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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. Speaking with MrCheeze the creator of this virus and unfortunately I'll not work on the adaptation of his virus for non-US rom so I count on you to do it PPorg members ! I know it'll not be easy but let's do it to make this urban legend true for everyone. I'll work on the French versions and I asked yet help to french developpers I know.
  2. Hope there will be a patch for non-US/ENG games !
  3. Sorry I was speaking about BART Mew (unused trade). It's OT is Trainer and ID I don't remember.
  4. Personnaly not, I'm pretty sure that most of the game code was decrypted but I ignore if the game was dissassembled. Ask to @Dio_Vento or @Holla! for your project maybe they can help you?
  5. Now the Mew Virus is complete, we also have a method to get 100% Pelago pokemon. Just still need help for 10ANNIV Distrib rom but also open for new projects.
  6. Amazing! To answer you there is an unused trade Mew for Mew in the game (I obtained this mew earlier in this forum). What if you change the data of the Mew received to give him the OT/ID of Gamefreak's event ?
  7. Hi, I'm searching a way to receive the 10ANNIV events in another cartridges than US/ENG, there's a language check in the ROM that I don't find, thinking about the Colosseum region check for E-reader or most probable the PalPark language check, I also tried to dissassemble the ROM but I still not find it for the moment. Any idea?
  8. I thought the level of wild Pokemon depended on events such as Firium Z obtained ... but not I got a lv17 Drifblim just after Kiawe so it'll be harder to get the one I want (totally RNG dependent).
  9. I'll continue my quest for lv11 Kadabra, but it'll be easier now thanks to @Holla! So as promised the bonus: Red/Blue/Morimoto/Kukui and the trainer shiny Pokemon. Ask me if you want other Trainer Pokemon in particular (except Battle Tree and for the moment Title Defense). StongTrainers.rar
  10. Got a lv13 Kadabra thanks to that method, come on such a false hope.
  11. Great. How do I modify it to make appear 3 Kadabra ? Like that at least one should stay. Edit: My bad, it doesn't work like that. I still have to wait a wild Kadabra but I can 100% get it when it'll appear. Why didn't I dump my sav when it was there?
  12. That cool be a good idea if people are not interested by underleved and just want for collection. Change your OT for PPOrg just. Still have the bonus of my Totem Quest for you if you help me to get this *** Kadabra! (and I'm pretty sure you'll like it)
  13. Did you know that you can fight a trainer based on Ash Ketchum in Emerald? Thanks to @BlackShark I dumped its Pokemon and lol Charizard is a female ^^ 006 - リザ-ドン - 25400000000F.pk3 025 - ピカチュウ - 2F0400000080.pk3 158 - ワニノコ - 31FE00000035.pk3 253 - ジュプトル - 5A2700000023.pk3 324 - コ-タス - 39A000000091.pk3 341 - ヘイガニ - 093E0000008C.pk3
  14. Arg. Do you have the file please? I have Dotcode print. Just need the file and I'll do it legally Edit: All I found is that
  15. A way to get it or emulate it. I know you got it in Corocoro 11/2004 and his team (here) but the e-card was never scanned.
  16. Still busy with this unfamous underleved SM Kadabra but I have ideas for new projects. 1) Modify the 10ANNIVdistrib rom to get the Pokemon in other languages. Dissassemble the ROM, find the language check, change it, reassemble. Here Any volunteer?
  17. Looking for the E-reader promo card 19-P002 I found this japanese information website Hope it can help you. If you have informations about the 19-P002 I take.
  18. Thanks, so for now I'll try to get it legally and wait if I'm still unlucky that this tool to be made.
  19. They are available in Pelago but are same exclusive than versions according to Serebii and Bulbapedia. Yesterday there was a Kadabra in my Pelago but it fled I'm so sad, I tried all tricks I found but none worked. @theSLAYER Do you know if there's a tool that can load/dump Pokemon from the Pelago? Like in "DreamForest" in BW ?
  20. Apparently there is a glitch changing your 3ds time to 31/01/2017 23:59 when it becomes 01/02/2017 all your activities are done. But it doesn't work for me, don't know why. Edit: It's because I'm using a Gateway. Any app to change the time? Youtube
  21. Hi, do we know how wild Pokemon are generated in the Pelago? I'm searching a fast way to get the underleved Kadabra but I'm also curious to know how to generate or even encounter the others ^^ Thanks in advance.
  22. Hope they will have their Hidden Abilities ^^
  23. Finally. Help me to get the Kadabra lv11 and I'll give you the bonus. I spent 6 hours to get this Parasect after all 047 - Parasect - E62926A3C7E2.pk7
  24. I have a set of each Pokemon (obtained by trades in GTS) but I keep it for me for the moment. Edit: Finally got this Parasect! Oh god now let's find this Kadabra.
  25. Distribution Title Easter Eggs Promo Games SM Type Local Wireless? Dates 18/3 – 9/4 Nickname Eggs of Drampa, Turtonator, Passimiam, Goomy, Oranguru and Mareanie Gender Random Level Eggs so 1 when hatched Source: Serebii/Twitter
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