to recover from the SpA drop or put a Choice Scarf so you can unexpectedly outspeed something and surprise Leaf Storm them. You will also need the Choice Scarf to 1v1 Heracross, who will otherwise pose problems to some parts of your team. Where are you from by the way? You seem to be someplace from Europe by the way you type.
  23. You are forgetting one of Machamp's ability "No Guard", which makes every moves, including the opponent's moves, 100% accurate while it is in play. This makes Machamp quite dangerous. This also means non-missing Stone Edge, even if your birds are Flying. In HGSS the Machop line is the only Pokemon with the ability No Guard. If you want a fast Exeggutor you can try Sunny Day for a more offensive variant. Giga Drain is a little too weak in this game though, but it will OHKO any Rock/Grounds or things that are 4x weak to Grass. You could try Solarbeam with Sunny Day but that requires the sun, or Energy Ball for a decently powered Grass move. Sleep Powder is a very good move on Exeggutor, even if it is 70% accurate (or was it 75%?), it's a lot better than Hypnosis. It could be helpful, but unfortunate misses really mess up everything. But that's what the game is: mostly risks. Sleep Powder is quite worth it though in my opinion. Of course, if you are fighting a Machamp with No Guard, it will become 100% accurate, like I pointed out earlier.
  24. I see. You are trying to pair Togekiss with Spinda so Fighting moves would be directed to something that 4x resists it. Spinda is very gimmicky and difficult to use, but kudos for attempting to use it. I wish it learned Superpower, but that was event only. Contrary may not be the best choice to use overall because I don't see a lot of Pokemon in a fast paced doubles game boosting often. But it will destroy attempts from the likes of Grow Punch Mega Mom or Salamence from boosting themselves. They will probably switch out though, and you will probably switch out Spinda too after that, making it difficult because you will be down one Pokemon vs their full team. That is how I see it anyways. Some of your Pokemon seem to be completely missing an attack as well, such as Togekiss. At least pack a STAB move, such as Air Slash or Magical Shine on it instead of the chancey Double Team, which may not work reliably in doubles. If Gardevoir causes you trouble, consider getting a faster Pokemon or a Steel Pokemon to deal with its Hyper Voices. A Talonflame, as overused as it is, can be helpful in picking things out and freeing up another moveslot for Togekiss by giving it priority Tailwind. I like the idea, but I don't think the usage of this is justified well enough for a sustainable doubles team. If they had better synergy with each other, I think you can do better. It is hard for me to say because I do not know what kind of Pokemon you like or what your playing style is, but some big Pokemon can cause your team trouble from what I see. I am unsure of what they are trying to accomplish ultimately.
  25. Warning: Ditto's Quick Powder only works during its untransformed state. You'll transform, but it will take the hit directly after. You will basically be fighting with an itemless Pokemon at that point. Just be cautious with it. You will copy every stat except HP, so it is in your best interest to maximise its HP. I don't discourage winning with your favourites: in fact I do that a lot, even if they are competitively subpar. I just know objectively it is very difficult to attempt it with Ditto. Perhaps a more general staple item like Leftovers/Lum Berry/Focus Sash would work on Ditto, I think. Quick Powder/Metal Powder has some problems ultimately I think, though it does do its job. I believe your Exeggutor would deal well with Machamp, but confusion from Dynamicpunch is annoying. Slowbro with Own Tempo is the best response to it I think and can also deal with many other Pokemon such as Rock/Ground mons (beware of Rhyperior's Megahorn) and unsuspecting Steels with Fire Blast (beware of Scizor's Bug attacks). Speaking of Scizor, that thing can give you loads of trouble, especially since this is the game where Bullet Punch Technician Scizor was incredibly popular. You can pack a surprise Overheat on your Primeape for fun (or Fire Punch is also fine). I'm unsure how your friends play but a quick glance shows me how dangerous a well played and very popular Scizor can be to your team. Articuno is quite difficult to use and I only use it in specific situations, despite it being my favourite Pokemon. Consider using Substitute + Roost to take advantage of Pressure and fire off Sheer Colds for fun. Sometimes even without Mind Reader it hits things. Though usually it is unnecessary and Ice Beam will finish off most Ice weak mons just fine, or slowly poison them with Toxic. It is sad but I think even Moltres does that job better because its typing is better defensively. But since Sheer Cold is what it has, you can try that. Most Pokemon with Sturdy (immune to Sheer Cold) already seem to be weak to Ice Beam anyways, so you can just use both in the same set. If only this was the newer games where Articuno also learns Freeze Dry, bulky waters would be no problem. I'm one of those old guard too, but competitively it has become a bit more convoluted in the newer games. I played Gen IV extensively so I remember how most of the mechanics went.
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