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Posts posted by soneek

  1. I just want to say everyone is doing an awesome job

    But wouldn't it be better to get a completely translated battle and other stuff like that before the story cause the only confusing part in the story is after you beat the seventh gym and even that is easy to figure out if you just fly everywhere

    The battles will probably be last, since we already have a script for the main story. The main focus is getting the script inserted, and then finishing up everything else.

  2. Hey Soneek..Can you please tell me whats your storyline progress now?........and when are you gonna release your patches??.......

    You probably won't see any of my work until V5 is released:tongue:

    And vgboy's script from Hiun City to Hodomoe City is inserted, along with most of the Dragon Spiral Tower. Rykin122 has gotten Fukiyose City done, and we're moving forward from there.

  3. People, I'm currently working on Fukiyose City, so if anyone feels like doing that, I'm doing it :P

    EDIT: Done :P


    EDIT2: Also did the Gym.


    Niceeeeee. I'll finish up the Hodomoe City stuff and then the Thunderstone Cave in a few hours.

  4. hell, i like your style Kny, i say keep on sniffing out the issues with the patches and find the japanese and incorrect stuff :)

    that way we would have a local area to work with, well at least i will


    also off-topic here:

    i don't know who used Google translate but they threw me out of whack and let me tell you, it was a major monkey wrench in my plans >__>

    Smh. What files were google translated?

  5. well this is quite good,i geuss the old thread was deleted?as well at the end of the post story pokemon leuge whith the champoin its all in jap on my black,is this going to be fixed for the next version?

    Yes. The majority of the Elite Four/Champion dialogue text is translated, along with the in-battle text. You'll see a changelog for the next version so you'll see what's been done.

  6. Thanks, there are also others working on the story line project as well. Lately, I've been on and off the computer doing bits and pieces to the stuff listed on the first post. And Soneek, the first time I looked at the script I noticed that 100% of the story lines where there, but none of the hints and random stuff is. The hardest part, at least for me was to translate the story major events accurate enough to say "It's good." I found myself for hours redoing it just to make it sound better, but either making it worse or in some cases better lol. Right now I'm forced to use my moms computer because I do believe in the past I started my computer was acting up, it turns out why my stuff was becoming currupt was due to RAM failure. Made me sniffle a little bit because it was practically brand new 8 gigs of ram....:/ So for as of now, until I get my approach back into the seen lets root for Soneek and the others =) although, I'm the little hidden ghost watching and waiting to strike a bit chunk of the game once more!

    Yeah it has the main story lines, but not any of the random trainers or people that are out of the way.

    Are you talking about this script?


    I haven't read all of it but if this is used (which I know ruinairas was talking about it) more than just "some stuff" can be translated.

    Yeah that's the one.

  7. I posted this in ruin's thread, but I'll post it here so everyone is clear on something.

    Alright guys in the next patch, you'll see that some stuff in places is in English, while others are still in Japanese. That script that had all those translations doesn't have everything translated. We're most likely gonna put that script in first, and then translate whatever needs to be translated. Most random NPCs or trainers inside gyms are examples of things that won't be done until later.

  8. Alright guys in the next patch, you'll see that some stuff in places is in English, while others are still in Japanese. That script that had all those translations doesn't have everything translated. We're most likely gonna put that script in first, and then translate whatever needs to be translated. Most random NPCs or trainers inside gyms are examples of things that won't be done until later.

  9. Hi, I'm the guy who made the full story translation. (By the way, I just made a version with Romanji names and linked it at the top of the original, if anyone wanted that.)

    I've been working on my own English patch (including NPCs and such) based on version 3 of the menu patch. I've done almost everything (except some trainers on Route 3) up to the N fight before gym 2, although there are things like accessing PCs, using Cut, etc. which I haven't been able to find. If you guys are interested in using my translation, what do you think would be the best way to cooperate on this?

    We've gotten most of the stuff that you're doing now already done. And your translation is really useful, so we're gonna insert them in the right places. I've done some already.


    You'll definitely be getting credit in the game somewhere. We'll probably have your translation for the main story inserted within a few days, and then we need to work on NPC's. I've gotten almost all of the important non-story characters done, like the Daycare, Move Deleter, Name Rater, Trade Gift guy, Move Relearner, Berry Clown, we've gotten most of that stuff done, but not too much of the actual story.

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