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Everything posted by ICanSnake

  1. No, I didn't say get rid of. I said add it to your current moveset. Each Pokemon egg has default moves that it learns upon being hatched, and any egg moves are added to those default moves. Quick Attack and Endure are default moves, and Cross Chop is an egg move. This is what you should be seeing.
  2. Endure isn't in your current moveset. Remember you can't yet use the Move Deleter on an unhatched egg. Be sure to fix your Encryption Constant too, and remove the checkmarks on the relearnable TRs.
  3. ICanSnake

    Movie Shaymin

    Germany and Italy distributed the Shaymin in FRE language, so GER and ITA can't exist for it. The wondercard is extracted from the correct distribution but the language was a mistake by the people who made it.
  4. Interesting. This answers a different question I had about a Dusclops that my friend caught. He also caught it in West Lake Axewell, but Dusclops can be found in nearby Watchtower Ruins with a few weather patterns. I did a little more digging on Diggersby and that might not be the case. Apparently Diggersby can be found in West Lake Axewell, it's just not shown on Serebii's overview, only in the details: PKHeX isn't picking this up, I guess. I believe this encounter needs to be added.
  5. 660 - Diggersby - B644939D606B.pk8Hey. I'm not sure if this requires its own topic or if I can post it here. But a week ago I was finally able to dump my save file using the non-homebrew method. I've been looking through my Pokemon, and the latest version of PKHeX fixed a few issues some of mine had with traded egg memories. But some of my self-caught Pokemon still have issues, and it makes them seem illegal. On SwSh release, I went to the wild area and I caught a Diggersby in the wild area. It's level 15, the dynamax level tells me it didn't come from a raid, so it must've been a strong spawn or a wild encounter spawn. It's self caught and I never touched it, so I know it's perfectly legit. The problem that PKHeX sees is that its met location is "at West Lake Axewell (in a wild area)." It's marked as invalid because according to encounter tables, that's not where you're supposed to find a Diggersby. You can find a Diggersby in East Lake Axewell, but not West Lake Axewell. But I caught it there, so it can't be invalid. What happened? File is attached. Edit: Added a Dusclops I mentioned in a separate post. 660 - Diggersby - B644939D606B.pk8 356 - Dusclops - 77E06160378D.pk8
  6. When I open up PKHeX and set it to a blank gen 3 Sapphire save file, I tried to import some pk3's I have just to view some info. When you drag it to the left side where the Pokemon information is, the pk3 drops successfully. But when I try to set it to a spot in the box, or if I drag it directly to the box, this error message pops up: Dragging into boxes works fine when you load an existing save file though:
  7. Yo SS, is that really you from back in the day? I remember you when we event traded nearly 10 years ago (wow!) back on Neoseeker and such. My username was Pokemaster if you remember me
  8. What generation is the save you're editing from? Keep in mind that for met locations on gen 3 and 4 Pokemon in a save file that's gen 5 or higher, Poke Transfer would be the option you'll put.
  9. As long as you have a Japan region 3DS, whether it's stock or you changed your emuNAND region to display Japan, you will be able to redeem the Necrozma code. It won't work on NA/PAL/TW/KOR region 3DS.
  10. Shift + Click on the IV box for the stats you don't want Hyper Trained.
  11. PKHeX isn't configured to mark all gen 3 events as legal. Because of the obedience flag (fateful encounter flag in gen 3) and the fateful encounter location in gen 3, a few Mews/Celebis/Jirachis will say Unable to match from origin game. Don't worry about this error.
  12. Yes. It's not shiny locked, so a legal one shouldn't have any problems going through Bank. Just keep in mind that a Shiny Manaphy has very specific requirements it needs to meet in order to be shiny. When you transfer the egg from Ranger to a gen 4 game, the game that received the egg will never be able to hatch it shiny. It's shiny locked only for the OT. The only way you're able to hatch it shiny is to trade the egg to a second game in the same generation, and hatch it in the second game. It's not a guaranteed shiny hatch either, because the egg's PID needs to match with the save file's TID and SID combination in order to hatch it shiny. I don't recommend doing this through Soft Resetting, most people just RNG this part.
