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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. I have found a weird mention of "Vaporeon" in the 10ANNIV RAM. Plus, I'm very curious about that
  2. Another pic of Alolan Grimer event. Source: twitter @iceposs2000
  3. Thanks, the problem for the moment that I don't know how to dump the opponent pokemon. I have received a sgm with Carrie's P2 I'm a bit frustrated but I'll find. Edit: I got them, pretty useless but I love Porygon2 (Now I want the shadow one ^^ ) 166 - LEDIAN - 9B06.pk2 233 - PORYGON2 - E5C8.pk2 157 - TYPHLOSION - 026A.pk2 099 - KINGLER - C590.pk2 101 - ELECTRODE - 3BDB.pk2 212 - SCIZOR - 24AE.pk2
  4. Another theory is that when you received an e-mail it launches an event so if we look for unused events maybe we could find something interesting. Because it don't think that unused text is still related to unused events. It's a really exciting challenge, mostly one of the hardest we ever begin.
  5. Discovered tonight that there is a link between Altering Cave and Funfiesta special mission. According to this video GF previewed to invite players to "Wonder Spot" where they can download a Gen2 pokemon for Altering Cave. This was finally done during the unfamous Special Funfiesta Mission where players can download temporary special pokemon for their hidden grotto. Amazing Edit: I have a challenge for you @suloku Can you try to get for me Carrie's Pokemon (especially the Porygon2) ? Because you must have Stadium 2 and the Mystery Gift to unlock it I can't do it.
  6. @coltonsmogon As said a lot of time Trainer's Pokemon are useless because of their IV-set EV 0 most of the time. Actually tools exist to dump them if you want for your collection but what I'm looking for is more interesting challenges such as the 13 Extra Shadow or the Shroomish of ORAS demo or even one day the missing demos.
  7. @theSLAYER Apparently yes it doesn't even exist in the game code
  8. It's the Batlle CD's Mew and the Bingo's Bonsly ^^
  9. It's because the "Shadow Grass King" is written in Japanese and the data are just in the Japanese version I think. Source: here
  10. Ok today I begin a new quest, I'm not sure if we'll finish it. According to TCRF there are 13 extra Shadow Pokemon mentionned in the unused Pokemon colosseum text ( Kecleon, Minun, Spoink, Baltoy, Castform, Psyduck, Teddiursa, Wobbuffet, Wailmer, Porygon2, Xatu, Whiscash, and Magcargo). The question is: are they still in the final games? If have a theory: there are also cut trainers in the games. Maybe they are related to them? Hope that this quest will interest you. I'm not a specialist of this games so I won't be very usefull this time.
  11. @theSLAYER Note that 7 isn't Various Trainer's Pokemon but Various Wild Pokemon. That's why we search for the Shroomish. @coltonsmogonThe Glalie and the Steelix first obtained are different from the one you send in ORAS. And yes if you have the Japanese Version and NTR or the Special Missions and NTR please contact us.
  12. I tidy a bit my thread. Here the .rar with all our discoveries. Tell me if I forgot something in the comments. I really want to begin the Colosseum quest now.
  13. Lol creative people are messy. But I will. Soon. Note: Battle Frontier project is tidy yet.
  14. It's the unfamous shiny Exeggcute's Trainer in Seafolk Village!
  15. Will try to look. But as said Trainer's Pokemon are not interessting. IV-set ... Maybe we can open a new thread for the 13 Colosseum Pokemon? Edit: Here for you @HaxAras TestPapi3.pkm TestPapi4.pkm TestPapi6.pkm TestPapi5.pkm TestPapi8.pkm TestPapi7.pkm Edit2: And I got other uncatchable from RSE too (Wally's Ralts, Father's Zigza, Wild Zigza and Wild Poochyena from the beggining) TestZigza2.pkm TestZigza.pkm TestTarsal.pkm TestMedhyena.pkm
  16. First there are 3 exclusive E-reader Shadow Pokemon (Mareep, Togepi and Scizor). Then for the 13 other mentionned well I don't know if they exist in the final game. I mean leftover texts mentionned them. Maybe if someone can "revive" cut trainers but I don't have the skill to do it. I hope someone here has it. It could be an awesome quest. I'd love to get shadow Porygon2 ^^
  17. That's right (but they are changing that in SM for example with the Munchlax). By memories I think they mean "memories of the time and place you get it". But you understood the main "problem": OUR datas, their profits.
  18. In fact it's a question of point of view of what Gamefreak is. If you think that as capitalist you see: making 2 games with exclusive pokemon is a genious thing to do, put a shiny-lock to some pokemon in order to sold other games or events later is a genious thing to do ... it gives us more money; If you think as Masuda-san or other employees: we want people to interact with others, to encourage them to go outside, to make memories with events; I personnaly think that the politics of Gamefreak is between the 2. But the real question now is what about us? Can players reappropriate the games? ProjectPokemon say yes, they can. We are not just video game consumers. We have the power to make things less unfair, we have to preserve our datas from the effects of time for example. ProjectPokemon is a citizen project, an activist project and that's why I love it.
  19. I'm actually watching a french interview of Masuda explaining why some Pokemon are shiny-lock and what event Pokemon mean. According to him some Pokemon, mostly legendaries are shiny-lock for balancing, they don't want to create an over rarest class than legendaries. Whereas event pokemon mean for them a memory. That's why they can shiny, that's why there is so much serial codes to restrict the distribution.
  20. Trainer Pokemon. Mt Battle Battle Mode simple trainer 77 from Pokemon Colosseum. About hidden Pokemon or hidden trainers in the game: I've heard that there was at least 13 other shadow pokemon plannified according to the text leftovers ( Kecleon, Minun, Spoink, Baltoy, Castform, Psyduck, Teddiursa, Wobbuffet, Wailmer, Porygon2, Xatu, Whiscash, and Magcargo ). Maybe someone should look on the cut trainers ^^ Source: here
  21. I got the Jirachi from Trainer Zala (Bonnie in french) based on the film Jirachi and the wishmaker (I also got the Flygon, Kirlia ... but they are not really interesting). JirachiColo.pkm
  22. Lol the Bonsly can be traded to main games. Unfortunately the game crashes when you try to see its screen. I"ll try to see if you can use it in battle or Palpark it. Edit: Can be use in battle but the game will crash after Exp win. Cannot be palparked. Edit 2: It's a question mark. Cannot be trade back if you store it (data corruption)
  23. I didn't find anything about another Bonsly battle. The one you use in the Bingo is apparently the one you rescued. @HaxAras They are Ally's Pokemon from Stat Trainer (ex: Riley's Lucario). As said Trainer's Pokemon are useless because of their IV-set. I'm thinking of a new quest if you're in: get the Rider Zalla's Jirachi in Colosseum which is based on the movie Jirachi and the wishmaker.
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