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About Wylfred

  • Birthday 06/05/1985

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  1. Any news on bluesun releasing a new dw hack tool?
  2. HUH? ROM is Read Only Memory, once written it can't be modified, at least not by the DS itself. Some people pick around ROMs to edit them, thats what happens on this translation. Any way, ZoroarkX, what you just said its wrong, the key system is saved in the save file like every other variable is in the game.
  3. Flashcart + savegame manager (google it like that) + PokéStock (on a thread around this forums, translated) + this files (the image files of the C-Gear Skins). Cheers.
  4. Sorry guys, about the Mexican Celebi: It's exactly the same as Mall Tour and "new" GameStop one. Exactly the same. ID 02211 (femenine) and OT WIN2011. What a bummer, I was expecting them to change the ID and OT at least. Source: Pokemex.com's Chat.
  5. Is anyone from Mexico D.F.? I've heard that the Celebi that will be distributed at GamePlanet will be a wireless event, making it possible for someone to snatch in a flashcart and download the Wonder Card. Or get it with D/P and use your flashcart to extract it. The GamePlanet Celebi (Mexico) is currently being distributed at the participant stores. If you are nearby Mexico DF, Monterrey or Puebla make sure to get one of this, they are going to be almost as rare as the VGC Crobat. Cheers!
  6. Sorry but, are the Gen V events going to be like GBA ones? SID: 00000???
  7. Since I can't write much about it (Im at a Starbucks atm), I will leave you guys the source: http://www.pokemongoldsilver.com/us/#/news/trio/ It seems it will be one beast per week, meaning that everyone gets to collect them all. Cheers!
  8. Not a reupload, learn to read. It's the same event in a different location.
  9. I got 3 from serebii chat, they were clones yes, but from a hacked Crobat. They are no use. We better wait for the PCD/PGT dump.
  10. I am getting 3 WORLD10 Crobat, probably from a PokemonSecure Member, I ask for permission to post them in order to analyze. Will post them in a link, and in an edition to this post. Cheers guys! Edit: Nevermind, they are hacks, opened them on Pokésav and they don't have a SID or region set. All IVs are 31 and Hex Bytes weren't edited either.
  11. That would be a bit too late for an advice, since the distribution was only one hour long... Chances on getting the WORLD10 Crobat's Wonder Card USA and Foreign look slim
  12. OK Codr, I have the translated Strings here, they are on an excel worksheet, inside a rar file. If you have any question about any term, don't hesitate to ask. Cheers!
  13. Sorry for taking so much to answer, I turned notifications from PP Forums off a time ago, so now they are all on and I've sent you a friend request to keep in touch in order to finish this. I will start working on the strings and get them back to you ASAP. PokeGen runs beautifully now, my laptop sometimes goes nuts. Cheers!
  14. I've never used the Master Ball, and never will. The main fun of the game (at least for me) its calculating the odds of a particular pokémon being caught in the least possible ball and meeting the challenge. Cheers!
  15. I can't even run this program. It crashes saying something Data Execution Prevention (DEP). Anyone else has had this issue? Yes I am running Vista with the latest updates. I can and wish to offer my help to translate this program to spanish. Cheers!
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