  13. Liberty Pass was a wifi distribution, so there is no distro cartridge.
  14. Error was already identified in this topic. It has been fixed, so you can either wait for the next official update or you can download the latest commit from the PKHeX Github repository.
  15. Can confirm this happens only with the latest version. My Shiny Meadow Form and Garden Form Vivillon are all flagged with "Invalid: Internal Error". I tried looking through the source code to see why it would happen and I believe it's a byproduct of trying to combine 3DS Geolocation with Form; Italy and England are not recognized locations.
  16. The message you are talking about is for the green box you have in your OT field. Click on the space that says "Latest (not OT) Handler" to turn the middle box green. Your Darkrai is still illegal, so I would advise you fix the other errors too.
  17. I assume your original OT was a full 7 characters long, and you are changing it to "Nate" which is 4 characters long right? The trash bytes are generated for the original OT, but when editing them they only get overwritten depending on how long your edited OT will be. The 5th character was edited to be a null terminator, expecting nothing after it. It is reading your 6th and 7th character which were unchanged from your original OT, so you will need to change those values to x0000.
  18. There are many Hadou Regis available, but all of them are either available in gen 4 or higher. The problem is that there's almost no more Hadou Regis that haven't been transferred from gen 3, and aren't recreations.
  19. I do not, only the ones available here in the gallery. I got the Sylveon in the top screenshot in a trade, and the one in the bottom screenshot has characteristics of it being Powersaved. The one in the top screenshot matches the other Sylveons I have too: 01044 ENG XY Sylveon [Naive] Jan 19, 2014 (Quick tempered).pk6 01044 JP XY Sylveon [Bashful] Jan 18, 2014 (Somewhat stubborn).pk6 01044 JP XY Sylveon [Serious] April 13, 2013 (Highly persistent).pk6
  20. Hi. For a while know, I've had these 01044 XY Sylveons that keep getting flagged in PKHeX. I had no idea why because I'm sure they're legit, but today I found the reason why. Apparently PKHeX is indexing the met location 1 off from the correct location. The correct location, as seen in the wondercard uploaded here and the info on Bulbapedia, should be "a Pokemon event." But PKHeX is indexing it to "a Pokemon movie". Legit Sylveon: Hacked Sylveon:
  21. There should be a Chained Shiny option in RNG Reporter, but honestly I've never touched that option so I'm not sure what PIDs it generates. It should give you what you want though.
  22. 1. Yes, the correlation loosens from gen 4 to gen 5 but there is still a small relationship between PID and IVs. Each PID is correlated to an RNG frame, the problem lies within how gen 5 RNG works. Gen 5 RNG is based on your physical system, so theoretically there is no way to reverse search a PID and find a matching RNG frame. The relationship between PID and IVs only determines the charateristic; Technically, any combination of IVs are valid as long as the characteristic is the same. Just make sure you don't get confused and say "all PID and IV combinations are valid". IIRC Encryption Constant has the same effect in gen 6 and 7. but I'm not completely sure. Kind of answered the other two questions with that lol. Yes, characteristic (as determined by IVs) is tied to PID in gen 5, and Encryption Constant in gen 6/7. In gen 5 you wouldn't be able to reverse search a PID, but you can find a valid PID and apply different valid IV spreads on them, as long as the characteristic is the same.
  23. Lake of Rage Gyarados uses a Chain Shiny PID Algorithm, instead of the Method 1 PID you're currently using. Try finding a PID using Chain Shiny
  24. Are you placing it in a gen 7 save file through PKHeX? Please don't. Since the Mew is a .pk1, it can only be traded through gen 1 and gen 2 games, no Virtual Console releases either. Gen 3 was designed differently and didn't have backwards trading compatibility, so there's physically no way to get a gen 1 Pokemon into a gen 7 game. Placing it in gen 7 will make it illegal.
  25. Korean Zeraora isn't officially announced yet, but it supposedly comes with the Korean Lugia code later this month. The only Chinese Zeraoras are the CHS and CHT language tagged events of the Japanese, NA/PAL, and the recently announced HKTW/SEA distribution.
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